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Wizwad 05-07-2003 04:58 PM

I'm just teasing slightly Cliff. I think you weren't the only one to comment on that 'bug', but, to be honest, if several people hadn't mentioned it I would never have known that the roots weren't just too small to be seen. (And the same - errr fault - seems to be true of the plants in front of the left hand rock in that bottom left cluster.) Comes of me not keeping actual live fish, I suppose. :rolleyes:

Reichart 05-07-2003 05:00 PM

1. Q: For someone like myself who has waited 10 years for a decent aquarium screeen saver, to finally fine one as spectatular as the Marine Aquarium, and now the Goldfish, my favorite, just is just iceing on the cake!

A: Cool.

P.S. Addy's feedback is very much appreciated. Keep it coming. Every detail makes the product better.

Wizwad 05-07-2003 05:04 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Ooh! Look! My goldfish has got false teeth!

(If this works, that is!)

Liath 05-08-2003 07:57 AM


Ooh! Look! My goldfish has got false teeth!

lol :p

Reichart 05-08-2003 09:27 AM

"Gold" fish? yes.

And Moors. And many others. We are having al ot of fun building these guys.

Every single aspect of the product is getting better every day. We are doing it in passes. The movement and the Rock got better over teh past couple of days. We added the new Goldfish "Cali" and the BG colours just changed.

More powerful UI is coming soon too, which will trickle down to MA as well, like the abilityt to change the top and bottom BG...and the ability to change tanks.

Marian Nichols 05-08-2003 11:13 AM

This sounds better and better. I have sent links to everyone in my address book. Of course several of us already own the Marine aquarium.

Wizwad 05-09-2003 03:08 AM

Good things to look forward to! :)

Also, is there any chance of getting that light dappling on the fish and the plants? That would make it look absolutely fantastic!

IXNAY 05-09-2003 09:02 AM

Reichart, do you mean there will be more than one tank???

Reichart 05-09-2003 09:04 AM

Yes. To your question, and the one above it.
We have already built in the infrastructure to handle multiple tanks.

memilm 05-14-2003 06:36 AM

I observe these things:
when I manually start the MA2 and than windowed it, the GA will not start as a screensaver.
Is there a way to implement this also for another programs like AquaReal screensaver?
It would be nice to have a combo list with programs that if they are started to not allow starting GA as screensaver.

Reichart 05-14-2003 10:17 AM

I’m not exactly clear on what you are asking. I think you are saying you LIKE the fact that when you manually start ScreenSaver X, you don’t want your default screensaver Y to engage. I’m a little thick so use one syllable words.

Tiny Turtle 05-14-2003 10:51 AM

Oh, you're a little think alright, Ricky... ;)

I think Memilm means that running one of the Jim Sachs/Prolific SS' in windowed mode, the current (JS/P) SS will not kick in. The asking part is about whether or not it's possible to have the system understand that it shouldn't launch said SS if AR is running in a window.

OK, not so many monosyllables there, – but look! A whole bunch of TLAs :)

/Tiny Thinker

feldon34 05-14-2003 11:52 AM

Melilm would love it if he could add a list of programs to MA or GA that would be prevented from opening when MA or GA is running.

IXNAY 05-14-2003 12:11 PM

Hey do you mean with "multiple tanks" different backgrounds for the goldfishaquarium or do you mean running goldfish or marine aquarium randomely?

memilm 05-15-2003 01:13 AM

Tiny Turtle and Feldon have right with what I ment.
While GA will not be started as a screensaver(GA is set as default screensaver and will be started from OS at specified delay) when MA2 is running in window, I would like to know if this can be implement for AR too.

Reichart 05-15-2003 06:18 AM

We have nothing to do with them.

Jav400 05-15-2003 06:58 AM


As Reichart says, Aqua Real has nothing to do with our forum or the people that are working on things here. We do have a comments place in the Other Screensavers section, but thats about it.

Tiny Turtle 05-15-2003 11:43 AM


Originally posted by Reichart
We have nothing to do with them.
So by that we should assume that it is not Memilm's GA that relises a different JS/PP SS is running and decides not to launch but rather that the JS/PP SS already launched is sending out some sort of signal that other SS' detect and keep from starting?

The other way around would make more sense (to me) and would also (perhaps) make it possible for PP to design GA and other SSs to detect an open AR window. If they would want to do this is a whole different ballgame...

/Tiny Opposites

Reichart 05-15-2003 08:01 PM

Always make requests with links to pictures. Thanks.

feldon34 05-15-2003 09:56 PM

gimme an S!
gimme a P!
gimme an E!
gimme a C!

what's that spell? SPECULAR! :)

That's my #1 wishlist request.

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