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ESHIREY 02-25-2009 04:20 PM

HAHAHAHA You beat me to it.

ESHIREY 02-25-2009 04:20 PM

I always liked that movie.

cohiba420 03-05-2009 03:51 PM

Note of Thanks!
Just a quick note to Jim (and team) to say THANK YOU for your effort and work. Its been like watching my kids grow up... enjoyable to the last (even with the hiccups that come with the territory). Thanks again for a great product, and for the time you invest every day. I Love this little program!!!

Kudos Jim. Thanks again.

iMark 03-06-2009 02:59 PM

I'm curious about the upgrade issue...should we go ahead and upgrade now, even if it doesn't have all of the functionality of the betas and is SereneScreen ready to supply serial numbers after we pay?..or is it better to just hold on a bit?..I've tried to look through the threads here but there is a lot of stuff and often the topic goes off tangent, so I'm just looking for some direction on what works best to continue forward....thanks...

feldon34 03-06-2009 03:05 PM

Go ahead and buy Marine Aquarium 3 now. You'll get a keycode valid for all versions of MA3, beta, final, and anything in between.

rctneil 03-06-2009 03:50 PM

Heya Jim,
How are the clams progressing?

Will be be able to see a preview of them soon?

Will the clams release bubbles randomly as the open and close?

Will the clams shut if a fish brushes past one of them?



Jim Sachs 03-06-2009 10:36 PM

They are coming along well. I've got the shells opening and closing nicely, and am about to add the blue "meat" of the clam. There are two things which make this part difficult. First, the blue mesh must go up and over the jagged edge of the clamshells as they open, without the shells poking through at any point in their arc. And second, it must carry a trasparent shadow with it to cast over the shells as it covers them.

No time for previews, but the real thing is close.

I've never seen clams release bubbles as they open (except for the fake aeriator clams in freshwater tanks).

Yes, the clams will close if brushed by a fish.

rctneil 03-07-2009 05:20 AM

Excellent, sounds great Jim, can't wait for the next beta!

I just assumed they released bubles but my aquarium knowledge is not very high up so i'll leave that to you and the more knowledgeable guys here!



harris 03-07-2009 02:31 PM

Some users have stated that in the last few beta 9 versions they see a portion of the gravel that has the rocks forming a distracting straight line pattern. Where? I don't see it in beta 9M, and I don't recall seeing it in earlier betas. Can someone explain where I should be looking.


Jim Sachs 03-07-2009 02:35 PM

It's always been there, not just with version 9. When you go to far right edge of the reef, some monitors show a section of the gravel up against the back edge of the tank. The straight edge at the top of the gravel polygons does not look very natural. When I get a few hours, I'll create a texture and some polygons to "rough up" that edge.

But today I'm busy tracking down a Turkish company that's bootlegging the program.

henemly 03-07-2009 03:17 PM

Clam bubbles would look tough, imo, but not realistic perhaps.

Originally Posted by Jim Sachs (Post 111638)
But today I'm busy tracking down a Turkish company that's bootlegging the program.

That don't sound good, Jim.

Nicki 03-07-2009 03:52 PM

Is it something to do with the law in Turkey that so many bootlegs originate there ?

Jim Sachs 03-07-2009 04:01 PM

They feel they are out of the reach of International Copyright law. But if we have any upstanding Turkish fans, feel free to pay a visit to Memo-SE and express my displeasure toward them, with the appropriate amount of punching, kicking, stabbing and shooting.

(Sorry, I just saw "Watchmen" and I'm nostalgic over a simpler way of dealing with evil.) :)

Nicki 03-07-2009 05:59 PM

Woo , yeah , Jim is a comic book fan ! Cool . My brother just got some Watchmen books from Amazon but I've not had a chance to look at them . The new Farscape mini series is cool too .

Ralph 03-07-2009 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by Jim Sachs (Post 111638)
But today I'm busy tracking down a Turkish company that's bootlegging the program.

you sure that is a "Turkish Company"?. Looks like Russian Type if you follow the links and try to download it.. Where it "looks" like they want some $$ before releasing the download..

And... you will get several pages of porn free for your troubles.

Jim Sachs 03-07-2009 07:36 PM

We're probably talking about different programs here. The one I downloaded is Turkish -no porn, just a version of my program with different logos and very poorly done fish.

michalos 03-09-2009 10:18 AM

moving background
Marine 3 is great screensaver
Only thing i would like to change is WATER ! :TD:(background)
Now is simple blue. No effects (moving water or something) .:TD:
it could be moving
surface and also it can have the moving bloor effect ,that hapens when cold water goes in hot water :TU:

michalos 03-09-2009 10:25 AM

moving background
Background is simple boring blue :TD:
It could be great that ,if it has moving sufrace and - or -bloor effects in the midle ,like the effect hapens when cold water goes in hot water

feldon34 03-09-2009 02:55 PM

No idea what a bloor effect is, sorry.

rps 03-09-2009 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by feldon33 (Post 111689)
No idea what a bloor effect is, sorry.

I think he means "blur" effect.

~Ralph S.

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