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Reichart 02-27-2004 10:29 AM

1. when you go to windowed mode, there should be an option to remove the window frame and just leave the aquarium.
A: Agreed

2. would it be possible to run the aquarium as the wall paper... I know there are programs out there that allow screen savers to be run as wall paper..animated background.. but they have never let serene screen run that way for some reason... but that would also be a nifty option to be able to work on top of the running aquarium.

A: Agreed. To answer your Q, we will support any system that support DX correctly. If you find one that supports anyone’s DX, we will make sure we work with it.

drfish 02-27-2004 11:01 AM


I read quite a bit of latin, and even translated the new testament from Aramaic.
Now who's floating his ego? :) Seriously though, I wish I could say the same, but I have no talent for anything to do with any language, latin was a fun class nonetheless (OST-MUS-TISNT! figure that one out guys). Actually, I added that last bit as an afterthought because I thought that might be what you were getting at... If a discussion was started about fishbase, I honestly didn't want it cluttering up this thread. Maybe I should have said, "We already have a thread about that site here.???

But anyway, you meant my sig image, well, here it goes:
I'm pretty into Folding@Home, it's a distributed computing effort like SETI@Home only much more worthwhile. When your computer[s] send in the results of crunching a work unit you get points for it and basic stat tracking is provided by Standford for your user name and any team you might be on. The site that clicking on my sig image takes you to is a 3rd party stat tracking service that takes the basic information from Stanford's website and extrapolates it into a much more detailed breakdown of how you and your team are doing compared to others, the image itself is also a 3rd party service that provides semi-realtime user stats specifically for use in online signatures in order to spur questions like that one you asked. :D

Edit: Oh, and I like totally agree with Marian about the Manta Ray, simply a must have...
*there, back on topic*

Reichart 02-27-2004 11:19 AM

1. Q: it's a distributed computing effort like SETI@Home only much more worthwhile.

A: What is more important than checking the shores of our universe for travelers who might want to say "hello," and more importantly, being prepared--if there are any? To paraphrase, “It is a big universe, would be most odd if it was just for us.”

Marian Nichols 02-27-2004 11:34 AM

Eydasi thanks you. :D

feldon34 02-27-2004 12:09 PM


Originally posted by Reichart
A: What is more important than checking the shores of our universe for travelers who might want to say "hello," and more importantly, being prepared--if there are any? To paraphrase, “It is a big universe, would be most odd if it was just for us.”
Curing cancer, Alzheimer's, and Cystic Fibrosis.

cjmaddy 02-27-2004 12:14 PM


Originally posted by drfish
Edit: Oh, and I like totally agree with Marian about the Manta Ray, simply a must have...
*there, back on topic*

You're not alone in that wish, ... ask DL. - :)

Originally posted by cjmaddy - (in a thread with no name!;);) )
How about a Manta Ray passing by in the background? :) - (Or is it too big? :()

Screen shot taken from The Blue Planet ......

drfish 02-27-2004 01:31 PM

How about "immediately beneficial" instead of worthwhile?

:argue: --> :cheers: ???

IXNAY 02-27-2004 05:14 PM

Hey drfish, I'm using folding@home to, how can I get such a statspic for my client?

drfish 02-27-2004 05:50 PM

check your PM.

So is the Manta in or out?

klyntun 02-27-2004 11:37 PM

Hey, doc. All this time I thought cave piscus was some blind cave fish! So I suppose carpe diem doesn't really mean goldfish must die?!

bugsymcd24 02-28-2004 08:25 AM

carpe diem
carpe diem......sieze the day..... I try to follow that myself....

Jim Sachs 02-28-2004 09:50 AM

Keep 'em coming, Clint. :)

Reichart 02-28-2004 11:36 AM

1. Q: Curing cancer, Alzheimer's, and Cystic Fibrosis.

A: Actually no. This will kill some of us, but not all of us. No, nothing is more important that looking at our HUGE GIGANTIC INCOMPREHENSIBLE universe, and checking for 3 things.

a. Life, especially sentient life. Because “if” we found ANY proof of it, INSTANTLY Earth would unify and became a war motivated battle fort. History is filled with innocent tribes that were slaughtered, we don’t won’t to be tribe Earth, put on galactic reservation.

b. Meteors. Although the odds are slim. There in fact some huge things out there, move fast, in random direction. The moon’s surface is evidence we get hit from time to time.

c. A giant eye staring back through a Petri dish.

So, we “start” with this, and “then” all other energy can go to things like cancer research….speaking of which, sharks don’t get cancer.

feldon34 02-28-2004 02:23 PM

You don't think we, as a society, are ready for aliens do you?

There was an excellent episode of Star Trek TNG, interestingly called "First Contact" about a race that was just too paranoid to deal with alien races (The Federation).

Maybe in a couple hundred years we'll be ready.

Wizwad 02-28-2004 03:19 PM

I don't think crocodiles/aligators get cancer either, so when are we getting a screensaver of *them*? Hmm?
Just caught the episode of South Park where Bush convinces Congress to attack Heaven on the basis that it might be a threat, and all caused by Cartman wanting a free pass to get loads of sweets. :D

Marian Nichols 02-28-2004 04:03 PM


Jim Sachs 02-28-2004 04:38 PM

So, speaking of sharks...

drfish 02-28-2004 05:06 PM

I tried Jim...

Reichart 02-28-2004 06:13 PM

Jim, don't encourage them, if you mention "sharks" too often, they will remember that this group is a wishlist, and will start adding more...

My goal is to sidetrack...

Wait, who's side are you on here?

Now...anyone ever wonder if insects yawn?

Wizwad 02-28-2004 06:44 PM

That's the Butterfly Garden, Reichart, and we already know it's going to be some time before that arrives! :D

It would be nice to have a shaded background in the Open Water tank - lighter toward the top, darker toward the bottom, possibly with sliders for each in the settings panel to control how light/dark each gets.

It would be nice to have the occasional skate or camouflaged ray move across the sand in the fantasy tank - and stop.

Debris, such as in the Goldfish Aquarium would be really nice, maybe moving in slight currents.

Plumes of disturbed sand following the low swimming Angel Sharks and the ray/skate above when it 'takes off' and 'lands' again.

If the colouring of the ocean tank background and lighting is set to be really dark then it might be nice to have some luminous fish turn up from time to time, but I know we're getting toward fantasy here. Still, as you guys said - it is a wish-list. :)

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