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bugsymcd24 05-23-2004 08:26 AM

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here is my first attempt for you Nascar fans..LOL

bugsymcd24 05-23-2004 08:37 AM

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and for you JR. Fans....

Quick Death 05-23-2004 08:44 AM

klaatu -- do you know how to emboss text on PSP? I tried it two ways, but on the crystal it doesn't look right.

bugsymcd24 05-23-2004 08:46 AM

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ok last one.. for you Earnhardt fans....

klaatu 05-23-2004 09:00 AM


Originally posted by feldon28
In the first 2 test versions of MAL, the dappled light effect was extreme. In the last 2 versions, it was turned off to match the Crystal version of the Aquarium.
Maybe some day, there might be a way for logo creators to control how much of this lighting effect is used

Okay, that explains it. Would be great to have the control over that alright.
Since people are posting examples of what they've done I'll add a couple of mine to the show. ;)

grape_jellyfish 05-23-2004 12:05 PM

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I'm a Snoopy fan myself...

kona001 05-23-2004 12:59 PM

My first try :)
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My first try :)

This is me and my future wife :) etched into the crystal.

grape_jellyfish 05-23-2004 04:01 PM

Pretty cool Kona, I was thinking about doing that myself. Good Job. :)

bugsymcd24 05-23-2004 06:13 PM

here is me and my wife of 20 years.....

bugsymcd24 05-23-2004 06:14 PM

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grape_jellyfish 05-24-2004 08:01 PM

Here is an updated link to my logos to anyone who wants them, they are the correct size now. :)

Jav400 05-24-2004 08:25 PM

I think Sandy has enjoyed this better than any other :)

grape_jellyfish 05-24-2004 08:29 PM

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Thank you Michael, a rose for you...

basser1 05-24-2004 10:16 PM

I am a real nooby when it comes to using photoshop and paintshop. I tried both programs and got so frustrated, I thought I would turn to some of you and see if you can try your hand(s) with my company's logo. Thanks for any and all help.

grape_jellyfish 05-25-2004 12:49 AM

Where is your company's logo?

kona001 05-25-2004 01:21 AM

Sandy, I tried the link to download the file above but it didn't work. The flower is beautiful.

I like Michael's Lord of the Rings picture set and wonder what steps were used to make those look so good on the crystal, as well as if I could be able to download them as well.

I've been trying to make a picture of Cheryl and me black and white and come out like Michael's LOTR set but haven't come close. I'm still trying.

Thanks -Kona

grape_jellyfish 05-25-2004 01:38 AM

Oops sorry, I had it set to private, I changed it to public so now it should work. Here is the link again.

grape_jellyfish 05-25-2004 02:29 AM

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I gave it a try to but its a long way from looking as good as Michael's work, but here it is anyway.

Tiny Turtle 05-25-2004 03:29 AM

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I decided to have a go at that Linux penguin again. Best (least bad?) result below.

/Tiny Tux

bugsymcd24 05-25-2004 07:54 AM

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my baby picture... i think I may be getting the hang of this...LOL

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