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EVERRET 02-26-2006 11:01 PM

MA 2.6

Originally Posted by bugsymcd24
I havn't yet been e-mailed a keycode for 2.6, but, when I went to the "Serene Screen" website and clicked on keycodes and submitted my e-mail address for lost keycodes, I got and e-mail with every program's keycode I purchased in the past and also in the list was the keycode for 2.6

I would suggest any one who hasn't gotten a keycode, who thinks they may get one, try this.

Thanks for the tip bugsymcd24, It worked. I am not to sure about the clock yet, it's looks kinda artificial so far. I guess After 4+ years without it maybe I just need to try it out for a bit. I do have to say the extra fish look great, very realistic. :TU:

roseangel 02-26-2006 11:58 PM

I tried the "Lost Keycode" suggestion, but over 9 hours later I have not received any reply at all.

My email address has not changed since I first purchased MA in Jan 2001, so does this mean that I am not in their database?

Surferminn 02-27-2006 12:20 AM

Well, we're coming out of the weekend on this part of the pond. Does this mean that internet companies don't get weekends off or regular business hours, they're expected to be open and operating 24/7?

roseangel 02-27-2006 12:25 AM


Originally Posted by Surferminn
Well, we're coming out of the weekend on this part of the pond. Does this mean that internet companies don't get weekends off or regular business hours, they're expected to be open and operating 24/7?

I tend to forget that - it's late Monday afternoon here. However I would expect the "lost keycode" email to be automatic, particularly since the other people getting replies also asked at the weekend.

Jim Sachs 02-27-2006 12:43 AM

Many of the "lost keycode" problems will have to be handled manually. The support queue is currently about 130 cases.

Surferminn 02-27-2006 12:44 AM

Well, if the automatic part didn't work, then a manual response by a real person may not be forthcoming for another 12 hours or more since it's about 10:30ish PM Sunday evening over here right now. :asleep:

Tiny Turtle 02-27-2006 01:19 AM

Yes there was a "j". There was no "i" though (to not confuse it with an "1").

feldon34 02-27-2006 08:56 AM


Originally Posted by Jav400
It seems that all of Morgan's and my work on web pages is for naught. ;) For those that keep asking here are shots of the fish.

Yeah it's not like the Achilles Tang and Clearfin Lionfish have been in the Fish Guide on the fan website for 2 months. :)

Schnaaps 02-27-2006 02:29 PM

Here is the latest...

Keycodes: We are still processing all the upgrade keycodes. This process just takes time. We have been generating a keycodes non stop since Friday afternoon. Our estimates are 65 to 108 hours depending upon server load.

Email: Once all the keycodes are generated, we will send out email to customers who requested email. We don't to this at the same time as the keycode generation becuase it would add still more time to this whole process.

Refunds: For people who purchased the upgrade for $9.95, we are going to be issuing refunds to $5.95. This is going to happen tomorrow. If you are eligible for a free keycode you will get a full refund.

Socrates 02-27-2006 03:06 PM

"we will send out email to customers who requested email"

I hate to even ask, but when was it we were supposed to have done that? Was it when we purchased or is it something we have to do now?

Sorry if the answer is obvious....

Schnaaps 02-27-2006 04:09 PM

Hey Socrates...

When you purchase MA or any of our products, you need to check a box in order for us to send you email. We are an opt in email list, and even this causes some people to report us as SPAMMERS.

Best way to get your keycodes:

Overlord 02-27-2006 04:30 PM

I have a question is no big deal at the present, I'm just curious. Will the 3d screen version be 32bit color?

basser1 02-27-2006 05:57 PM

Hey bugsymcd24, I tried your method and..... Voila! my keycode for the new upgrade was there. Thanks again for the tip!

Derrek 02-27-2006 06:37 PM

I too tried the trick and got my keycode that way. Thanks for the tip.

GMarowski 02-27-2006 11:24 PM

Hey Schnaaps, quick question...

Who do I contact about a missing key code? I tried your suggestion following the link in your last post and the return email shows that I have purchased keycodes for Version 1.1, MATPC, and MA2UPGPC. But I also purchased version 99L a real long time ago, (Jan 20, 2001 to be exact), and it doesn't show on the Order Number & Registration Codes email?.

I still have all the data for the transaction, (order number, etc.) But I'd like to know who I contact to set the record straight.

Personally, I'm not interested in quivelling over $5.95 for the upgrade. I feel the product is worth every penny. But I'd like to set the record straight all the same.

Thanks for all the help and support you've given on this forum.


handimannbob 02-28-2006 01:15 AM


handimannbob 02-28-2006 01:24 AM

jim..... your new fish are beautiful.....your art work seems to get better and better as you age......why not try a creature pac for this tank, i'm sure just about everyone would buy

Jim Sachs 02-28-2006 02:57 AM

Can't be done. The creatues need a 3D background to interact with.

Tiny Turtle 02-28-2006 03:18 AM


Originally Posted by Overlord
I have a question is no big deal at the present, I'm just curious. Will the 3d screen version be 32bit color?

Yes. What part of the current background does in your opinion look ba due to lack of color-depth?

/Tiny Bits

iMark 02-28-2006 04:49 AM

"iMark - If you bought MA, Goldfish, and Sharks, then you are WAY over the $29.90 necessary to qualify for a free upgrade to MA2.6."

According to Auden R., the $29.90 in product purchases pertains ONLY to SERENESCREEN products and DOES NOT include LIFEGLOBE products ....the Goldfish 1 & 2, and/or the to get the free upgrade, you had to have purchased MA and MAT, pretty much what they said from the beginning...Like I said, if I had wanted it, I would have bought it, and the only path to the two new fish is still to purchase the upgrade....

and just for the record, my frustration isn't about a lousy $6 for the upgrade, it's about Prolific's lousy business practices....

Schnaaps 02-28-2006 02:11 PM

The keycodes have been generated. To get your keycode, you can please visit our site: to have the server send it to you.

Our next focus is to refund people who have purchased the $9.95 update. If you purchased the $9.95 update and were eligable to receive the upgrade you will get a full refund. If you were not eligible, you will receive a $4 discount. Once the discounts have been done, you should receive and email and I will post here when the entire batch is done.

If you believe that you due a free keycode. Rules are set here:

Please contact technical support and they will search our database and issue a code to you. Please be patient. Tech support is working hard to keep up with demand and it takes time to go through everything.

Jav400 02-28-2006 02:15 PM

Well done JR. Thanks for the update. :TU:

RA 02-28-2006 03:14 PM


Overlord 02-28-2006 03:20 PM

So, how goes it with the 8th fish selection bug?

Pushwall 02-28-2006 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by Schnaaps
The keycodes have been generated. To get your keycode, you can please visit our site: to have the server send it to you.

The program script didn't find me for the free keycode. I'm off to tech support to see what they can do. Thanks for the update. :)

enigma63941 02-28-2006 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by Schnaaps
The keycodes have been generated. To get your keycode, you can please visit our site: to have the server send it to you.

Our next focus is to refund people who have purchased the $9.95 update. If you purchased the $9.95 update and were eligable to receive the upgrade you will get a full refund. If you were not eligible, you will receive a $4 discount. Once the discounts have been done, you should receive and email and I will post here when the entire batch is done.

If you believe that you due a free keycode. Rules are set here:

Please contact technical support and they will search our database and issue a code to you. Please be patient. Tech support is working hard to keep up with demand and it takes time to go through everything.

So the thirty dollar rule only applies to serenescreen products and not lifeglobe products?

iMark 02-28-2006 03:52 PM

it appears so, least from the email I received...the only way to get the new fish is to purchase the upgrade, unless you had previously purchased MA and for those who don't want MAT, and didn't purchase it before, you are now required to upgrade to the revised product to get the two new fish....

"Yes, the upgrade price has dropped to $5.95, however Sharks and Goldfish
are LifeGlobe products, not SereneScreen products. These are two
separate lines.

Please let me know if you have any questions,

Auden Reiter
Customer Support"

iMark 02-28-2006 04:02 PM

From my understanding, the only thing that has changed with MA is the combining of MA and MAT and the addition of two fish...MAT is worthless to me and paying almost 1/3 of the original MA price for two fish seems rather heavy handed....

jleslie 02-28-2006 04:11 PM

As I suspected I didn't get a keycode. As I have MA2 and MAT it will be interesting to see what happens when the 3D background comes around...

klyntun 02-28-2006 05:41 PM

IMHO, $5.95 for two beautiful salt water aquarium fish that never need to be fed and never die is an amazing bargain. But that's just me...:nag:

Enigma 02-28-2006 06:02 PM

I agree with Klyntun. I have thousands of $$ tied up in three salt tanks. I love them, but they do require a good bit of time and way too much money. Jim's fish are the best purchase I ever made.

Great work on the new fish! They look great.

Ex_Brit 02-28-2006 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by klyntun
IMHO, $5.95 for two beautiful salt water aquarium fish that never need to be fed and never die is an amazing bargain. But that's just me...:nag:

Couldn't agree more.;)

Jim Sachs 02-28-2006 06:10 PM

jleslie - If you purchased both MA and MAT, then you qualify for a free upgrade. If you don't recieve a free Key Code in a week, email Customer Support and Auden will straighten things out.

iMark 02-28-2006 06:29 PM

As I stated before, it's not about $6, it's that Prolific combined the two versions, then tried to get those who didn't want MAT to pay half of it's regular value(later reduced) to upgrade, in order to get the two new fish....that's bad business, especially aimed at loyal I've stated before, the fish are dynamite, and if the money were going straight in Jim's pocket, all the better.....

Schnaaps 02-28-2006 07:44 PM

Jleslie: As JimS pointed out it appears you should have gotten a free keycode. Customer Support will help you out. Our script could have missed some customers due to "logic hole" caused by all the combinations available etc... and tech support will get that straightened out for you.

When in doubt, contact customer support and be patient as stated many times... :-)

So, how goes it with the 8th fish selection bug?
I did a quiet update and the fix is available online now. I forgot to post this earlier. Thanks for reminding me.

All customers who purchased to upgrade for $9.95 and got the FREE update should have email telling them they received the FREE update and a full refund which should be reflected in next credit card statement.

All customers who purchased the update to $9.95 should have an email telling them the price was reduced to $5.95 and should be reflected in their next Credit Card statement.

At this time, I believe all the refunds are done, and email has been sent to these customers.

feldon34 02-28-2006 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by klyntun
IMHO, $5.95 for two beautiful salt water aquarium fish that never need to be fed and never die is an amazing bargain. But that's just me...:nag:

28 fish / 2 * $5.95...

The Aquarium should be $84?

As others said, I might feel different if Jim were getting some of that money.

klyntun 02-28-2006 11:45 PM

Yeah, whatever. :rolleyes:

jsimon 03-01-2006 01:24 AM

Licence key for Marine Aquarium 2.6
I dowloaded and demo-ed version 2.6 this weekend, liked it and bought a key for 19.95 - which didn't work. Turns out that the key I got is for version 2.0 - that version wasn't even on the list of available products (not for 19.95 anyway)!!

Has anyone else had that problem? I don't get a response from SerenceScreen. I just got the info "you bought version 2.0". Great. They tell you to download v2.6 and try first (that is what you automatically get when you click on the download link), but then the key they send you is for a different product. I hope this is an honest mistake and I will yet get a response. I'll keep you posted.

Addition from march 1st 2006: I just got a response from Prolific and they did send me a new key for version 2.6. So, it seems like it was indeed just a mistake. They have restored my faith in mankind and I am now a happy user of Aquarium 2.6 :-)

Jav400 03-01-2006 06:15 AM

You have hit a time right when a new product has been ofered and things are a bit hectic at Prolific. You will definately get a response, give it a short amount of time for them to reply.

honybee 03-01-2006 10:12 AM

Hello everyone!

I'm new to SereneScreen and the forum. Just purchased and installed v2.6. I noticed that the screen capture in this thread has a picture of 8 fish? My screen only has 7 (+ the starfish). Is there a special way to get more fish on the screen?

Thanks for your help...

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