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Marian Nichols 03-16-2004 03:12 PM

But what about the action of swimming toward the camera and suddenly opening its mouth and snapping it close. You know show some teeth

Digital Lungfish 03-16-2004 06:44 PM

Heck Marian, I'd be happy if ALL our sharks had teeth to start with. :)

Reichart 03-16-2004 06:49 PM

Some of our sharks have teeth, but remember, each tooth is 1 poly. When one considers that Sachs' fish are in the 300 poly range, we are talking a fourth just for teeth.

Digital Lungfish 03-16-2004 10:03 PM

Hey Reichart,

So is that your way of saying that you wont be adding teeth to the rest of the sharks then? Don't mean to pry, but teeth are rather important to sharks and the overall fear effect they convey. Without them they're like a toothless tiger. Nice to look at, but not too much in the way of fear. Ok, so a tiger does have it's claws, but you get my point. :)

Reichart 03-16-2004 10:11 PM

No, it means simply that we promised nothing.

We plan to improve the product though. We will do things in the order we can, and when we can.

Digital Lungfish 03-16-2004 10:51 PM

No worries Reichart, I wasn't reading into anything and never said you had guys actually "promised" anything, so shields down Scotty, you're not under attack. :)

I was just saying that the over all effect of a screensaver titled "Sharks: Terrors of the Deep" with sharks that have no teeth might seem a little ... well ... neutered. I fully understand the ramifications of the poly count, but what I'm not privy to is how far you guys are willing to go, so that's why I was asking. You never know until you ask, right? :TU:

Tiny Turtle 03-17-2004 02:14 AM

I too see the problem, but would as it is right now prefer a closed mouth over the Colgate smile of the GW...

/Tiny Nag About Glowing Teeth Again

Schnaaps 03-17-2004 03:32 PM

Interesting discussion RE Teeth. We will probably be adding teeth when and where they are needed, and balanced for effect vs performace.

For example, the GW is famous for it's large visable teeth in mulitple rows. These teeth are constantly being replaced. In some cases they are actually stick out beyond the jaw line before they break off. Our Great White has teeth and has a wonderful dental plan as Tiny points out. However, the bottom dwelling angel shark, No teeth is my vote... When we put behaviour and territory elements into the game, you will just never see them

Also, not all shark species have clearly visible teeth. For example:


I have not yet gone down the list of all of our sharks, but I would hazzard a guess that the majority of them will not benefit from, or be biologically accurate with visible teeth.

MadBob 03-17-2004 03:48 PM

Squid and a huge Whale meandering past occasionally.

Digital Lungfish 03-17-2004 11:12 PM

I totally agree Schnaaps, bottom dwelling sharks wouldn't normally have visible teeth and the same should apply to those in the screensaver. I should have clarified that myself when I was suggesting the sharks should all have teeth, it probably would have helped. :dunce:

BTW, thanks for the links, that one image makes for a good avatar. :)

Schnaaps 03-18-2004 01:07 AM

DL, you are correct, that is a great avatar.

As you may have figured, I tend to always stress realism and accuracy whenever possible.

Jav400 03-18-2004 03:51 AM

The only way to go. :)

mako-shark 03-23-2004 05:55 PM

First I would like to thank the developers for creating this product. I have been waiting for this product, and it surpasses any other attempts that I have seen! I have registered so that I can easily keep up with the sharks!

I agree with Tiny that claspers would be a nice addition to some of the sharks. Showing both male and female sharks would be very cool, and give some people a better idea that there are distinct differences between male and female sharks.

One other thing I have not seen mentioned in the posts would be some shark eggs. Since sharks can reproduce in 3 possible manners, it would be really cool to see some of the egg cases depicted in the backgrounds with bottoms. Again I think it would give people a little better appreciation of the true beauty of the sharks in the world.

Again thank you for the product!! I look forward to every update that might be issued!

Jav400 03-23-2004 05:57 PM

Welcome to the forum. Hope you enjoy your time here. The egg idea is one that I haven't seen before. Good job on your first post. :)

Yellow Tang 03-24-2004 04:27 AM <-- Tiny hint for adding smooth motion to this avatar. :compute:

Tiny Turtle 03-24-2004 04:43 AM

Noted, YT. I'll see if I can find some time.

sunny 03-24-2004 07:48 PM

1 Attachment(s)
sorry tiny...
just trying out...
is this ok?

Tiny Turtle 03-25-2004 02:21 AM

No worries, Sunny. I tried that one too, but thought it just looked like he vas stuck in one place. I'm thinking adding a few (small) bubbles passing by in the reverse direction of the shark might create a better illusion of movement.

/Tiny Too

Yellow Tang 03-25-2004 07:10 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I had something like this in my mind (made with SmartMorph, thanks Cliff):

drfish 03-25-2004 07:16 AM

Hey, not too shabby... :TU: The small blur kind of gives it a watery effect...

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