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feldon34 12-11-2008 10:52 AM

I think it's more a concern of 2 years from now, thousands of users will still have 3.0 (essentially the Beta) and there could conceivably be negative comments and press about how 3.0 is "unfinished" and never got any new features.

Most users (and journalists for that matter) cannot be bothered to do even the simplest research.

In my opinion, the Aquarium checking to see if there is an update is objected to by a small but vocal minority of forum users. The vast majority of Aquarium users have never signed up or posted on this forum.

Dale 12-11-2008 11:53 AM

feldon32, you may remember this thread:

Of course, it's from 2006.

feldon34 12-11-2008 11:58 AM

You know Dale, you can beat that horse all you want, but it really does not contribute much to this thread.

If you paid a little more attention to what Jim has said in the past, you'd understand his motivation for doing things and maybe present a little better arguments instead of just flogging your viewpoint over and over.

Dale 12-11-2008 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by feldon32 (Post 108277)
You know Dale, you can beat that horse all you want, but it really does not contribute much to this thread.

If you paid a little more attention to what Jim has said in the past, you'd understand his motivation for doing things and maybe present a little better arguments instead of just flogging your viewpoint over and over.

OK, point taken. I thought I had been paying attention to what Jim said (and asked), but perhaps I wasn't.

Sorry you find my postings repetitious. My basic point was that - if the capability is not built into the first "production" release (called Beta or whatever), then it won't be available when the next production release (update) is produced. You can't retroactively ADD a capability to a previous version.

I was attempting to agree with your comment that: "I think it's more a concern of 2 years from now, thousands of users will still have 3.0 (essentially the Beta) and there could conceivably be negative comments and press about how 3.0 is "unfinished" and never got any new features."

I will say nothing more about the "check for update" issue until (at least) MA3.1 is released. [Please feel free to remind me of this promise, if I forget]

WallyB 12-11-2008 06:38 PM

I want it today, it is so much better than 2.6. I have multi-monitors and its fun to watch the fish swim from one to the other. On this computer I have a large wide screen and a small 19" and it still works as well as the other computers that use the same size [twin] monitors.

I just want it on one disk as I hate looking for my first disk just to install the update or new version.

chippy 12-11-2008 09:43 PM

Hi Guy's (and Girls)
Having read through this thread, I am of the opinon(FWIW) that Jim has the last say.After all, it is his living/income, and if he see's fit to put up with the "negative response", then,so be it.(I just do want him showing up at my front door, asking for "Peanut Butter". Although I would not turn him away) :)

Myself, I do not have a problem with the latest release, and I am in agreement with having a Update button, that is User Controlled. Much better then Auto update.

Jim Sachs 12-12-2008 12:23 AM

You guys do realize that there is a "Website" button, right? I guess I should just relabel the button "Check for Updates", but that might not fit on the button.

Mith 12-12-2008 12:33 AM


Originally Posted by Jim Sachs (Post 108283)
You guys do realize that there is a "Website" button, right? I guess I should just relabel the button "Check for Updates", but that might not fit on the button.

I hadn't noticed.... just checked... it's there! lol. No updates on the site though... I'm assuming that your "updates" is a future thing for MA"?".

Hey Jim, I noticed that my beta "i" hasn't expired yet... is it going to ?

cjmaddy 12-12-2008 04:20 AM

Jim, I'm sure that you already know that, "You are not going to please all of the people all of the time". Nor apparently does repeating the same information seem to help. And even expecting people to read what it says here on the forum or on the screen, (or even SEE an update button), is probably asking too much!

This thread is now going around in circles. - I think the general consensus in the earlier posts was clear, (and hopefully helpful), so why not now do what your own judgment tells you might be the best... for you!

rctneil 12-12-2008 06:30 AM

for the update button, why not just link to the webpage as follows:

and add a vesion variable on the end like so:

then the site can just check the variable in the address, compare it to the latest version and tell the user if a new version is available or not



patscarr 12-12-2008 06:46 AM


Originally Posted by Jim Sachs (Post 108283)
You guys do realize that there is a "Website" button, right? I guess I should just relabel the button "Check for Updates", but that might not fit on the button.

Yes, relabel the button.

The program is bug free enough for a release, but it is not feature full enough. At a MINIMUM, it should have what 2.5 has. Working clock/calender, ability to import logos, adjustable background lighting, starfish able to go on glass, to name a few.

Then, adding new features, such as ability to feed fish, tap on glass, moving coral, etc... can come once a week/month.

Jav400 12-12-2008 07:46 AM


I would relabel the button at best. Most people I don't think will "care" about a website or wading through it to hunt and try to figure out if there is a later version. I really think it would work better if a check for updates button actually compares version numbers from what they have with your update server and if there is a later version pops up a message stating so and takes them to the exact DL location. That is if you won't let it DL automatically if there is a later version and they click the button.

feldon34 12-12-2008 09:02 AM

I would have the Aquarium hit the website and compare the result with the internal version of the Aquarium. If it's different, then display the website inside the Aquarium in a little panel.

Just my opinion of course. ;)

fozzy 12-12-2008 11:14 AM

Just my 2 cents...

is it ready for relase? no.
is it stable enough to be released? yes.

My opinions :)

It just needs to be a bit polished up to get that look of work in progress out of the menu and i think it should be made very clear that it is not the final version, and that updates are going to be available for no extra price, bla, bla, $marketing_catchphrase_of_choice. :)


rctneil 12-12-2008 05:34 PM

As I stated before just link to something like$version_number

and then when on that page have the website check if the latest version and the version the user has (ie: the one in the url) is equal and if not then say that a newer version is available and display a direct download link and if they are the same then just say, "You already have the latest version".

Thsi would be the best way as users do not need to scramble around the site looking for a link as they will and DO get confused easily.

If you wish to take a look at a system like this being used then download the system clean up tool called ccleaner and click the "Check for updates" link at the bottom right hand side of the application and it will go to their website and tell you if you have the latest one or not.





hololo 12-12-2008 10:19 PM

If has no any big bug, it's time to release ;)

Jim Sachs 12-12-2008 10:21 PM

OK, let me just clear up a misconception. The website which the "Website" button will take you to bears no similarity to the current SereneScreen website. I have been working on a total re-design for several weeks. The entire look and feel is radically different, and there are very clear buttons which will take you to the sections which explain all about MA3, the Beta process, updates, Key Codes, etc.

(Now, if I could just figure out how to animate the lionfish and bubbles, I could get on with it.)

Yodelking 12-12-2008 11:49 PM

Jim, I hope you consider the "Update button" to compare version (Like rctneil suggested), just pointing to a page where the updates are won't help all users. If you ask people which version of Windows they use, they don't know!

Maybe in these early betas you could make use of your "Beta has expired" and change it to 2-3 months, and make a one time pop up that "This version is old, do you wanna check for an updated version?".
This way atleast people will get a notify that this version isn't final... :)

rctneil 12-13-2008 05:14 AM

If I installed MA3 when it's released on my Gran's PC, she would just run it as is for years. I don;t even think she would bother changing the fish and she would have a clue a new version would have been released. A notification every few weeks could just say something along the lines of "A new version of this aquarium may ahve been released, would you like to check to see if you ahve the latest version?"

If they click yes then it woulkd compare version numbers like I suggested in my last post and if they press no the the message would disappear and pop up about 2/3 weeks later.

Then as the versions progress, you could making the time between notifications longer and longer as features get added!

cjmaddy 12-13-2008 06:42 AM

I agree, Neil, something like that, (or like others have suggested), would seem the obvious thing to do, but I think we're flogging another dead horse there.

Originally Posted by Jim Sachs (Post 108306)
.... The website which the "Website" button will take you to bears no similarity to the current SereneScreen website.

I should hope not. - Prolific are still advertising that DVD !

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