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cjmaddy 02-02-2009 02:06 PM

By my reckoning, I'd say you were still up at around 4am this morning!

..... The sooner your wife gets back home the better! ... ;)

How can we ensure you only devote your time to fish and corals, once the clock/calender is finished?

..... How about we only respond to those items, and ban anything else, from all discussions! - And ban anyone who transgresses?

Jim Sachs 02-02-2009 02:09 PM

Fine by me :)

Isabeau 02-02-2009 02:25 PM

Well Jim we have been testing all the versions so far on different systems ( P4 and I7 ) with different windows version ( XP, Vista 32 and Vista 64 ), different graphic cards 9800 pro (older ), 8800 and HD4870 X2, 1 and 2 screens with configurations from 1, 2 and 6 GB int. mem. but so far only one bug i reported ( and a few people more ) about stripes in the lower half on the right side.
But all seems okay now also the install version no problems although i prefer my 2.6 key with more fish and no screen everytime asking for TESTFISH.
Thanks again and really looking forward for the new fish.
Greetz and thanks from Holland!

Guus Eberstadt van der Velden

feldon34 02-02-2009 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by Isabeau (Post 110337)
no problems although i prefer my 2.6 key with more fish and no screen everytime asking for TESTFISH.

A solution has been found!

tormod 02-02-2009 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by feldon32 (Post 110340)
A solution has been found!

Keycode 3.0 sorted, 10USD is not a lot for this fantastic update :D

tifosi 02-03-2009 12:20 AM

hello Jim, thats great to know that you intend to have an iterative approach to this wonderful screensaver.

on the other hand, i advise having a "if-its-aint-broke-dont-fix-it" approach. there's endless ways to improve on certain aspects (eg the clock) but i feel once a certain threshold has been reach, efforts could have been better diverted to the next to-do rather than the stuff that has already been done because improvements, will at best, be marginal.

you have done a remarkable job so far!

Jim Sachs 02-03-2009 12:43 AM

Don't worry - those are my thoughts exactly.

rctneil 02-03-2009 08:28 AM

Also, would it be possible to make the installer version of MA3 be able to overwite the previous installer version so no uninstalling is necessary. No big deal for most people but I feel that apps that do this seem far more user friendly than tell you to uninstall the older version first.



Jim Sachs 02-03-2009 10:08 AM

It should already do that.

rctneil 02-03-2009 10:52 AM


Jim Sachs 02-03-2009 01:20 PM

Clock progress - My first attempt at the digital clock was not entirely successful. I was trying for a slight glow to the numerals, but they just look blurry. I'll have to try a different tact.

Dale 02-03-2009 02:29 PM

Re: "would it be possible to make the installer version of MA3 be able to overwite the previous installer version so no uninstalling is necessary."


Originally Posted by Jim Sachs (Post 110385)
It should already do that.

It does, and quite politely, too.

iMark 02-04-2009 09:45 AM

terrific that things will be moving forward..we do love the aquarium and run it on the flatscreens in the lobby of our office...however our clients are starting to ask if we're spiking the water with martini's, due to the wonky behaviour of the fish ...*wink....I will offer up that the whole project is brilliant, as usual....

patscarr 02-04-2009 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by iMark (Post 110414)
we do love the aquarium and run it on the flatscreens in the lobby of our office

Post a picture!

rctneil 02-04-2009 12:15 PM

yeh, would be great to see!

skypx 02-04-2009 12:30 PM

Just wanted to thank Jim for his assistance in getting a MA3 key. :D

JamesGreystone 02-04-2009 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by Jim Sachs (Post 110321)
I know what you mean iMark. I was just sitting down to bring the clams to life (fun) when I got a wave of complaints that the clock/calendar wasn't in yet (not fun). There are even those who want me to go back and tear apart the clock code, even though it's working perfectly.

Jim I think that after your countless sleepless nights on this project you deserve some fun. So I say Clams ahoy....

I know the clock is important to some but, after all a real aquarium doesn't have a clock in it, unless you count the time I dropped my Timex in accidentally. It took a licking but kept on ticking.

I think a lot of people would rather have the fun stuff just like you do.

my 2 cents.

Cheers. :lol:

Jim Sachs 02-04-2009 01:33 PM

People complain the loudest when a feature which was in MA2.6 is missing from MA3. The two programs have almost nothing in common, so each feature has to be re-created from scratch. Either Will or Edgar did the clock/calendar in MA2.6, and even if I had their code, I wouldn't be able to understand it. So I've got to build this stuff from ground-zero. One more day to get the digital clock hooked up, then a day for the calendar, then a day for some sort of interface, then it's on to the clams.

henemly 02-04-2009 01:37 PM

Yer almost there, I see clams on yer horizon.;)

Jav400 02-04-2009 01:58 PM

Jim, surely you of all people know better by now than to make a statement like that. ;)

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