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Jim Sachs 01-26-2009 09:45 PM

Marine Aquarium 3 Beta INSTALLER test
We are getting very close to releasing Marine Aquarium 3 to the public.

We have produced an Installer for Marine Aquarium 3 Beta 8k which we would like everyone to take a look at and test out.

Note that it will NOT accept any 2.6 keycodes and we are no generating Marine Aquarium 3 keycodes at this time. So to test it out, please use the TESTFISH key.

Download Marine Aquarium 3 Beta 8k with Installer (link updated)

I covered this in another thread, but yes - MA3 will need its own Key Code. Anyone who paid full price for MA2.6 on the website since last August will be able to simply log onto the site and get a free MA3 Key by email. Anyone participating in this Beta Test Forum will be able to get one, though Customer Service will need to handle that. And of course, you few who have been with us for the better part of a decade will be entitled to a free upgrade.

None of the mechanisms for getting the new Key Codes are in place yet. This new download is for those who'd like to test the new installer and behavior of MA3 in its unregistered form. For a while, the version at the normal download location (which has no installer) will continue to accept MA2.6 Key Codes.

Socrates 01-26-2009 10:54 PM

Is it normal that it wiped out my registration key?

Socrates 01-26-2009 10:56 PM

Check that. Didn't wipe it out. It will not accept a 2.6 code.

Jim Sachs 01-26-2009 11:06 PM

Correct. This is extremely close to the real release.

Socrates 01-26-2009 11:12 PM

OK. So then that's "by design". Will Prolific be sending us out new codes or something?

BTW, It's looking awesome.

Jim Sachs 01-26-2009 11:55 PM

I covered this in another thread, but yes - MA3 will need its own Key Code. Anyone who paid full price for MA2.6 on the website since last August will be able to simply log onto the site and get a free MA3 Key by email. Anyone participating in this Beta Test Forum will be able to get one, though Customer Service will need to handle that. And of course, you few who have been with us for the better part of a decade will be entitled to a free upgrade.

None of the mechanisms for getting the new Key Codes are in place yet. This new download is for those who'd like to test the new installer and behavior of MA3 in its unregistered form. For a while, the version at the normal download location (which has no installer) will continue to accept MA2.6 Key Codes.

PetervH 01-27-2009 01:52 AM

I removed the old MA3Beta.scr from my windos directory and installed with the installer.

When i try to run MA3 as a screensaver it tells mee that the beta has expired.
Restarting the screensaver settings screen the MA3 entrance has disapeared

Starting MA3 as an application works normal after entering TESTFISH.

I am using Vista 64 Utimate


Jim Sachs 01-27-2009 02:23 AM

Vista 64 gives us nothing but trouble.
If you get the message "Beta has expired" then there's an old Beta version still hiding in your system somewhere. It could be in a System32 or SysWOW directory. Try to find it and delete it.

After that, right-click on the new MA3 icon which the installer has (hopefully) placed on your desktop. Choose "Install", and you should be able to install it as your screensaver.

cjmaddy 01-27-2009 05:32 AM

Seems to be working fine here so far, on Win2k. - Starts up without the Statistics and with working AltLogo, in both modes, (application and screen saver), and with just the one copy of AltLogo.png and MA3Playlist.lst in... :\Documents and Settings\My Name\Application Data\Marine Aquarium 3

I didn't remove anything first, I just "installed" it, and everything ran smoothly. ... (Apart from the endless 'TESTFISH', ;))

PetervH 01-27-2009 06:31 AM


Thanx for your advise. It is working now.


feldon34 01-27-2009 07:52 AM

I've stickied this topic and added an announcement to Jim's initial post.

Cobra 01-27-2009 07:53 AM

At the end of the installation process when i uncheck "Set Marine Aquarium 3 as default Screen Saver" and finish, Marine Aquarium 3 can not be set as a screensaver in display properties, it doesn't show up at all. Guess what OS? Windows Vista (64bit). On my Laptop with Windows XP installation works fine that way.

StuDisney 01-27-2009 08:19 AM


Originally Posted by cjmaddy (Post 109749)
Seems to be working fine here so far, on Win2k. - Starts up without the Statistics and with working AltLogo, in both modes, (application and screen saver), and with just the one copy of AltLogo.png and MA3Playlist.lst in... :\Documents and Settings\My Name\Application Data\Marine Aquarium 3

I didn't remove anything first, I just "installed" it, and everything ran smoothly. ... (Apart from the endless 'TESTFISH', ;))

I let in run for an hour or so with no problems, ran "uninstall" and it reverted bake to the bata.

look like installer is working fine:TU:

loub516 01-27-2009 08:51 AM

Tried the AltLogo.png in the Appdata MA3 folder and the Serene Screen Ma3 folder still nothing happens when I press the L key using the 8K with installer version.

Installer worked great. XP Pro SP3. I am however showing two MarineAquarium3 entries in the screen saver tab of display properties. There is only one MarineAquarium3 entry in the system32 folder and no MA3 entry.

cjmaddy 01-27-2009 08:52 AM

Those looking for this version of MA3 in \Display Properties\Screen Saver, should note that it appears there as SereneScreen Marine Aquarium, NOT Marine Aquarium 3. - I think it would have been better had it been with the other MA savers, and called 'Marine Aquarium 3'.

Highlander 01-27-2009 08:57 AM

Installer works fine on xp pro (dutch) sp3

Music no problem at all

rps 01-27-2009 09:15 AM

No problems here. (Vista Ultimate on Dell XPS M1530; Note: UAC disabled)

~Ralph S.

loub516 01-27-2009 09:34 AM

I uninstalled it through add remove programs. There were no entries for MarineAquarium3 in the display properties screensaver tab. Re-installed it, there were two entries again.

Jim Sachs 01-27-2009 09:37 AM

Cobra - try right-clicking the icon and choosing "Install". This step seems to be necessary in Vista 64.

Nicki 01-27-2009 09:46 AM

No problems for me . With XP Home . It went in and came back out perfectly . I just moved my other Beta to the recycle bin for the duration of testing .

sccannon 01-27-2009 09:51 AM

Hi Jim,
No problems on Windows Vista Business SP1. Install ran perfectly.Thanks for all of your hard work!!

clifdene 01-27-2009 09:54 AM

No problems at all.

jahmekyat 01-27-2009 10:06 AM

Works on Vista Home 32 Bit
Removed older versions and installed with no issues. Looking forward to the final release date! Thanks for all of your work guys!

T Bryan

jdtoomb 01-27-2009 10:09 AM

:TU: All good here.
GeForce2 MX/MX 400 64mb

engelens 01-27-2009 10:15 AM

Installed like a charm on my XP machine. I now have two Marineaquarium screensavers in my screensaver list though...

MadBob 01-27-2009 11:30 AM

1 Attachment(s)
This screen shot shows all selected fish but look at the numbers they dont add up.

Cobra 01-27-2009 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by Jim Sachs (Post 109764)
Cobra - try right-clicking the icon and choosing "Install". This step seems to be necessary in Vista 64.

Thanks Jim. I just wanted to be sure this is not some kind of vista specific bug in the installer.

By the way... I have been reading the beta forum almost every day since the public beta and tried most of the versions. So far i encountered no other problems on my three pc's (vista x64, xp x64 and xp) including a short multimonitor test on my vista x64 machine.

troyb 01-27-2009 01:21 PM

I just downloaded the installer and it seems to be working fine this is a amd athlon xp radeon 9600 windows xp home

Ralph 01-27-2009 01:30 PM

I tried this at work.... they have a nothing but company SS policy.. BUT the SS installed just fine but would only run from the desktop icon. :D as it should under these circumstances

But.. the uninstall process left the folder and files in \\username\appdata (or something like that... where ever the files are supposed to go) And... there was no alt logo in that folder...

as a side note.. something I did not know...the spelling checker on which I rely is not part of IE.. and evidently I must download an add in... or so I was told when clicking on the "abc" icon in the top part of this box.. :(

JamesGreystone 01-27-2009 01:34 PM

Installs fine and runs with TESTFISH okay. XP Pro sp3 and Gigabyte Radeon graphics card

troyb 01-27-2009 02:07 PM

I just went back to check and see if it came up as a screensaver and it did but I did not have to type in testfish as I did when I ran it from the desk top icon is this the way it should do
I see you have to do testfish when ever you won't to do anything with the settings is this the way it should be

Edgar 01-27-2009 02:41 PM

As a screensaver, it will not ask for the Testfish. This is so you can use it as a screensaver still.

It will ask for Testfish when you try to make changes to the settings.

jimkraz 01-27-2009 02:48 PM

No problems here with installer on PackardBell rig using Vista 32bit on a Nvidia GeForce 7050 graphics card, showing ok in screensaver list, great stuff, were nearly there. Jim

Jim Sachs 01-27-2009 02:55 PM

MadBob - You probably used the unregistered version to load a fishlist which was created by a registered version. I put in a kludge to allow this so it shouldn't crash, but as you point out, sometimes the numbers won't add up. If you exit and restart the program, it should have saved the fishlist with legal numbers for the unregistered version.

troyb 01-27-2009 03:05 PM

in that case edgar it is running perfect

cohiba420 01-27-2009 03:09 PM

looks good with me! (XP pro SP 3 on windows mobile chip)

Rob62 01-27-2009 03:09 PM

Installed fine on my XP Pro & XP Home systems. Music and Desktop Icon placed correctly.

As far as "getting picky". During the installation, regarding the suggestion pertaining to having the latest DirectX (in this case 9.0c or greater) installed, the link below that statement brings one to a Microsoft home page that requires navigation to the DirectX page from there. Why not send folks directly to: ?

Thru all the Beta tests to date, minus the first few that I did not try the feature, the F1 - F4 buttons would lighten &/or darken the top and bottom. This new version, installed from the installer - the buttons do nothing.

As in MA2.6, I would like to be able to control the "light rays" that shine on the corals, crystal and fish, as the rays have a tendency to "kinda blur" things with the screen movement that pressing "P" stops. When the movement is stilled by pressing "P", the slight Blurriness stops. This is most noticeable on the crystal. The "Automatic Lights" feature, in MA2.6, would be nice to have here - and being allowed to turn the lights all the way on or off would be nice also.

Okay, please do not get mad at me here - I know that the starfish moves, because if I press "W" and enter the Wireframe Mode, I can see it BARELY move. I know that "real" starfish don't exactly cruise around like a Hummingbird - but a lot more movement would be welcomed as well as, once again, allowing (or not) on glass.

While, naturally, most credit goes to you Jim, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who have contributed so much to this fantastic program that will bring peace, serenity and joy to so many.
~ God Bless All ~

Jim Sachs 01-27-2009 03:39 PM

The code for the F1-F4 keys has not changed. They still control the lights on all my computers. I plan to give the user much greater control over the background colors.

The starfish will eventually be able to go on the glass, but it won't be speeded up. It's already twice as fast as a real starfish.

s.winterstein 01-27-2009 03:47 PM

The installer is working perfectly on my German Windows Vista (32 bit).

Go, Jim!

jroseone 01-27-2009 04:15 PM

Working fine for me with Vista ultimate 32 bit, miss the rest of the fish though. ;)

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