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cjmaddy 04-15-2009 10:26 AM

Could this be another case of a program like AutoCAD or DWG TrueView controlling the .scr files.

If so, Morgan has a fix, here....

Jim Sachs 04-15-2009 10:34 AM

That was my original thought, but it seems like those programs would attempt to bring up the file as their own filetype. In this case, MA3 is running, but the wrong section of code is being executed.

Ad_Enuff 04-15-2009 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by Jim Sachs (Post 112681)
Ad_Enuff - for some reason, your system is not recognizing the .scr filetype, and adding the proper program argument (-s in this case). When you double-click on the file, Windows is supposed to interpret it as "[filepath]MA3Beta.scr -s". You say that this is a work computer - is it possible that someone has disabled the screensaver capability on it?

Well it was working perfectly in 9M, we also have SCR files for our company running which works fine for me.

I have to say, my works XP GD Build isn't perfect by any means, but I'm unsure why this has stopped working since 10a.

On my home PC in Vista 64bit, it works perfectly....its my work laptop that's seen the issue and as mentioned previously a 50% hit in FPS.

When I'm in teh office again on Friday, I'll investigate the SCR -s and see if thats the issue and maybe ask someone else to test it on their laptop.

enigma63941 04-15-2009 08:20 PM

When running the Beta10 version is it normal for the info banner on the top left to run as well? Is it possible to turn this off?

sellwood 04-15-2009 08:49 PM

Sure, just press S.

BEParker 04-16-2009 10:53 AM

Beta 10
It's working GREAT for me on my Dell laptop (a D630), and the clams are really neat.

I can't get it to run on my home Dell (D800), though. It's a video card driver issue that I haven't been able to figure out. Everything smears when it updates the background. I haven't yet found the right version of the drivers to make it stop smearing.

Thank You for all your work!!! I really enjoy MA3 (and it's earlier versions, too!!)



Jav400 04-16-2009 11:01 AM

I'm not sure which Dell video card you have at home, but if I remember correctly they are bad about forcing you to use their adapted version of drivers. Standard drivers will not work, which means you are going to be severely limited on what choices you have.

If you find one that works well, it might be a help to post which video card you have and which driver version worked for you.

Best of luck.......................

pvernam 04-17-2009 06:25 AM


Originally Posted by Jim Sachs (Post 112525)
The Key Code part of the program has not been changed.

Something MUST have changed. My MA2.6 keycode (that I purchased last October) has worked fine with MA3beta1 through MA3beta9m, but did not work with beta10 (or 10a, or the "official" beta9m from the SereneScreen site). Yesterday I received an MA3 keycode from Josh@SereneScreen and that now works with beta10a and the SS beta9m. Thanks Jim and Josh!

Ralph 04-17-2009 09:21 AM

Beta 10 (the introduction of moving clams) was the first that no longer accepted the MA2.6 key

Rosenfritz 04-17-2009 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by Jim Sachs (Post 112636)
pvernam - send me a private message with your info.

Ad_Enuf - That's a very odd bug. What happens when you right-click the icon and choose "Test"?

Rosenfritz - Glad it's working for you!

Sorry - I was wrong about Wait for Vertical... It worked to solve the background tearing the first time I ran it that way, but after a reboot, I had to go back to 16 bit on the right hand (secondary) monitor. I turned off Wait for Vertical, and "as advertised" it runs smoother. So, I'm back to the same problem.... I was really hoping that'd do it!

Ad_Enuff 04-21-2009 04:48 AM


Originally Posted by Jim Sachs (Post 112681)
Ad_Enuff - for some reason, your system is not recognizing the .scr filetype, and adding the proper program argument (-s in this case). When you double-click on the file, Windows is supposed to interpret it as "[filepath]MA3Beta.scr -s". You say that this is a work computer - is it possible that someone has disabled the screenaver capability on it?

I have tried using the *.scr -s and the screensaver works as it should.

Take away the -s and it stops working. Changing the extention to EXE works as well.

Again due to my Works GD build being rather shabby anyway, I'm unsure if its the build or a genuine bug within the screensaver itself.

Just to confirm, the screensaver on my Home machine (Vista 64Bit) works flawlessly.

Jim Sachs 04-21-2009 09:32 AM

For some reason, your computer has forgotten how to add a "-s" anytime it sees a .scr extension. I've never seen this before, and have no idea what would cause it.

Dale 04-21-2009 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by Jim Sachs (Post 112792)
For some reason, your computer has forgotten how to add a "-s" anytime it sees a .scr extension. I've never seen this before, and have no idea what would cause it.

First, since this is a work computer, it's possible that some almost-astute system manager has done this deliberately. There are malicious programs out there that take advantage of the fact that .scr extensions are essentially equivalent to .exe extensions.

Having said that - scrfile (the definition of .scr) behavior is defined in the registry. Here's where you would find the "-s" behavior:

@="\"%1\" /S"

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\scrfile\shell\ open\command]
@="\"%1\" /S"

Ad_Enuff, if you understand editing the registry (or using .reg files), fixing that should fix the behavior.

Ad_Enuff 04-21-2009 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by Dale (Post 112794)
First, since this is a work computer, it's possible that some almost-astute system manager has done this deliberately. There are malicious programs out there that take advantage of the fact that .scr extensions are essentially equivalent to .exe extensions.

Having said that - scrfile (the definition of .scr) behavior is defined in the registry. Here's where you would find the "-s" behavior:

@="\"%1\" /S"

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\scrfile\shell\ open\command]
@="\"%1\" /S"

Ad_Enuff, if you understand editing the registry (or using .reg files), fixing that should fix the behavior.

I'll take a look and see what's happening tomorrow. Like most Global Desktops, they have been tweaked security wise as mentioned I surprised? The build is bloaty and needs starting a fresh......I bet we will be using Vista before a new build arrives.

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