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cjmaddy 03-10-2003 06:23 AM


Actually, I have had 3D coral on the brain lately.
My brain cell hurts after reading this thread !!!!!

Rob 03-10-2003 11:23 AM

mine too, pass the tylenol..

people are too fast to point out what is wrong, this is still by far the best 20 bucks i have ever spent on my computer..

feldon34 03-10-2003 12:00 PM

The SSA team squashed a bug this weekend that could have affected ATI cards with sufficient memory to run the Aquarium (All in Wonder with 32MB of VRAM for example) when viewing the 5 new fish.

Reichart 03-10-2003 12:00 PM

I learn so much...

Originally posted by Rob
mine too, pass the tylenol..

people are too fast to point out what is wrong, this is still by far the best 20 bucks i have ever spent on my computer..

Lets see if I know how to spell this...."Hallelujah!"

handimannbob 03-10-2003 12:06 PM

best 20 bucks i've spent too rob

feldon34 03-10-2003 02:30 PM

Ctrl-Alt-Del bug fixed.

handimannbob 03-10-2003 09:38 PM

just getting ready for v2. do i uninstall prev. v then use sachsremove reg cleaner before installing v2.....and am wondering if my 810 chipset will work for more mm fishpicker i guess.....

Reichart 03-10-2003 10:26 PM

We install in a diff directory, so you should uninstall 1.0 after you confirm 2.0 works for you. Keycode is different, so the old Reg are of no interest to 2.0.

When the product is up, you can run a quick test.

What is mm fishpicker?

Jav400 03-10-2003 10:32 PM

He is refering to mountianmasters fishpicker, but that no longer really applies here. The new MA2 will have the same picker as the MAT version does.


You can run the reg cleaner if you wish, but it will erase all keycodes for every version. Make sure that you have them all written down somewhere if you want to still use the older version for any reason.

Vish 03-10-2003 10:59 PM


Originally posted by Jav400
...The new MA2 will have the same picker ...
Will it have star fish placement?

feldon34 03-10-2003 11:30 PM

Mountainmaster's brilliant fish picker still has a few features not in MAT/MA2...

Please look at them. 1 min to download...

patscarr 03-10-2003 11:57 PM


My brain cell hurts after reading this thread !!!!!
Finally! A joke from CJMaddy that I understand and does not need explaining! :D

Love MountainMaster's Fishpicker and hope he continues development on it to work with MAT and MA 2.0. :TU:

SouthPaw42 03-10-2003 11:57 PM

Great work on the menus. Looking darn good!

Vish 03-11-2003 12:23 AM

Is there a place where I can request an enhancement with SS v2 or beyond to have star fish placement?

I just love that feature...I think it's kindda cool...

Jav400 03-11-2003 12:43 AM

The wishlist is the place for all requests. Some of those things are being considered for future updates already, but the jury is still out.

handimannbob 03-11-2003 01:29 AM

thanks for the info

feldon34 03-11-2003 02:08 AM

Reichart asked me in the chat what I felt were the necessary elements of Mountainmaster's fish picker. I felt the priority was the Fish Cycling and the Starfish positioner. Maybe we need another topic for this...

cjmaddy 03-11-2003 06:56 AM


Finally! A joke from CJMaddy that I understand and does not need explaining! :D
Success at last! Thanks, Patrick (I think?) ...... (I shall have to be more obscure again in future!) ;)

I second your thoughts re-MountainMaster's FishPicker! - I think Prolific should recognize his pioneering work!
The visual presentation (black background etc.) and fish selection, leaves the 'Fish' tab in MAT looking very lacking!
A combination of the two 'pickers' should satisfy all requirements, - how about it Prolific? :)

bratboy 03-11-2003 08:06 AM

Finally looked at screens of MMFP and will definitly agree that some of its features do look nice.

To the earlier comments some have made picking apart MA and trying to lecture Jim on how to do what he does so well already seems a rather insulting thing to do. I think its safe to say if someone here could do better they would but as it stands I truly don't think Jim needs more Backseat Drivers trying to tell him what he should or shouldnt do.

Needless to say am a long time MA user since way way back, have always been impressed when changes do come and just as happy with whats already done. Takes alot to pry money out of my wallet for a "Screensaver" but with Jim's I couldn't give him my money fast enough back then. Since then he has never disapointed and has stuck to his guns on not rushing out "Junk" features or "Make do" fish and for that I'm extremely appreciative. As far as Im concerned Jim is the artist and its his call if he feels some of his Art needed changed and the new Angel looks cool to me so happy either way heh.

Yellow Tang 03-11-2003 09:09 AM


a long time ago we discussed a 'set priority' feature for the settings box (introduced by your settings prototype). I think with the increasing number of fish in the future this would be a nice addition. No royal gramma anymore! Sorry, but everybody has it's own 'least beautiful fish'.

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