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cjmaddy 06-14-2010 06:45 PM

Mark, - Is it possible to reinstall DirectX in Windows 7 - then re-boot ?

Its so often worked in the past with strange graphic problems. - When nothing else has... (It's clutching at straws time!)

Jim Sachs 06-14-2010 08:15 PM

Mark - had you noticed if this was also happening before the new Limit Frame Rate feature?

Dale 06-14-2010 09:07 PM

More straws:

Does this happen in all 3 ways of starting up MA3?

And I don't suppose there is any chance that you have 2 invocations of MA3 running at the same time?

feldon34 06-15-2010 05:13 AM


Originally Posted by JohnWho (Post 122827)
I'm really wondering if this is a problem with your fairly new video card and it's drivers. Are they WHQL certified?

3-5% of tech support issues at SereneScreen are the result of Microsoft's "recommended" WHQL certified drivers replacing a perfectly good user-installed driver. This typically happens as a result of a Windows Update.

The Aquarium either has white textures, or the fish leave trails on the background, or the Aquarium won't start at all.

To undo the damage, we have to ask the customer to send us a DXDIAG report, figure out their graphics card, and send them to the manufacturer's website to download the latest graphics driver.

Wizwad 06-15-2010 05:32 AM

I think I may be going to the nVidia site. While I can't be *sure* it's the Microsoft Update nVidia driver I installed when I was completing the set up of the new system, I don't see why things would suddenly have reverted to a previous behaviour when a raft of official nVidia drivers have worked fine with this since then.

I'll also re-install DirectX. In fact, I may do that first, when I get home tonight.

cjmaddy 06-15-2010 06:01 AM

As you will know, I've always recommended re-installing DirectX again and re-booting after EVERY driver change/update. - Its always worked for me.
And I've always used drivers direct from the manufacturer's website.... Ignoring if they are WHQL certified.

Wizwad 06-15-2010 11:27 AM

Yep, I've avoided MS driver updates also. I'd read that the situation had turned around and in a moment of insanity I installed the MS provided version. Mind you, if a DX reinstall works then it could be I'm doing MS a dis-service. If that's possible. :)

Wizwad 06-15-2010 11:34 AM

Yep, I've avoided MS driver updates also. I'd read that the situation had turned around and in a moment of insanity I installed the MS provided version. Mind you, if a DX reinstall works then it could be I'm doing MS a dis-service. If that's possible. :)

JohnWho 06-15-2010 03:04 PM

That's pretty much why I asked the question -

if you have WHQL drivers maybe you shouldn't

or vice versa.

Wizwad 06-15-2010 05:14 PM

OK, can anybody direct me to a download of DirectX 11? All I'm finding on the MS download site appears to be 9.0c or previous. Am I being blind again?

Right. Option 2 - reinstall the drivers. Looks like the latest version from the nVidia site is indeed WHQL signed. Downloading and installing from nVidia...

harris 06-15-2010 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by Wizwad (Post 122921)
OK, can anybody direct me to a download of DirectX 11? All I'm finding on the MS download site appears to be 9.0c or previous. Am I being blind again?

Choose the "DirectX Redist (June 2010)" dated 6/7/2010. It contains all DirectX vesions for XP through Windows 7. It will only install the version your system requires. It is 95.6MB in size.

Wizwad 06-15-2010 05:39 PM

OK, got it. Thanks harris. I *was* just being blind.

nVidia drivers installed. DirectX reinstalled.


And I'm sorry to the rest of you (especially Jim) for wasting your time. *beats head against wall for not just trying that to start with*

JohnWho 06-15-2010 05:42 PM

Glad to hear you got it resolved, Wizwad.

Also glad to know the problem wasn't with MA3.

The rather odd good thing about hitting your head against a wall

is that it feels so good when you stop!


harris 06-15-2010 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by Wizwad (Post 122923)
...And I'm sorry to the rest of you (especially Jim) for wasting your time. *beats head against wall for not just trying that to start with*

Don't be sorry. You asked for help and got it, now the problem is fixed and that makes everyone happy! ;)

cjmaddy 06-15-2010 05:59 PM

Excellent news, Mark! - I was just about to post this.... (I've researched it, so I still will! ;))


This is where I last got DirectX 9.0c (full package) from.....

This is what the same site says about DirectX 11.....

Hope you can make sense of it..... I can't! :o
Anyhow, glad it now works!!! ..... Another satisfied customer! :TU: :) ...... "If in doubt, re-install DirectX" - Should be our motto!

Wizwad 06-15-2010 06:11 PM

True and true and, indeed, true. :) And with that issue fixed, to bed, perchance to dream or aquaria or forums or topics posted there-in.

harris 06-15-2010 07:47 PM

Cliff, (or anyone interested)

I noticed the link you provided above doesn't go to Microsoft.

My link in the post above (#51) goes directly to Microsoft. That download was updated this month (June) and contains the most current version (including all fixes/updates) of DirectX 9c through 11 for XP through Windows 7.

Maybe I'm imagining it, but I do think my graphical programs, including MA3 run slightly smoother after updating to the June 2010 version of DirectX.

cjmaddy 06-16-2010 02:16 AM

harris, - Good point, I'll give it a try.

BTW, downloading from the link I gave does in fact download directx_jun2010_redist.exe - they all redirect to the Microsoft server.
I will install the latest and report back if I can detect any difference.... Thanks.

directx_jun2010_redist.exe will not install on my system. :(
I'll stick with directx_aug2009_redist.exe - I know that that one works!

harris 06-16-2010 05:46 AM


Originally Posted by cjmaddy (Post 122951)
...directx_jun2010_redist.exe will not install on my system. :(
I'll stick with directx_aug2009_redist.exe - I know that that one works!


You probably already know this, but just as a reminder...

The file "directx_Jun2010_redist.exe" that is download does not install DirectX, it only extracts the files to a folder of your choosing. You then run the DXSETUP.exe file from that folder to actually install directX. When finished you can delete the files you extracted.

cjmaddy 06-16-2010 07:31 AM

Yes. - It's the DXSETUP.exe created by directx_Jun2010_redist.exe that doesn't like my OS.

It's probably for Vista or W7. - Not to worry, the one with directx_aug2009_redist.exe is working fine.

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