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Jim Sachs 11-29-2001 08:28 AM

You may recognize some elements, but it will be very different.

slimt2000 12-11-2001 12:54 PM

Re: Fish & misc.
LOL, if I err not, you dived in the ocean, not a fish aquarium! Although a few sharks and whales would be nice, i think it would make this house aquarium look unrealistic


Originally posted by paulmrice
As a longtime NAUI diver from California, we certainly need to see garibaldi, moray eels, sharks, lobsters, crabs, abalone, sea urchins, and kelp!

feldon34 12-11-2001 04:26 PM


As a longtime NAUI diver from California, we certainly need to see garibaldi, moray eels, sharks, lobsters, crabs, abalone, sea urchins, and kelp!
We will see Garibaldi, a Zebra Moray Eel, possibly a smaller shark, a lobster, a crab, possibly analone and sea urchins, but probably not kelp.

Dank 12-11-2001 10:33 PM

It needs a shark
I think a small shark would be very popular. I think that if you charged a few dollars for a shark maybe 3-4 times the size of the normal fish, then a lot of people would be willing to buy it. Right now all the fish look almost the same. It would be nice to have atleast one exotic specimen to stand out and create a more interesting environment such as a shark, jellyfish or octupus.

I also think that the deal with Windows Plus was a very good idea because many people will discover how cool this screensaver is.

Digital Lungfish 12-12-2001 12:05 PM


If you go to the Inverts page on the Wishlist, you'll see a couple of shark pictures there which I submitted a while back. I too would like to see a shark added to the aquarium and Jim has mentioned that he's willing to "consider" it, but he's got so many other things planned before that, so who knows. I guess we'll just have to wait and see (keeping fingers crossed).

- DL

Dank 12-12-2001 11:30 PM

What is the Inverts page?

pipeta 12-13-2001 02:27 AM

When you enter the main page of this site you will see a link to the "wishlist" on the left. The wishlist includes three pages: pages 1&2 are the fish wishlist and page 3 is the invertebrates wishlist. There you see a list and image of all the invertebrates that may apear in the aquarium some day (although sharks are not invertebrates as far as I know, but never mind that). An asterix marks invertebrates that are vary likely to apear in the aquarium in the future.

Jav400 12-13-2001 07:54 AM


Just click here

greyf0x 12-13-2001 10:51 AM

This has probably been said many times before, but I would love to see a dolphin

Jav400 12-13-2001 10:56 AM

That one probably won't be one to be included. This is supposed to represent an aquarium tank. Of course, the fish included come from the oceans, but one that size would never fit in the tank in real life.

Jim Sachs 12-13-2001 10:59 AM

The biggest fish in the tank is about 4 inches long. At this scale, you would only be able to see a dolphin's eye.

slimt2000 12-13-2001 11:01 AM

Come on guys!
I agree that this program is the coolest screensaver i have ever seen, and i want to see it expanded etc... i will be buying any retail expansions that come out. But i have one concern that it seems no one else has. Judging from the one that ships with xp Plus, this is a small aquarium, not a Sea World fish tank. If the fish are to be kept in context with the size of the tank and the coral landscape, then it only seems realistic to have small fish in the tank. I would really love to see sharks, etc, but it would be more exciting then to have another version that is a large Sea World type tank, maybe even a round tank with a square window to look in, and then have a landscape to match, with some of these bigger fish included like sharks that smaller fish try to keep their distance from etc. In order to introduce bigger fish, we have ro reduce the scale hance a much larger aquarium seems natural.
I'd like to here some feedback on this, and maybe some more ideas.

greyf0x 12-13-2001 11:01 AM

oh well, the jelly fish sounds cool, that will have to do me then.

btw, how is the 3D corel going to work. will it replace the background gradient, or will it just be an improved version of the current corel.

I don't know if anyone will be able to answer this, but I thought I'd ask anyway

Digital Lungfish 12-13-2001 04:37 PM

RE: Sharks

You are correct, sharks are not invertebrates. I believe those images are on that page entirely by mistake. If Morgan wants to or has the time, I'm sure he would be willing to correct that the next time he updates the site.

- DL

feldon34 12-13-2001 05:58 PM

So I need a Special Creatures page for the Shark and Eel. =P

Digital Lungfish 12-13-2001 06:34 PM

New Fish

Are you still accepting Wishlish submissions for new fish (realistic requests) which haven't already previously been mentioned in the forums? I have some new fish (and an invert or two) which I would like to submit for your consideration.

If the answer is yes, then I'll forward the images I have to you Morgan so that you can add them to the Wishlist.


- DL

Yes, a Special Creatures page for the Shark and Eel would be nice actually. :D

feldon34 12-13-2001 07:42 PM

Absolutely. There's still room on the wishlist.

I'll probably change my Invertebrates page to "Invertebrates and other Special Creatures"

Digital Lungfish 12-13-2001 08:17 PM

RE: New Fish
Ok, great. I had 2 fish and 3 inverts to submit, but somehow I managed to lose one of the fish (for the moment), so I'll just send you what I do have (which is my favorite anyway). After I post this list, I'll go ahead and send them to your feldoncentral e-mail.

- Panther Grouper (juvi)

- Tiger Serpent Starfish
- Giant Blue-leg Hermit Crab
- Scarlet Reef Hermit Crab
- Horse Shoe Crab (I requested this one before, but forgot to send a pic)

- DL

Dank 12-13-2001 08:31 PM

Reducing the scale
Reducing the scale of the aquarium would make it look unrealistic. Right now, from far away my computer screen almost looks like a real and believable aquarium. Miniture dolphins swimming around the screen wouldn't look as realistic but I admit that it would still look really cool and possibly more interesting. There are mini sharks out there that people buy for their 200 gallon tanks so that is not so unrealistic.

slimt2000 12-13-2001 10:15 PM

ok, but do you realize who big a dolphin is and how small a 200 gal. tank is? If they dont increase the size of the tank, we're gonna be watching dolphins or sharks looking only slightly larger than a yellow tang!!
Now if unrealistic makes a product less enjoyable, this would rank as unbearable!!

I admit a dolphin or sharks would be really cool to watch and see how they interact with other fish, but only if their sizes are scaled accordingly. plain and simple, you put in a big fish, you gotta reduce the other fish (and increase the tank) to match. If you didnt, it would surely make top place in the crazy column of all the computer magazines.

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