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Tiny Turtle 06-13-2004 01:36 PM

:) Good one, Minn. The normalization part is more like your enviroment accepting your new vice. I know I'm stuck here and so are a lot of others.

/Tiny Home

Surferminn 06-14-2004 07:18 PM

home is where the heart is ....

Originally posted by Tiny Turtle
:) I know I'm stuck here and so are a lot of others.

/Tiny Home

pssst....tiny, have you all tried tunnelling your way out? is there an emergency exit in case of fire?

Tiny Turtle 06-15-2004 02:01 AM

No way out – I'm stuck.

/Tiny Prisoner of Azerenescreenban

Surferminn 06-15-2004 04:58 AM

Tiny, there is a rumor, no, more than a rumor, that at Azerenescreenban, kind souls have the power to convert logos. That may be the key. So don't let them get you down and practice kindness.


Tiny Turtle 06-15-2004 05:25 AM

So hand me a logo, will ya?


Surferminn 06-15-2004 09:58 AM

Don't think it works that way:( yesterday I saw a logo being posted and went for it and nothing happened, didn't convert. figured I gotta work on my kindness some more. think it's one of those deals when the soul is ready, the logo will appear thing. but I must be getting close to have walked within the vicinity of the posting of one. follow the yellow brick postings.... :)

Minn :cowboy:

p.s. if you come upon a pair of red ruby slippers, grab them, they're a shortcut home ;)

Tiny Turtle 06-16-2004 12:28 AM


/Tiny Pink Floyd

Wizwad 07-06-2004 03:50 PM

1 Attachment(s)
So you want someone to hand you a logo Tiny? Here you go! Be advised, however, that it's already taken.

I'm still working on it a bit, and then I'll download MA Logo if I can find out how (I'll go and read those threads later, and I already own MAT, so I hope I'm eligeable) and see if I can work out how to do that conversion stuff.

patscarr 01-28-2005 05:45 AM

Well, now this new look should keep me coming back for a little while longer. :)

Jroztan 04-22-2005 12:52 PM

Me back.....since a long long time.....browsing AG forum and saw a familiar avatar....JAMES AVATAR....heh....

worst forum member :>

"You last visited: 10-22-2003 at 11:46 AM
29417 new posts in 1098 topics since your last visit! (View New Posts)"

woo hoooooooo

drfish 04-22-2005 12:55 PM

Oh my, good luck with that...

I stuggle catching up with more than 30, rarely am I away long enough for that many to accumulate...

Marian Nichols 04-22-2005 01:41 PM

Sound like you will be reading for awhile, I'll make it easy for you, just read mine. :D

ESHIREY 04-22-2005 01:50 PM

hehehehehe. :D

Jroztan 04-22-2005 02:47 PM

forget it....i'm not going to read a ll the post....

29417 post to read :hmad: :hmad: :hmad:

Y dun u all read mine..... :D

me intro a bit....

26/M/Malaysian, Computer Center Exec.....prefer to sleep more than work :asleep: :asleep:

Night it's 4.30am over here in Malaysia.....

A bad things about me or other asian are....piracy is everywhere....can get lotsa stuff easily and i intended to get MA crack key....BUT (CAPITAL BUT) .... MA is the first program that I buy legally cause i respect the person behind the screen (Jim) to able to create such a revolutionary program out of the blue.....and still be able to fit into an obsolete device :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

dun laugh no CC at that time and all i did was just send CASH direct from my country to US on snail mail to prolific.... :roflmao:

y not using cash?check?money order? its sunday at that time and all the banks are closed...and as anything addictive...u just wish to get it ASAP and thats what i did.....ASAP > HOME > MONEY CHANGER > ENVELOPE > POST BOX......(i think) 1-2 weeks later i get an email from prolific.....wooohoooooo :TU:

thats my experience on how Jim and his MA change my life on that day.....

I'm buying program legally now BUT i still use crack to find out on a particular program to see if it works as good on my PC as it is advertised before getting it legally....dun start flaming me pls..... :eek:

testing out program by crack is due to the exchange rate is high.....just take a rough guess

"Aqua Garden 24.95 + 2.50 USD convert to Malaysian Riggit is 24.95*3.80 = RM104.31 and i'm earning nearly the same as all of u.....can u guys wonder how much a legal MS Win XP over here cost :flush: :flush:

p/s : :mad: y must all stuff online must be in USD???? y cant be in YEN?

p/p/s : btw, MA still rulezzzz the SS scene......

Jav400 04-22-2005 03:09 PM

Hi Jroz,

Its been awhile, hope things are going well for you.

Marian Nichols 04-22-2005 04:01 PM

What brings me back to forum at this point in time, the lively conversation. :cheers: :argue:

ESHIREY 04-22-2005 05:13 PM

I keep coming back because this IS my second family. :TU:
Some times we don't agree on things but that's the way families are. 99.9% of the time we are all OK.

I wouldn't trade this place for the world. :cheers:

naddy 01-06-2006 04:47 PM

Hi, first post here....

....yep, related to cjmaddy :loco:

ESHIREY 01-06-2006 04:59 PM

Well I would like to Welcome you to the forums.:TU:

ESHIREY 01-06-2006 05:23 PM

Anytime buddy. :TU::TU::TU::TU::TU: After all, we are family here. :TU::cheers:

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