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debavocet 08-09-2008 01:06 PM

When (if) beta testing becomes available to forum members, what about those of us who never beta tested anything but would like to give it a try? Can we get some basic advice, even an ignorant mallard like me? :D

feldon34 08-09-2008 02:54 PM

Beta Testing is first and foremost an expectation that there might be problems, you might need to do some extra steps when uninstalling or installing, you may be asked to run Registry scripts, and there is always the possibility that the beta version will have some unexpected results such as wiping out Windows. Slim chance but could happen. BY running the beta, you realize that anything is possible.

Secondly, if you encounter a problem, you will be asked to provide a detailed report of the circumstances under which the problem occurred and if you are able to repeat it. This will include some details about your computer such as which video card, video card driver version, version of Windows (including Service Packs), etc.

stephen barackman 08-09-2008 05:11 PM

It's been quite a while since I posted last, but now that I am stuck at home recuperating from my surgery I thought I'd chime in about being excited about MA3. I am really looking forward to the 3-D background and multi-monitor support.

Deadheadfred 08-09-2008 10:51 PM

Beta! Bring it on... We can all help test the best screen saver...
Many of us have 2 screens and cannot wait for the view.


Jim Sachs 08-10-2008 11:00 PM


dampfnudel 08-12-2008 08:45 PM

I'm looking forward to the release of MA3, Jim. I was curious if MA3 will require a discrete video card or if Intel's new X4500 integrated graphic chip will be good enough. I'm planning on getting a couple of new notebook computers, one with a discrete video card (ATI HD 3650/70 or Nvidia 9600M GT) and the other, Intel's X4500.

What about "netbooks" like the Asus EEE (with Windows XP), MSI Wind & Dell E Video/Slim which I believe use the Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 950. Any frame issues with an integrated graphic chip vs. a discrete GPU on a notebook/netbook ?

Again, I can't wait for your "baby" to be born.

rctneil 08-13-2008 06:18 AM

Hws the fish picker interface going?

Jim Sachs 08-13-2008 11:14 AM

Re: video cards - Just about any newer card should work.

The fish Picker is coming along slowly. I'm bogged down in tedious programming details - things which anyone who's had classes in C++ would know how to do, but take me forever to figure out. Copying strings from one ListBox to another, and stuff like that.

feldon34 08-13-2008 02:39 PM

Help me understand why the fish picker can't be built and mocked up in Visual Studio and then merged with your C++ program? Is it a DirectX thing?

Jim Sachs 08-13-2008 03:28 PM

I did mock it up in Visual Studio, but all those boxes and buttons have to be connected together by real code.

feldon34 08-13-2008 05:45 PM

I see.

dampfnudel 08-13-2008 11:44 PM


Originally Posted by Jim Sachs (Post 104106)
Re: video cards - Just about any newer card should work.


Mith 08-15-2008 08:20 PM

(Mith walks out of the thread thinking... maybe he should limit his visits to this site to maybe... 25-30 times per day... )

sigh.... (LOL)

rctneil 08-17-2008 05:28 AM

My exact thought there too! :D

Manymosi 08-17-2008 07:44 PM

One of these days(hopefully!) I'll log in to see 56 new messages in this thread raving about the new version just released :)

Jim Sachs 08-17-2008 10:38 PM

Only 56?

Mith 08-18-2008 02:20 AM


Originally Posted by Jim Sachs (Post 104178)
Only 56?

Don't think my reply went through, so here's another. I WAS saying that it would be more like 100 since I am here posting so freek'n much.. LOL

cjmaddy 08-18-2008 03:17 AM

Hint......... Repeated asking won't make it happen! ..... If anything, it can only slow down its release!

56? ..... 100? .... I check by here hundreds of times! :erm: ....................... Well, - a lot!

TheMethod 08-18-2008 04:06 AM

Changed my name to a recent handle (was supertoast or merlinski).

Anyway, just calling through to say...I'm still excited. lol

Seeyou next time I call in. :D

feldon34 08-18-2008 01:40 PM

Hopefully Jim will start a NEW thread about MA3 with a rollup of what features it has rather than forcing people to read a 91 page thread. ;) Maybe I should start writing a draft somewhere. ;)

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