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Old 10-22-2002, 01:58 PM   #8
The | Tycoon
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Re: oh boy...

Originally posted by just some guy

Where are our new creature packages, Jim?

It seems You and prolific are more concerned about making your 3rd and 4th million rather than concentrating on the people who made you your first.


I posted a reply in a thread in the other forum about this already. I don't know if you read it or not but have you noticed that no one is posting here anymore? In almost a year there has been no excitement, no sence of "Christmas morning" if you will. People are sick and tired of waiting for unfulfilled promises. I suggested to Feldon that he simply shut down if there is no need to HAVE a forum anymore - people can go to prolific for tech support... He agreed with my sentiments or found it hard to disagree, rather.

If you promise something, deliver. NO ONE, to my memory has started a thread about wanting a DVD - if they did, I missed it.
THERE ARE HOWEVER, a buttload of comments about how we've been told there would be new creature packages, a freshwater tank, etc. and nothing, nothing, nothing is what we get.

I am so disillusioned with the way you've put your faithful supporters on the back burner. It's gonna bite you in the backside, Jim. Maybe not tomorrow, but eventually. Maybe you just don't give a sheet anymore since you are comfortable with your earnings to date, I dunno. If so, good for you, roll around in the money you've got from us - but remember, SOME of us may not chose to support you anymore when it comes to buying the freshwater tank or DVD or go see your PIXAR production - whatever. After all, it's only a bunch of zeros and ones when you get down to it. Your ones and zeros are in the bank, though. You win.

How sad.
The | Tycoon Ô¿Ô
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