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Old 10-31-2014, 10:29 PM   #86
Jim Sachs
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I'm re-posting for a new member, rhaythorne. I don't think the rest of you can see 'moderated' posts.

I did post a possible solution to this a couple of weeks ago but it never appeared on the forum. It was my first post and was sat "pending approval". Maybe it's still sitting there. So, let's try again:

"For anyone happy to tinker with their Registry settings you might like to try the following to prove/disprove a theory.

I suspect that the problem is likely related to MA3.1 perhaps not working well with Windows' Registry virtualization technology which I shan't bore you with but which you can read more about here:

Using Sysinternals ProcMon utlitiy you can see that entering your Registration Code in MA3.1 creates a number of "RegCode" Registry entries, some within the "VirtualStore" and some within the HKCU (Current User) sections of the Registry.

For reasons I haven't been able to identify, sometimes the VirtualStore entries are re-written with zeros (effectively blanking out the MA3.1 Reg Code) and, as the VirtualStore takes precedence over the "Current User" sections of the Registry, this means that the next time MA3.1 launches, affected users will then be asked to enter their registration codes again.

So, what I'm trying is this:

1. Enter your Registration Code when next aksed to do so.
2. Run Regedit and edit the Registry:
(a) Delete all VirtualStore SereneScreen Registry Keys
(b) Note the value of the SereneScreen "RegCode" entries that appear in the HKCU "Current User" sections of the Registry.
(c) Also note the value of the "VersionStr" entry. For the version of MA3 I'm using (MA33JBeta) the value is Y115.3.2.6373
(d) Now, copy the "RegCode" and "VersionStr" entries to the HKLM (Local Machine) secton of the Registry. There should also be a "Version" REG_SZ value here with a value of "3.1".

To summarize, after entering your registration code in MA3.1, delete SereneScreen from the Registry VistualStore. Copy the SereneScreen "RegCode", "VersionStr" and, maybe, "Version" entries from HKCU to HKLM.

Does this work for you?"
Jim Sachs
Creator of SereneScreen Aquarium
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