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GreenHsiF 05-25-2005 10:38 PM

I thought that each creatures pack was going to have like four regular fish and two strange looking fish that was going to be made for the 3-D aquarium?

Jav400 05-26-2005 05:02 AM

The creature packs are AFTER this part. :)

BigBass 07-07-2005 04:25 PM

Hey, I am new to this, have not even got the full version yet, but plan to soon. I have looked at a few virtual aquariums, and this is by far the best. I few things I'd like to see, and may have already been suggested possibly, but:

1. The ability to make it my background on the desktop, and not just a screen saver. I got this from the AquaReal screen saver. Their graphics are inferior to SereneScreen, but i like that feature.

2. 3D backgrounds...probably available on the full version, but I do like them a little better.

3. I know you plan to add a feature to feed the fish, but other ways to interact with them too would be nice. Again, the AquaReal gives you that and the ability to "tickle" the fish. It's pretty cool, but again I do not want that program because they do not have the graphics your program has.

4. Although out of character and completely unnatural, I think it'd be cool to have a largemouth bass in my saltwater virtual aquarium.

I'll post more ideas as I think of them. For now...later guys. :cool: :cool: :cool:

Wizwad 07-07-2005 05:06 PM

Hi BigBass.

The question you have to ask yourself is: Would you find a largemouth bass (or any other fish - a basking shark, say) in your *average* tropical saltwater aquarium. If the answer is, "No" then you can pretty much take it as read that it's not going to appear here. After all, this is a simulation of an average (well, maybe a bit above average) aquarium.

To the other questions, I'll let the administrators give the standard responses to those; you're not the first to ask, though, and will not be the last...

Hope you have fun on the forum, though, even if the answers to these questions are not what you might hope. :)

ESHIREY 07-07-2005 05:08 PM

Yes, Welcome to the forums.

feldon34 07-07-2005 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by BigBass
1. The ability to make it my background on the desktop, and not just a screen saver. I got this from the AquaReal screen saver. Their graphics are inferior to SereneScreen, but i like that feature.

Not gonna happen.


Originally Posted by BigBass
2. 3D backgrounds...probably available on the full version, but I do like them a little better.

In development.

johnblommers 07-07-2005 05:38 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by BigBass
1. The ability to make it my background on the desktop, and not just a screen saver. I got this from the AquaReal screen saver. Their graphics are inferior to SereneScreen, but i like that feature.

So I run BackLight 2.0 which lets me choose any screen saver and make it wallpaper on my desktop. It even works under Tiger. But I fear that you posted here because you run Wintel. So an alternative is to press the "f" key when you're previewing the windows screensaver and make a screen grab of the resulting window, and use that image as desktop wallpaper. Damn but it does make a fine wallpaper :)

With some fiddling with Active Desktop, you may be able to do some cool stuff with a small library of such screenshots.

Have fun!

- John

PS We like Feldon29 around here because he answers brief and to the point ;)

BigBass 07-07-2005 06:21 PM

Hey, I didn't realistically think that you would put a bass in the saltwater aquarium, I was just playing around with that, though I would get a kick out of it if you did (I'm an avid bass fisherman). As for the desktop background, I will look into the program suggested to see if it works. I take it that it would work even with just the free demo version I am currently using? I'll try it to see. Thanks for the warm welcome guys...and I plan to enjoy the forum. Later :cool: :cool: :cool:

Jav400 07-07-2005 06:23 PM

Welcome BB. I love fishing as well, although my time lately, or lack thereof, precludes it happening. Welcome to the forums.

BigBass 07-07-2005 06:27 PM

johnblommers, I did a websearch and found the Backlight 2.0 download, but it says it is a MAC program. Do you know of a similar program I can apply to Windows? :cool: :cool: :cool:

johnblommers 07-07-2005 07:23 PM

In your shoes I would do a Google search for the phrase "active desktop screensaver" and try a few of them to see if they allow an arbitrary screen saver to be run.

- John

BigBass 07-07-2005 07:46 PM

I'll try that...thanx John :cool: :cool: :cool:

Tarkus 07-07-2005 08:11 PM

You might want to give 3d Animated Wallpaper a try. I haven't yet tried it with SereneScreen, but I seem to recall some people having success, albeit with a heavy CPU hit.

feldon34 07-07-2005 10:09 PM

Running SereneScreen Marine Aquarium as a backdrop will never be officially supported. It's not a screen saver. It's a moving piece of art.

BigBass 07-11-2005 03:26 PM

:cool: :cool: :cool: I have tried a few things, but with no success thus far. I am running Windows 98, and it seems that all the available screensaver/desktop programs require a newer version of Windows to run on. I'll just wait until I get a new computer with a newer version of Windows before worrying anymore about applying it as wallpaper :TU: . As for my previous comment about a bass...maybe it can be the inspiration for another project...a North American Gamefish screensaver that has various bass, trout, crappie, sunfish, pike, and catfish. That'd be pretty cool down the road. I did send in a coule of photos recently for a monk fish for the Marine Aquarium. Kind of an ugly fella, but that light on top of his head could create a neat special effect when the scene goes dark in the "nighttime" mode. I like the ideas others have submitted on the creature wishlist page, and hope many of them make their way into the Marine Aquarium. Later guys! :cool: :cool: :cool:

bk119 09-16-2005 06:07 PM

Hello all. Finally get to post after about 3 months.:TU:
I'm not sure if this has been mentioned...I didn't feel like reading all 1200+ posts on the subject...but I would like to see more tank themes\designs to choose from.
I have two tanks here at home (freshwater) and I design new tank themes on occasion just to break the monotony and to keep algi from starting.:cool:

schneb 09-30-2005 10:25 AM

This is what I would like to see...

A gentle, repetitive swaying of the anemones. With todays higher video cards, this should be possible.

Ability to add as many fish as my processor can can handle.

Ability to paste my own background picture. (be nice to have the water reflect over it)

User definable "skidishness" of individual fish (when it gets near another fish, it skidders away).

Someone else mentioned this, and I agree. Fish should be breathing.

Jav400 09-30-2005 10:54 AM

1) Jim is planning a new 3D background that will include moving anemones.

2) Your processor isn't the hold up to more fish, realism is. To many will cause pass throughs in the collision avoidence routines and totally destroy the effect.

3) Probably isn't going to happen.

4-5) Individual fish will have their own characteristics fitting with the species, not user definable, and be "breathing".

schneb 09-30-2005 12:58 PM

Scale Dem Fish!
That all sounds good. One more for the list...

I would like to see a fish scaler (no, I don't want them cleaned). On small monitors, my fish do not look to size, and therefore, not real. A fish scaler would increase their size until they are correct according to the monitor. If collision and all that are a problem with this idea, the amount of fish can be reduced as you increase the size and vise verse.

Jim Sachs 09-30-2005 09:13 PM

I'd have to come up with a MUCH better collision algorithm in order to make the fish bigger. Already, the larger fish can have a pass-through with each other or the background if in tight quarters.

(Very funny line about the fish-scaler, by the way.)

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