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Tiny Turtle 09-23-2003 12:38 AM


/Tiny Ray (Couldn't write Tiny God, could I?)

Michael Babin 09-23-2003 08:14 AM


Originally posted by Tiny Turtle
/Tiny Ray (Couldn't write Tiny God, could I?)
You could, but then the next "ray" you see might be a bolt of lightning. :)

IXNAY 09-23-2003 08:23 AM

That's a cool pic tiny, hope you get electric light back soon in sweden

Tiny Turtle 09-23-2003 08:51 AM


Yeah, having to run my computer on Esbit tablets instead of electricity is getting kinda boring...

Seriously, I had totally missed the power blackout. Sounds like it was mostly southern Sweden that was affected (though the subways here stopped for a while)

/Tiny Outage

Wizwad 09-23-2003 01:30 PM

I must have missed the term in its prior incarnations. Neat phrase and *really* nice pic. Both very evocative.

Yellow Tang 09-24-2003 01:58 AM

Morgan, could you please change the thread title to: "I really like Yellow Tang like a breath of sunshine"? ;)

Tiny Turtle 09-24-2003 08:10 AM

:D, YT – :D

GreenHsiF 09-24-2003 05:26 PM

The yellow tangs are cool.I hope that the blue tangs will get in the aqaurium someday,it would be cool to see them both in there together.

ESHIREY 09-24-2003 06:46 PM

Years ago when I had my Marine tank the first thing I put in was a coral banded shrimp . Then a week later I put in a Yellow Tang .
Then about 3 weeks later I added a Lion Fish . Then I had a few other fish , like maybe 1 or 2 and then added a star fish and a sea urchin and I think that was it . :TU:

Yes I like the Yellow tang .

IXNAY 09-25-2003 10:17 AM

Sounds interesting, any pictures you could post in the coffeehouse?

ESHIREY 09-25-2003 10:26 AM

I wish I did . But I don't . That was about 18 years ago and my ex wife took all the photo albums . :mad:

IXNAY 09-25-2003 03:01 PM

always the damn girls
fish never betray you :)

ESHIREY 09-25-2003 03:31 PM

Got that right . Thank God I'm not with her anymore . I got rid of her about 15 years ago . I am now re married and she really is my soul mate .

Also we have a new princess in the house . My youngest son Jordan and his fiancée just had a little girl . This makes 4 grand kids for me . 1 boy and 3 girls . :TU:

IXNAY 09-26-2003 03:04 AM

I wish I were that far in life :)

grape_jellyfish 09-26-2003 05:53 AM

Never wish your life away, it will go by fast enough. :)

Seafoam 09-26-2003 02:40 PM

you said it
fish never betray you :) [/b][/quote]

I'll say. Sometimes I feel like only my fish (and my dogs) understand me! As for wishing your life away.....I wish I could stop doing that, but I can't help it. I know it's gonna go by fast, but I want to get out of the stupid little town I'm stuck in and go off to college and start living NOW! ^_^

Marian Nichols 09-26-2003 05:09 PM


Originally posted by grape_jellyfish
Never wish your life away, it will go by fast enough. :)
This is so true, and I think many of us, mostly as children, have done this.

ESHIREY 09-26-2003 05:13 PM


Originally posted by Marian Nichols
This is so true, and I think many of us, mostly as children, have done this.
Yes we did . But don't do it . It will come faster then you think and you'll wish it didn't . That's why they say , Life is to short .;)

Jav400 09-26-2003 05:16 PM

All sage advice, but I don't think I know of anyone that ever listened. It's one of those things that has to be learned by experence to fully understand it. "Youth is wasted on the young" comes to mind. Hmm, maybe thats the quote I will post in the other thread. :)

Marian Nichols 09-26-2003 05:26 PM

Yes, and I wish I had some of my wasted youth back,

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