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Socrates 06-30-2005 12:34 PM

Why doesn't the guy just use the horizontal stretch feature on his monitor instead of whining?

Sergiales 06-30-2005 03:18 PM

A chewing gum must work very well too.

Marian Nichols 06-30-2005 03:36 PM

He should be watching the beautiful fish instead of being focus on Jim's name. He must have a very narrow line of vision, tunnel vision, I think it is called. :D

Tiny Turtle 07-01-2005 03:11 AM


Originally Posted by Jim Sachs
This is probably one of my old buddies from the Amiga days just razzing me.

Hey guys, did you read this one?

Sergiales 07-01-2005 05:26 AM

Yes, but what's the problem with that phrase?. Perhaps the use of the verb "to raze" is a bit exaggerated. Who knows...

I think every masterpiece should have the signature of the author in it, because every author should be proud of his work (and Jim surely does).

I think that if you (not you, Tiny, i talk in general terms) don't like to see the signature of a masterpiece, then you're not admiring the masterpiece!. So this time i have to agree with Jim.

Wizwad 07-01-2005 05:41 AM

Razz: to heckle, tease, josh, kid, string along, make fun of, etc. Generally meaning to poke fun in a good humoured way.

Sergiales 07-01-2005 05:48 AM

Ops! the Cambridge web page: To Raze ~ To Destroy
Thanks for the definition. What a kungfussion!! sorry :D

meerupps 07-03-2005 10:16 AM

It is funny on how different people react. I am so impressed with Jim's work that even given the option to have his name on it or not? I would PREFER to have his name, just as I would want a DaVinci Painting to be signed. My Wifes Family name is also Sachs, they are from Southern California too...
But sadly no relation to Jim. But we have had contact with him and he is a Gentleman. Like it has been stated before - You cannot Please everyone.
I actually hope that guy that didn't want Jim's name on it gets his money back - He doesn't deserve a cool saver of this quality.

Just my opinion. Why come to a Board with such nice, helpful people just to talk trash? I wish Jim the Best in anything he does...

Marian Nichols 07-03-2005 10:32 AM

Well said.

feldon34 07-03-2005 01:44 PM


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