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Reichart 03-07-2003 03:54 AM

5 Fish.
These are done by an Artist who I found about 8 years ago, and trained to use the computer. He is very respectful of Jim's style, and Jim approved all of his work. Think of him has a back-up singer.

We tried to stay away from the wishlist here on the forum. One of the fish Ken did is now my favorite, it is a Squarespot. Everyone has their favorites, for some reason, this one just makes the tank even more real for me.

Tiny Turtle 03-07-2003 05:03 AM

The Squarespot you mentioned:

Would that be the Squarespot Anthias (Pseudanthias pleurotaenia) or the Squarespot Rockfish (Sebastes hopkinsi)?

/Tiny Spot

Reichart 03-07-2003 05:23 AM


Here is my favorite pic of it on the web:

Ours is actually BETTER in my opinion.

Tiny Turtle 03-07-2003 07:09 AM

Sweet! – Don't tell me anything more now :)

Tiny Square

bullfrog 03-07-2003 09:14 AM

I use the widescreen version, will there be a version 2.0 widescreen or will there be a single version that will support both scenarios?


Jav400 03-07-2003 09:23 AM


The end result will be one version that supports everything. Let me see if I can clairify things:

Right now we have the standard version, the widescreen version, and the time version. All these products will meld into 1 product in the future. When the new 3D background gets made for the standard version, it will be twice as wide as it is now. In the setting's there will be an option for camera panning. What this means is that your monitor will be like a moving window that slowly travels left and right looking into the aquarium. For people with a standard monitor you will see about half of the aquarium at any given time, for widescreen monitors you will be able to see about 3/4's of the aquarium at any given time. Both will have some panning to do to see the whole thing. That takes care of the standard and widescreen versions. For people who also want to take advantage of the time version, you will be able to enter another key code, specificially for the time options to unlock them and be able to access them also and turn the crystal on and off.

IXNAY 03-07-2003 10:17 AM

Cool, profilic gets a lot of work done (goldfish, flag, ma2.0).

I like to hear that new fish are included (that Redfin Butterfly looks geat), and that they are done by profilic so we can get more fish and maybe other things. Jim has so much work, the support gets jim less work and more fish for us. JIIIIHA :)

Ehm, just a question Jim, but what were if fans would make fish, and give them to you completely for free, and if they are good enough, is there a chance that they will be included in one of the next versions? Just an idea...

Jim Sachs 03-07-2003 10:37 AM

Probably not. Unless a fish is done by a Prolific employee, the legal ramifications are just too scary. Yeah, I know -- contracts and all that. But a huge number of court cases are brought against people who thought they had an iron-clad contract. Where a large amount of money is concerned, lawyers will always find some argument why the contract wasn't valid. "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, my client can't be held responsible for signing a contract when he was drunk."

But seriously, getting tied up in court is my number one fear in life. Win or lose, you lose. You spend your few precious hours on Earth in court instead of doing what you like. Ask Reichart, he's been through this. He won, but what a miserable experience.

Yellow Tang 03-07-2003 10:47 AM

".. and if they are good enoug .." - that's the point!

IXNAY 03-07-2003 10:55 AM

Hehe ok, thanks for the reply :)

Yellow Tang I have seen great things done by fans, look at all this modifications done for Half-Life or Quake some of them are really really good, and if Jim would sort out,... ehm forget it :D
Hey we could talk german :D

feldon34 03-07-2003 01:02 PM


IXNay said:

Ehm, just a question Jim, but what were if fans would make fish, and give them to you completely for free, and if they are good enough, is there a chance that they will be included in one of the next versions? Just an idea...
Any questions about other people making fish should be referred to Prolific. And Reichart has informed me that Prolific is not interested in "free" help. They would rather subcontract talented people and get everything on paper so there are minimal/no legal hassles.


Jim Sachs said:
Unless a fish is done by a Prolific employee, the legal ramifications are just too scary.
Light bulb going on... :)


IXNay said:
Yellow Tang I have seen great things done by fans, look at all this modifications done for Half-Life or Quake some of them are really really good, and if Jim would sort out,... ehm forget it
Bringing these things up to Jim is a dead-end. Sort of like asking the President if you can help him write laws. But if you go thru the proper channels and become a congressman, then there you go. Hopefully you don't have to kiss too much, erm, well, to get elected and involved. :)


IXNAY said:
have seen great things done by fans, look at all this modifications done for Half-Life or Quake some of them are really really good, and if Jim would sort out,... ehm forget it
Well, it's one thing if people make their own fish and leak them out, but there is too much respect and goodwill towards Jim for anything like to be successful or more than a fringe. Even if someone unofficially came out with a dozen AWESOME fish, how many people here wouldn't touch it because of their respect for Jim?

Also, Half-Life, Quake, etc. 95% of the modifications are maybe 30 minutes to 1 hour's work and then the person gets tired of working on it, uploads it, and says "look at my cool mod d00dz!" Then there's 5% who really work at it and 1% who put out something that's as good as what the original game designers came up with.

Thank God for sites like PlanetQuake, etc. (I haven't kept up-to-date on these) that skim thru the crap and give clear ratings/lists of which mods are the best.

Look at the Russian hacks. They have been putting out those versions for over a year now. They're just NOW starting to get somewhat palatable (that can't be spelled right).

feldon34 03-07-2003 01:10 PM


bullfrog said:
I use the widescreen version, will there be a version 2.0 widescreen or will there be a single version that will support both scenarios?
Things seem to be changing around pretty quickly.

Originally, I was supposed to get a dual monitor-aware test version of the Aquarium. Now it looks like MA 2.0 is going to hit first.

As Michael said, eventually when the 3D background is done, then regular, widescreen, and dual monitors will all be 1 version of the Aquarium. Each person will just have a different 'window' on the Aquarium, viewing 50%, 70%, or 100% of the 3D background at any one time with buttons to pan, lock, and control the panning speed of the "camera". (you will NOT be able to move the camera up and down or pivot it)

But in the meantime, it is probably a tough decision whether to have one download with both the widescreen 2D/flat background and the regular 2D/flat background. The regular coral is 353KB. Not sure how big the widescreen coral is, but this would increase the file size by probably 400KB for everyone.

That doesn't sound like much until you think about 300,000 people a month downloading the demo and let's say only .2% of them have a widescreen display. So that's 299,400 downloading 400KB extra, or 114.21 GB per month that they really don't need.

So I'm guessing that Widescreen won't be folded into MA2.0 just yet.

Reichart 03-07-2003 01:40 PM

And use those same numbers for Dual monitor.

We found 4 bugs last night in Windows OS that makes Dual monitor almost impossible for us to support correctly. We are talking directly to M$ about this.

Their response "Why do you care, we don't" (paraphrased).

bullfrog 03-07-2003 02:03 PM

OK..lots of info, so let me see if I really understand what you guys are saying. MA 2.0 will NOT support widescreen, I will have to wait until the 3D background is implemented, or there will be a 2.0 widescreen available like the last version I acquired (a seperate file from Morgan).


Reichart 03-07-2003 02:19 PM

2.0 and Wide
2.0 will support Widescreen, as will MAT, but it will always come out a few days after we go gold on the normal version.

One day we will build the two together, or when the BG goes 3D this will no longer be a seperate version.

feldon34 03-07-2003 03:17 PM

I did not mean to imply that dual monitor and widescreen versions were not coming! Only that the release schedule for them is not quite certain. It sounds like a widescreen ver will hit a few days later. Widescreen won't be bundled with the regular 2.0 version for the reasons I wrote about earlier.

I WILL be putting a prominent Widescreen link on the Fan site and sending out an e-mail to about 150 Widescreen users when the wide version of MA 2 hits.

SunKing 03-07-2003 03:47 PM


Originally posted by Reichart
2.0 will support Widescreen, as will MAT, but it will always come out a few days after we go gold on the normal version.
...Awesome! My dedicated HDTV-PC thanks you! (it's tired of running 100%CPU 24/7/365).


Originally posted by feldon27
It sounds like a widescreen ver will hit a few days later.
I WILL be putting a prominent Widescreen link on the Fan site and sending out an e-mail to about 150 Widescreen users when the wide version of MA 2 hits.

OH PLEASE KIND SIR - PLEASE add me to your widescreen list, if I'm not on there already. :D

cjmaddy 03-07-2003 04:00 PM

Glad to see we, 'Widescreen users' (with normal monitors), - have not been forgotten! :TU:

Ralph 03-07-2003 10:49 PM


Originally posted by cjmaddy
Glad to see we, 'Widescreen users' (with normal monitors), - have not been forgotten! :TU:
I second that.... I much prefer the widescreen over any version yet. I use it on a regular 19" monitor, set to "use desktop resolution" which is 800 x 600. If the fish are not in "true" proportions I can not tell the difference.

Digital Lungfish 03-07-2003 11:11 PM


In a poll with 900 people voting, the brown Queen Angel was ranked dead last.
Poll??? What poll??? Was this something that we forum users were excluded from participating in? I dunno, if it was here on the forum, maybe I was just blind and didn't see it. :(


These are done by an Artist who I found about 8 years ago, and trained to use the computer. He is very respectful of Jim's style, and Jim approved all of his work. Think of him has a back-up singer.
My apologies Reichart, my comments were not directed at the artist or the quality of his art (which is not in question). I guess I'm just concerned that people might be "enhancing" the Queen Angel visually to promote interest versus staying true to what a real Queen looks like. That poor fish has changed faces sooooo many times in the SSA that you'd swear it's under the witness protection program or something. :cool:

If possible, would you mind posting the picture of the real fish he used as a template for his work? I'd really like to see it since I haven't seen a Queen that looks like that yet.


you don't loose a fish, you can always use an older version, like I, use the old widescreen version (.99K) because of the Queen Angel and the faster movements of the fishes.
Thanks for the suggestion Yellow Tang, but I'll pass. I don't like having to go back to older versions just to see a fish I like, I'd much prefer that they all existed in the most current version possible, but change is change and I can accept it.

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