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Xylem 11-13-2004 04:23 PM

Is there something new?
Hi folks,

I haven't been around here for months, and have not been keeping up. (BTW, I also tried to update my email addie but the form would not 'submit.' Anyone know what's wrong?)

Anyway; I was wandering through Best Buy yesterday, and saw a big screen displaying what was obviously a version of 'Goldfish' but it was different than what I have. There were big square rocks and BRIGHT BLUE gravel !!!! The goldfish were my old friends.

I know that in the past folks were talking about a possible 'fishtank' version with divers, castles, etc, etc. Has something new been created. I am so out-of-the-loop :)


drfish 11-13-2004 04:28 PM

It must have been running on a Mac... The Mac version got the new hottness but "we" haven't yet...

JimO'Connor 11-13-2004 05:44 PM

The bright blue gravel isn't a Mac thing.

Edgar 11-13-2004 09:52 PM

That is a special Microsoft version for the Media Center OS. Only Media Center will have that as of now.

feldon34 11-13-2004 09:54 PM

You guys made another deal with Microsoft? No comment. :)

James 11-14-2004 01:54 AM


Originally posted by Edgar
That is a special Microsoft version for the Media Center OS. Only Media Center will have that as of now.
any screenshot? I'm interest to see

Tiny Turtle 11-15-2004 02:06 AM

I'm with Morgan... :eek:

Jav400 11-15-2004 06:26 AM

Microsoft??!! Bah, Blech, Ptoiee. Anyone noticing a pattern here? :mad: :argue: :flush:

ESHIREY 11-15-2004 09:23 AM

I'm with you guys on MicroSnott. :mad:

Xylem 11-15-2004 02:03 PM

LOL. Thanks for the info, Edgar. Sorry I outed you guys :)

enigma63941 11-15-2004 07:43 PM

M$ (Darth vader theme playing).

IXNAY 11-17-2004 01:56 AM

So what are you doing right now?
And I would like to see pic of the MS version too!!!

Quick Death 11-18-2004 09:07 PM

screen shot please?

nreimer 11-19-2004 11:06 AM

Saw the blue gravel and square rock version at Cosco last night. Didn't like it. Don't want it.


Q-Beam 11-22-2004 08:17 PM

I found a picture of the new aquarium. I think it looks pretty slick and I would LOVE a copy of this baby!!

ESHIREY 11-22-2004 08:31 PM

Hey Q-Beam, Thanks for the pic. I like it. :TU:

Derrek 11-22-2004 09:42 PM

I saw this but thought it was running on a mac when I saw it.

James 11-22-2004 10:32 PM

WOW, that gravel is so BLUE!!!!! like those dyed pebbles sold in the pet shop....

I like the squared rocks though...

So it's only for Media Center OS, not for public sale?

PS: there's a on the gravel front....:D:D:D

drfish 11-23-2004 04:20 AM


James 11-24-2004 08:09 PM

Reviews of WinXP MCE 2005 Goldfish Aquarium (Blue Gravel)
1 Attachment(s)
It's turns out one of my friend has WinXP MCE 2005 installed in his computer, so he gave me that special blue gravel version of GA. And I've installed it in my WinXP Pro.

This is my review, let's look at its setting panel first, since my friends's WinXP MCE 2005 is Simplified Chinese version, so all the settings are in Simplified Chinese.

The top section on left is the "Tank appearance setting", you are able to select two tanks namely "Green Plants" and "The Zan Garden", It looks to me the name should be rename as "Medium Planting" and "Rocks Only" if you compare it to the normal GA. The option below it is
"Change Tanks"
Occasionally -------------|------ Frequent
This is quite a new style to see that Prolific use the slider bar to implement the tank cycle option, however, from experiement, the tank won't just cycle like normal GA, but it changes on the next start up. It's similar to what Morgan's design for MA's fish selection method long ago. So the slider bar controls how often the tank should alternate on each start up.

The meddle section on left is "Sound" control, it's a Bubble sound with a volume tunner.

The bottom section on left is the "Lighting" with an "Automatic Lighting" checkbox and the two sliders (Foreground and Background) that we're familiar with.

The right section is the available fish, there're only 7 goldfish: Brando, Freida, Ginger, Jack, Monstro, Morgan and Oreo.
As usual, you can only have 5 fish at a time in the tank, available for random or disable in each fish slot.

James 11-24-2004 08:14 PM

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Now let's look at the monitor setting button, it's the right button underneath the Lighting section on left.

Surprisingly, it's actually an MD version!!!!, It support multiple Display, the drop down menu is for resolution, the setting on screenshot is set to "Default to system resolution", then it's the colour bit depth, 16 or 32. The top check box is set to blank for the current selected monitor option. The bottom check box is the Wide Screen option!!!!! So cool!!!!!!

James 11-24-2004 08:18 PM

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Let's look at the "About" button beside the "monitor setting" button.

You can see the version number and the Prolific's contact address on it with other info such as the name of developers. And the special thanks to J. D Sachs:):):):)

James 11-24-2004 08:22 PM

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There are no hot-key control whatsoever, whenever you press a key, the screensaver just exit, not even a Exit on mouse move option, so you cannot see the FPS, Wireframe mode, Alternate between full screen to windowed mode, or alternate between wide screen and normal screen, or cycle tanks, nope.

But another good part of it is it's preview-able in the the Display propoerties panel, it looks like all Microsoft's bundled screensaver are made to be preview-able, even the 3 fish version of MA comes with WinXP Plus!

James 11-24-2004 08:23 PM

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And even the wide screen mode is also previewable!!! :TU: :TU:

James 11-24-2004 08:25 PM

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Now here are the two screeshots:

"Green Plants" AKA "Meddium Planting"

James 11-24-2004 08:30 PM

1 Attachment(s)
"The Zan Garden" AKA "Rocks Only"

James 11-24-2004 08:39 PM

After playing around with this version, I quite like it though. The blue gravel gave me the "Ewwwww" at the fist sight like Doc did, but then it looks cool to me, more like those aquarium set up with dyed gravel in pet shop, I like the square rock the most.

And the wide screen + MD support + previewable in Display propertise panel is definetly a plus!!

I don't know you guys, but I like it! :):)

James 11-24-2004 10:41 PM

There a few more points I like to add, the automatic lighting delay is set to 1 minute internally, it starts with background bright ---> Dark ---> Bright ---> Foreground bright --> dark ---> bright and then background again.

Althuogh there's no "Don't duplicate random choices" option available, it's set to that way internally too, you 'll never get duplicated fish if fish slosts are set to random.

I'm not sure about the "Disable monitor sleep mode" is internally set to active or not.

The "Debris" are there, you cannot turn it off, and so does bubbles.

I think those are the differences between normal version of GA.

James 11-24-2004 10:48 PM

My another friend in New Zealand are going to purchase a Media Centre PC soon (and of coz it's WinXP MCE 2005 installed), by that time, if he's welling to let me review on the English version of MCE Goldfish Aquarium, I'll post its interface here again.

The current one I got was from my another oversea friend in Australia, it's not surprising that he lives in an English spoken country by using Simplified Chinese version of WinXP MCE 2005. I use Traditional Chinese WinXP Pro on my PC in NZ anyway.

memilm 11-25-2004 12:26 AM

many thanks for your research and informations...

James 11-25-2004 01:09 AM


Originally posted by James
. The bottom check box is the Wide Screen option!!!!! So cool!!!!!!
I just realised that the normal GA doesn't support wide screen, this is the first version of GA that supports it, this is definetly a keeper.

But on second thought, am I allow to keep it?:confused:


Originally posted by memilm
many thanks for your research and informations...
No problem, I'm just lucky to have one friend who actually own the WinXP MCE 2005 PC, so I have the chance to play around with it. It's my pleasure to share out those findings to who are interest in this special GA version.

IXNAY 11-25-2004 06:01 AM

WOW thats cool, is there any chance to get it?

feldon34 11-25-2004 09:47 AM

Preview mode requires rewriting the Aquarium in DirectX 7 or 8 code.

cjmaddy 11-25-2004 11:13 AM

Blue gravel? ..... You cannot be serious!

James 11-25-2004 01:47 PM


Originally posted by IXNAY
WOW thats cool, is there any chance to get it?
Well, I dunno if I could distribute it around, I'm even a little worried about am I allow to keep it? I don't buy the MCE, my friend did! :rolleyes:

Should I up load it on my server for download?:confused:


Originally posted by feldon28
Preview mode requires rewriting the Aquarium in DirectX 7 or 8 code.
I see, but from the GA FAQ page , I thought GA was written in Directx 7? so basically they just added the previeable function, no complete rewrite I suppose. No?

However, it's the wide screen support that catches me, and new type of the tank alternating option. That's close what you've suggest for random fish occurance in MA.

PS: Thanks for the title help man


Originally posted by cjmaddy
Blue gravel? ..... You cannot be serious!
Cliff, you won't say that when you have it in action!!!! Just look at it as those tanks with dyed pebble/gravel in the pet shop! In a way, they still look nice.....

and the MD support plus widescreen plus previewable in window's setting.:TU: :TU: :TU: :TU:

cjmaddy 11-25-2004 04:22 PM

Sorry James, blue gravel does nothing for me! - Must be an age thing! :D

drfish 11-25-2004 05:46 PM

Hey, I said, "Ewwww..." and I'm younger than James I'm sure... ;)

James 11-25-2004 05:59 PM

LOL....oh you two little......

sunny 11-25-2004 09:31 PM

wow this is sooooo cool...:drool:
i wish i have that blue gravel version of GA..
is there anything wrong if distribute around?
else , James could you please send me a link (PM).:o

James 11-25-2004 10:09 PM


Originally posted by sunny
wow this is sooooo cool...:drool:
i wish i have that blue gravel version of GA..
is there anything wrong if distribute around?
else , James could you please send me a link (PM).:o

I'm not preparing to upload it on my server, for now, PM me first and see what I can do for you and I'll explain why I'm a bit concern to distribute it around.

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