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fred_hurst 02-21-2002 01:17 AM

Yeh, thanks guys got my new working keycode

Great screensaver, thanks for the hard work.


feldon34 02-21-2002 01:20 AM

You will get blank keycodes until after midnight pacific time.

Rod Stiles 02-21-2002 01:26 AM

I also had difficulty with the key code upgrader.

I have my original e-mails, so I know which email address I used.
When I enter this email address, I am told that it is not in the database.

Then I tried entering my keycode and name and e-mail address
and got the following:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e57'
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]String or
binary data would be truncated.
/support/betaconfirm.asp, line 162

Finally, I tried using a shorter email address (not the original one)
plus my name and keycode. This time it worked.

I suspect there is some kind of problem with the length of my email address - it has 28 characters.

AlabamaTom 02-21-2002 01:31 AM

Background Fade Choice
How do you choose the background fade colors or was it left out of this version here?

Jim Sachs 02-21-2002 01:41 AM

Left-right arrow keys.

AlabamaTom 02-21-2002 01:43 AM

Thanks Jim
As usual, cordial and polite as well as timely in your response.
Keep up the excellent work!
Devoted Fan Forever!

EVERRET 02-21-2002 02:21 AM

Thanks for your hard work, once i remembered which email i used originally, i was able to to enter my new keycode. the lion fish is worth the wait. :TU:

Pyros9 02-21-2002 02:44 AM

Thanks Jim
Just got home from work and went to the web site. Downloaded and installed, all went perfectly. Jim, fabulous job! I think it even looks better than before. The new Lion Fish is great too! Thanks again, keep up the good work!

P.S. Morgan and Jav, Thanks for the forum. And for putting up with all of us. :TU:

Jroztan 02-21-2002 03:00 AM

Got It

And WOW, :hmad: :TU: Real good. nice moving mouth u done with the LF mouth, looks much more realistic. well done Jim, another cap off for ya.

But......... IMHO i feel that there is something funny about the eye..

Hehe. no hard feelings and keep up the fanatastical work.

almark 02-21-2002 03:28 AM

Well done Jim
It was worth the wait for the LionFish. I didn't get an email but the key gen worked just fine.

crinz83 02-21-2002 03:56 AM

Just got the password... works fine.

Yellow Tang 02-21-2002 05:52 AM

Now as the lionfish is swimming around here, all I can say is: Amazing! Great job Jim!

I'm happy to live in germany cause I missed all these probs mentioned above (I was sleeping very well), everthing works fine for me this morning.

Now take a vacation, Jim. You are the man who deserves it! (please not more then 2 weeks!) Of course, we will miss you here at the forum, but we need a 'fit' man for the 3d-background. I hope this is still your next thing on the aquarium, because I think this will be a real big improvement and will push the screensaver to a never seen before (more) amazing program!

Keith Watterson 02-21-2002 06:28 AM

Jim simply WOW.
Did I read earlier that you will have to throw away the collision detection when you do the 3D backgrounds.:hmad:
When the extra packs come out I will have my credit card ready:TU:
PS My friend wants a piranha that eats my fish while I'm away Don't do it

pipeta 02-21-2002 06:32 AM

I also had a problem with my registration code but I was silent because there were enough messages in that subject. Now everything is fine! The lionfish looks great and the background as well. Sadly my framerates dropped (not having anything to do with the lionfish) from an average of 85 to less that 50. What is this streaming thing? Why? :(

But it's still great and I have no bugs to report... yet ;)

GOOD JOB to Jim, Morgan, Michael and the guys at Prolific!

EDIT: It seems like the "limit framerate to 60" limited the aquarium to 50 on my machine. The frame rate is still lower than it used to be but not as bad as I thouhgt :)

trailkill 02-21-2002 06:36 AM

lost in the upgrade
Well I'm another one lost in the upgrade code system. I've tried everything on the web page. The email address I registered with the keycode I was given for the Deluxe version but nothing works. I'm not in the system. Well, I send an email to the the "Crack" service department with all the info they asked for and still no new Keycode.
Sorry Jim but your upgrade keycode system is a failure here.
I hope I don't have to pay for this again.
I don't think I'll do that.


SunKing 02-21-2002 06:38 AM

Problems with purchasing
Is it just me - or has anyone else tried to purchase the new version? I've tried THREE times (using 2 different credit cards). Each time I click 'submit' after entering the credit card info I receive this message:

CGI Error
The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers. The headers it did return are:

Select CountryID from fish.CountryID WHERE name = 'US'
** Script Error: Out of range or past end
** Where: do-boot
** Near: ref: first db-port
insstatement: {INSERT into Main ( Name, Email, Address, City, State, Zip, CountryID, RefID, ProdID, ProdTypeID, OrderNum, KeyCode, amount, apprCode, purchasedate, list, copies ,amountbilled) VALUES (}

I did email service@serenescreen last night. I received a response from them this morning - and they told me just to try again (said the server might have timed out). My third attempt also received a 'CGI ERROR'. This is very frustrating - I've never had so much trouble ordering anything on-line before.

DennisT 02-21-2002 06:40 AM

Request for keycode,download, installation of keycode all went without a hitch.

Congrats Jim really a First Class upgrade and will keep my granddaughter & me occupied for hours.

Well and truely worth the wait.



nicksteel 02-21-2002 07:16 AM

Doesn't Run For Me
I used "sachsremove", deleted 99L file, installed, registered and screen goes black for a moment, then returns. I left all settings at default, including desktop resolution. 99L worked flawlessly.

When I check configuration, test does same thing.

PIII/750 Radeon 32DDR, DirectX8, Latest Drivers

Any suggestions?



wa2joc 02-21-2002 08:20 AM

I received my new key code this morning and it did the trick.

Well worth the wait. Jim, nice job.

Bob 02-21-2002 08:53 AM

As promised here is the response I got from Prolific about my key code not working.

"We are aware of the new keycode problem and it will be fixed by 2/21/02. Please try after noon, Thursday. Thank you for your patience."

Unfortunately, they probably mean noon Pacific time. So I'll just have to wait. sigh

Bob Frank

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