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Jav400 06-28-2004 09:16 AM

Rich is exactly right. About 2-3 months old is a great time to start training. The old axiom about teaching old dogs new tricks is right, the younger you start the better off you and the dog are. At that age they won't be spending much time daily with teaching, probably only 15 to 30 minutes at a time, but its a great age to get them started. I trained a Rottweiler in guard dog ( Schutzhund ) for personal use myself and started him at that age. He responded very well and was the best and smartest dog I ever worked.

Rich 06-30-2004 05:27 AM

lol surferminn I was being sarcastic :)
he wont go to puppy school for at least another couple of months,
and we took him to the vets tonight for his final checkup, and he is fine , another week before he gets his second lot of shots :)
oh and that thing he had was a type of gastro, when what we were told its very contagious... and while we were at the vets , we met the ppl who had his only surviving sibling :)

was a good day apart from the darn traffic, 1 1/2 hours to travel 40km's

Jav400 06-30-2004 05:39 AM

I started mine when he was 2 1/2 months old. It was only for about 5-10 minutes a day, and we worked on sit. :)

Surferminn 06-30-2004 08:51 AM

well, I suppose there's something said for learning a pup a second language (english) while he's young....:) ;)

Wizwad 07-06-2004 03:34 PM


Originally posted by Tiny Turtle
As for prying, I consider you guys friends which would make it concern rather than prying if (when ;) ) you come looking for me whenever I dissappear off the face of the forum for a while.

Here's an attempt at re-jacking the thread.
/Tiny Restoration

Ha! I think I'll re-jack this thread right back again.

Hi all. Sorry for the lack of contribution. There were various factors in this. For a while there I couldn't get the site up. Whenever I tried I just got the "This page is not available" error page. I think this might be my ISP messing with my connection settings and speeds. I'm gradually noticing a gradual decline in speed. I used to connect at 48K, then 46K, then 44K, then 42K. Now my little icon tells me I'm at 40K, but I'm sure that in reality this is more like 14K. It is just soooooo slooooooow most of the time now.

On top of that, my work got real hectic (in at 7:00am, home again at 7:00 or 8:00pm) and my social life exploded. That last bit has been fun, and resulted from the ski trip in January. In the last couple of weeks I've been on a treasure hunt running around Chelsea in London, learning to punt, travelling to Henley Royal Regatta, stewarding at the Kingston-upon-Thames beer festival (yummy!), visiting sundry friends and making new ones.

That said, I also value the friends I've made on this forum, and what Tiny said a while back about you guys coming looking applies to me too! Meanwhile, until I get broadband - which decision is coming closer and closer as the prices fall - and as long as I can get onto this site - I'm back! :)

OK, got to get back to catching up... Got 2717 new posts to read! See you later...


Jav400 07-06-2004 03:52 PM

Glad you are back Wiz, if I recall somewhere in those 2717 posts we were looking for you. :)

feldon34 07-06-2004 05:27 PM

Some people have trouble contacting the site through
The solution is to try, dropping the www.

In 3 1/2 years, I believe this site has only had 2 long downtimes (in excess of 12 hours) and neither was longer than 72 hours.

Marian Nichols 07-06-2004 05:44 PM

Glad you are just fine Mark, as for broadband getting cheaper, here in the good old US of A, Sprint is offering DSL for $25 if you have them for local and long distance. Which I do but I love my cable too much to part with it.

Now we need James to check in.

cjmaddy 07-06-2004 05:48 PM

Nice to be hearing from you again Mark. - We have missed your comment! :) ..... Welcome back!

I placed an enquiry about James on the AquaReal forum last sunday, - so far no replies. - That forum is virtually dead these days, but as James is a moderator there, I would have thought there would be some response, - but nothing yet!

Marian Nichols 07-06-2004 06:01 PM

That does not sound good, I like James, he jump right in and played along when SWMNBM was doing her thing and that made me feel good about it. I do hope and pray he is okay.

klyntun 07-06-2004 09:30 PM

Glad your back, Wiz. But wait, how come you get a social life? I put in my order for one long ago, but it's always out of stock. :D

Yellow Tang 07-07-2004 11:00 AM


In 3 1/2 years, I believe this site has only had 2 long downtimes (in excess of 12 hours) and neither was longer than 72 hours.

That is so true! This forum is incredible stable, thank you Morgan for your efforts over the past years! :TU:

ESHIREY 07-07-2004 11:02 AM

I agree . :TU:

cjmaddy 07-07-2004 12:56 PM


Originally posted by Wizwad
..... For a while there I couldn't get the site up. Whenever I tried I just got the "This page is not available" error page. .....
For what it's worth .....

This has not been at all uncommon here for quite a few months now. I just have to try again later, it's usually up again within 2 or 3 hours. always works, but the 'Fans' link from there to the forum doesn't work either, that also gives the "This page is not available" error.

I only mention this now because it's just done it again, I haven't been able to get on for some 3 hours or so, but I could get the SereenScreen site!

Missing out the www. is no help! :(

feldon34 07-07-2004 03:59 PM

I just don't understand. The site has had no outage of any sort today. My e-mail client checks e-mail every 10 minutes and if there is an outage, I get a page of error messages.

Jim Sachs 07-07-2004 04:01 PM

It's been perfect from here for months.

cjmaddy 07-07-2004 04:44 PM

Very sorry guys, but what can I say? - I am not blaming any of you, just reporting that what Mark experienced, has also been happening here intermittently for a few months now.
Today between about 5pm and 8pm, I repeatedly got "The page can not be displayed" - Just before 8pm I tried again, and on the 3rd or 4th attempt, it worked! - When this happens I usually come off line, then redial, in case it's a bad line. But as it's only the forum that's effected, that shouldn't make any difference. - (Should it?)

feldon34 07-07-2004 05:09 PM

One other possibility is to always visit FeldonCentral using the IP address...

cjmaddy 07-07-2004 05:22 PM

Thanks, I will try that and see if it helps.

drfish 07-08-2004 02:31 AM

Here's our new 15 month old Borzoi, Apollo playing with Diva outside in their new fenced in yard. Had to use my old camera, sorry for the low quality...

We got him from a local breeder that shows them, she's had Borzoi for 28 years, she got her first pair from Japan and she's bread the same line ever since. We got to meet Apollo's grandfather, father, sister, cousins, and an uncle when we picked him up, it was crazy. We got him because the pink color on his nose wouldn't fill in so she couldn't show him. You could tell she was upset about parting with him, very upset... She said he's basically perfect except for his nose and that's why she kept him so long, hoping his nose would fill in... Luckily we don't care much about that, we're not going to show him, we just wanted a cool dog and a friend for Diva, so far it looks like we got just that. ;)

And yes, he's very big, really, really tall! I'm 6'3" and his back is above my waist when standing... :eek: For perspective, that's a 5' fence in the pictures... I'll get some better pics later, with Jennifer or I in them to give you a better idea about his size...

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