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dempson 12-15-2009 11:04 PM

System Preferences crash
I managed to get System Preferences in Mac OS X 10.6.2 to crash thanks to Marine Aquarium 3.0.1.

The sequence was as follows, but I haven't managed to repeat it yet.

1. Launched System Preferences.

2. Went to Desktop and Screen Saver, with Marine Aquarium already selected.

3. Before the preview of the aquarium was displayed, I clicked the Options button.


Here is a brief extract from the crash log. I can supply the full log if it is useful.

Thread 0 Crashed: Dispatch queue:
0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x00007fff808665fa strstr + 51
1 ...MarineAquarium3.screensaver 0x0000000112a8fa82 C3DEnvironment::C3DEnvironment(CTextureMapList*, C3DMasterObjectList*) + 370
2 ...MarineAquarium3.screensaver 0x0000000112a9bf6c CBaseAquarium::CBaseAquarium(registrationT, void const*, float, bool) + 108
3 ...MarineAquarium3.screensaver 0x0000000112ac22b6 CMarineAquarium::CMarineAquarium(registrationT, void const*, float, bool) + 38
4 ...MarineAquarium3.screensaver 0x0000000112a9f9ba -[MA3_SaverView createAquarium] + 186
5 ...MarineAquarium3.screensaver 0x0000000112a9eee8 -[MA3_SaverView animateOneFrame] + 200
6 0x00007fff850f4a95 -[ScreenSaverView _oneStep:] + 65

Michael Babin 12-16-2009 10:06 AM

Thanks for the report. If you can send along the crash report, that would be useful as well (I'll send you my e-mail address via private message). If you are able to repeat it and/or narrow down the steps to a more reproducible case, please let me know.

Is this a registered version (with the keycode entered), or are you still in unregistered mode (where you have to enter TESTFISH each time)?

Michael Babin 12-16-2009 10:18 AM

Well, trying to send a private message didn't work. Added you to my list of friends on the site, so you should be able to send me e-mail via a link on my profile page. If not, let me know and we'll arrange another method.

dempson 12-16-2009 07:49 PM

Thanks for the reply, Michael.

I've accepted you as a friend but can't get to your profile (I get a message about no permission) or see an obvious way to send e-mail or a personal message. I've added my MobileMe address as my AIM contact - you can e-mail me at that address or iChat me if we happen to be online at the same time.

To answer your question, I had already entered my new Marine Aquarium 3 registration code before this crash. I don't recall offhand whether I entered the registration code via the application or on a previous visit into System Preferences, but I had been into System Preferences at least once previously in order to select Marine Aquarium as my active screen saver.

JimO'Connor 12-17-2009 01:43 PM

Mike has had a family emergency and will be back in a few days to finish up on this.

JimO'Connor 12-17-2009 01:45 PM

You can also use the feedback page on the Order N Dev web site and paste the crash log in there (I think).

dempson 12-19-2009 07:20 PM

Hi Jim

The feedback form doesn't work - it truncates to 8KB. I've requested an e-mail contact via that method. Hopefully we'll get there eventually!

JimO'Connor 12-21-2009 04:05 PM

Yes, I have the form truncate to keep the spam bots from overflowing my mailbox. I did get the panic log, though.


AKcrab 12-21-2009 11:28 PM

When I try to recreate this.. If the preview isn't yet generated, the click on "options" just isn't recognized at all. Can't get it to crash.. I'll keep trying.

JimO'Connor 12-22-2009 07:57 PM

We can't reproduce the crash, but we did find a possible bug which would be highly timing dependent if it ever showed up, which somewhat matches the profile we have here.

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