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Surferminn 08-25-2004 08:38 PM

hello fishey -- that is an awesome looking screen set up you have there. the aquarium you have posted is an earlier version. the latest version which you can download (look 3-4 posts above this one for the link and instructions) will give you 8 fishes which is the max no. of fishes and it opens the coral layout a bit.

welcome to the forum :)


Tiny Turtle 08-26-2004 01:34 AM

It's just a Photoshopped image...


fishey 08-26-2004 04:09 AM

Now Now gents. photoshop indeed! Do I detect Green eyes burning into the back of my neck?

It is in fact a X-TOP 5 over 5 system which was built to order using X-TOP's modular X-HUB the most advanced multi-display in the world.

It only comes out of the box when we hire them out for exhibits at tradeshows. please see


Tiny Turtle 08-26-2004 04:54 AM

No worries, Fishey. Just didn't want Minn to think it was real (which you of course claimed it was).

I'm unfamiliar w/ the green eyes expression. Care to enlighten me?

/Tiny Why?

Jav400 08-26-2004 05:16 AM

It refers to the green-eyed monster of envy.

Tiny Turtle 08-26-2004 07:00 AM

Well I don't envy those Photoshop skills. Adjusting the perspective on the outer images and a shadow from the monitor stand are necessities. Some sort of glare on the screens would be a nice touch.

/Tiny "As long as I'm day-dreaming I'd like a Pony"

Surferminn 08-26-2004 08:33 AM

well, there is glare on the individual frames around the screen....

max 09-08-2004 10:13 AM

Is version 2.01 different than 2.0
I am having some issues with version 2 is version 2.01 fixing any issues, should i download it.???

Surferminn 09-08-2004 10:50 AM

I can only speak for myself but I downloaded 2.01 which is an upgrade to 2.0 and both works fine for me. I see no harm in downloading. Hi Max. sorry to read your system shutting down. our guys are usually pretty good at problem solving but some out of town right now and others working regular full time jobs as well as being in different time zones. so please be patient and feel free to browse our other threads while you're waiting and you can read up on issues, etc., posted by others.
and welcome to the forum.


Jim Sachs 09-08-2004 09:47 PM

In addition to the 5 replacement fish and widescreen capability, 2.01 does have a few coding changes which could affect the way it interacts with Windows (for the better, we hope).

master 09-20-2004 03:35 AM

Re: ** SereneScreen Marine Aquarium 2.01 !! **

Originally posted by feldon28
SereneScreen Marine Aquarium 2.01 pre-release!!

SereneScreen Marine Aquarium 2.01 is now available for download by fans and forum members.

  • All 26 fish now created by artist Jim Sachs
  • New Queen Angel
  • Multi-monitor Support
  • Widescreen Monitor Support
  • Letterbox/Anamorphic Support
  • Launch in a Window setting


By the way, your Aquarium is very good! What do you plan to do in the next versions?

Best regards.
Andrey Elyseev.
Elefun Multimedia.

James 09-20-2004 05:00 AM

Re: Re: ** SereneScreen Marine Aquarium 2.01 !! **

Originally posted by master

By the way, your Aquarium is very good! What do you plan to do in the next versions?

Best regards.
Andrey Elyseev.
Elefun Multimedia.

Jim's planning to do the 3D Background and the Freshwater Aquarium, then some creature pack for the MA, then the Butterfly Garden....check out other forums for more topic.

PS: Amazing 3D aquarium is good too, but still rooms for improvements, keep up the good work!!

Surferminn 09-20-2004 09:22 AM

Hi Andrey -- Welcome back to the forum!! Hope to see your opinions on other threads that may interest you. :)


gillygonza 10-23-2004 05:03 PM

Great SS! I originally purchased 1.0, then upgraded to 2.0, but 2.01 is even better! I can't wait to see what is next!

Marian Nichols 10-23-2004 05:30 PM

Welcome to forum, gillygonza
Yes, we all loved this SS and there is more to come.

You will like our family here, feel free to browse and visit often.


Toad 11-12-2004 02:15 PM

Hello, I'm new here. :)

I downloaded the 2.01 "for fans and forum members" but I get a prompt for a registration number.

Can I take it to mean that even forum members must pay something to see all the fish?

I have no problem paying, but I just wanted to make sure I wasn't doing something wrong first.

Thanks! :)

Jav400 11-12-2004 03:07 PM


Most of the members here already have bought the full registered version. As the official website for the products we try to keep our members apprised of the latest versions, and offer them here first. But, you still must purchase the full version from Please be sure to run the Demo and test out your system before buying to make sure that you can run it well. Welcome to the forums. :)

ESHIREY 11-12-2004 03:19 PM

Hello Toad. Welcome to the forums. :TU: :compute: :TU:

Toad 11-12-2004 09:03 PM

Sounds good, and thanks!

alphaacres 11-19-2004 09:49 PM

Great job!

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