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Reichart 10-13-2003 07:17 PM

Which Toy Should Come First
It is assumed that any toy we do use, will move, and have bubbles coming out of it.

ESHIREY 10-13-2003 08:21 PM

I vote for the castle because every tank I ever had started with one .:TU:

grape_jellyfish 10-13-2003 08:23 PM

I voted for the castle too, I had one and the draw bridge went up and down on it.

ESHIREY 10-13-2003 08:28 PM


Originally posted by grape_jellyfish
I voted for the castle too, I had one and the draw bridge went up and down on it.
Sounds like we had the same type . :D

Reichart 10-13-2003 08:31 PM

So the buble made the draw bridge go up and down.

ESHIREY 10-13-2003 08:39 PM


Originally posted by Reichart
So the buble made the draw bridge go up and down.
If I remember right it did . I'm looking now for a picture of it . As soon as I find it I'll post it

patscarr 10-13-2003 08:51 PM

I voted for the scuba diver but I can see why the castle will win. Every Gold fish tank has to have a castle (on one side and the scuba diver on the other) :)

ESHIREY 10-13-2003 08:59 PM

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Ok . This is about like the one I had . The bubbles came up from under the bridge and then the bridge would drop down .

ESHIREY 10-13-2003 09:11 PM

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I got this chest too

ESHIREY 10-13-2003 09:12 PM

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And I found this diver . And they all have bubbles that look real good .

sunny 10-13-2003 10:29 PM

i've just voted for the castle, but alas after seeing treasure chest with diver, i hope it should be the first....
wshirey,nice pics though :)

memilm 10-13-2003 11:36 PM

the castle is very nice. what size will the toys have compared with the rocks, same size as the great rock or same size as the small one. will be there options to disable rocks and add more toys or something like this?

Socrates 10-14-2003 12:05 AM

I voted for the skeleton helmsman. Who doesn't like skeletal pirates!!

fishbowl 10-14-2003 01:52 AM

I thought the Treasure Chest with bubbles was reserved for Jim's Freshwater Aquarium? I hope the treasure chest is left out of the Goldfish Aquarium as there are many other objects that can be added in it instead. If it is added, I hope it will be COMPLETELY different looking than Jim's. :) Not saying that I don't think Prolific's artist wouldn't do a good job, because they're obviously very talented people. Just think it would be better left as one of Jim's signature pieces as he has already put much time & effort into it. Please don't be offended, just my ;)

Mountainmaster 10-14-2003 05:58 AM

I voted for the castle.

On the subject of the treasure chest, I was also under the impression that it was reserved for Jim's Freshwater Aquarium.
On the other hand, I would never use any of those cheesy object in freshwater aquariums, because the way I see it these are supposed to resemble natural environments.
I do not mind toys in a goldfish aquarium though, since there is not much 'naturalness' left in goldfish anyway.

Now wasn't there a discussion about wood in the freshwater aquarium some time ago? And wasn't that supposed to go into 'a Prolific product'? Or is that still planned for the Goldfish Aquarium?

So here is my opinion (after all this IS a poll):
- Freshwater Aquarium: Wood please!
- Goldfish Aquarium: Any silly toy you can think of. And I would like to see Jim's treasure chest in GA.

Marsh Marigold 10-14-2003 06:36 AM

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I remember having a diver like this; only blue.

patscarr 10-14-2003 07:37 AM

I like Marsh Marigold's diver. It should be an old style diver.

ESHIREY 10-14-2003 07:42 AM


Originally posted by patscarr
I like Marsh Marigold's diver. It should be an old style diver.
I like that diver too :TU:

ESHIREY 10-14-2003 08:14 AM

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I found these you might like to see .

ESHIREY 10-14-2003 08:16 AM

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And this one . And by the way , If someone could tell me how to add more then one picture at a time that sure would be a big help . :TU:

Jav400 10-14-2003 08:49 AM


It depends. You can either merge them together and post them all as one, or host them on your own site using img links.

Tiny Turtle 10-14-2003 08:52 AM

Y'can't (sorry)

/Tiny Sorry

You don't want to hurt me • but see how deep the bullet lies • unaware i'm tearing you asunder • ooh, there is thunder in our hearts

Edit: Grrr, and yet again I'm late with my reply...

Jav400 10-14-2003 08:58 AM

Well it looks like castle is in the front of the pack by a wide margin, the question to me is, what kind of castle? One of the terra cota ones that are more free shape, or a more realistic one with maybe a lion statue or some thing at the gate?

feldon34 10-14-2003 09:43 AM


Originally posted by fishbowl
I thought the Treasure Chest with bubbles was reserved for Jim's Freshwater Aquarium?
No kidding. What's going on?


Originally posted by fishbowl
If it is added, I hope it will be COMPLETELY different looking than Jim's. :)
Alas the pictures above of treasure chests look nearly identical to Jim's.

ESHIREY 10-14-2003 10:23 AM

wow . That was a lucky pic . ;)

IXNAY 10-14-2003 12:02 PM

I voted for the akeleton at them helm of the shipe, but when I saw that scuba diver with the chest , I wanted to vote again :D

In this threat are more pics of items for the aquarium:
My absolute favorite is the first picture, SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS. It would be so cool to see him in the tank, but all the other items in the poll would be very cool to. Simply do them all ;)

Marsh Marigold 10-14-2003 12:28 PM

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Long ago I had a very small ceramic castle I am sure was meant for a goldfish bowl, of a stlyle not meant for realism, just "cheese". Here is one I found that is sort of like it. Mine had no bridge, no trees - who needs 'em? We already got seaweed!

grape_jellyfish 10-14-2003 12:57 PM

But the idea is to have a cheesy item that makes bubbles. I also noticed someone made the comment that these items weren't realistic, of course you wouldnt really see them at the bottom of a lake but the screensaver is supposed to be a freshwater "tank" and I would say that most people put these toys in theirs, I know I did, it was part of the fun of having a tank.

cjmaddy 10-14-2003 01:32 PM

Anything would be better than that rock! ;);)

Seriously though, I think a Treasure Chest should only be in Jim's Freshwater Aquarium, with a nice piece of driftwood as a possible alternative option.
In the Goldfish Aquarium, I don't really have any preference. - Other than perhaps being able to have it with none.

Wizwad 10-14-2003 02:45 PM

I voted for the castle, but the type I would love would be a complex looking ruin that the fish could swim through. Not sure how you could put bubbles in that. My second favourite would be a fairly realistic looking skull. (And if it could glow during the dark phases on Halloween then that would be awesome!) :)

Marsh Marigold 10-14-2003 03:55 PM

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In place of the rock:

grape_jellyfish 10-14-2003 04:03 PM

I agree, the rock needs to go.

James 10-14-2003 04:29 PM


Originally posted by cjmaddy
Anything would be better than that rock! ;);)

Seriously though, I think a Treasure Chest should only be in Jim's Freshwater Aquarium, with a nice piece of driftwood as a possible alternative option.

Same here.

and this is skeleton at them helm of the shipe in motion, I vote for this
movie in MPEG (344Kb)

James 10-14-2003 04:38 PM

The waterfall is cool...
As bubbles rise up the clear waterfall channel, the illusion of a flowing waterfall is produced. As the air escapes out of the ornament, a red water wheel revolves at the top.
Movie in MPEG

Ralph 10-14-2003 04:45 PM


Originally posted by WSHIREY
And by the way , If someone could tell me how to add more then one picture at a time that sure would be a big help . :TU:
And while you're telling WSHIREY perhaps you could mention how to place the picture (s) where you want them and NOT at the end of the page.

Socrates 10-14-2003 05:33 PM


Originally posted by Jav400

It depends. You can either merge them together and post them all as one, or host them on your own site using img links.

You have to do that or just nag Feldon to upgrade to the newer vb that does multiple attachments. ;)

ESHIREY 10-14-2003 05:43 PM


Originally posted by Socrates
You have to do that or just nag Feldon to upgrade to the newer vb that does multiple attachments. ;)
hehehehehe you tell him , I'm not . I don't like to rock the boat . Besides , he does a great job here . I'll never tell someone what to do . :D

cjmaddy 10-14-2003 05:46 PM

For that Ralph, you will have to use img tags, as Michael said, and link to an image hosted on a site of your own,
..... (or someone else!), ..... like this:-

[ img ][ /img ]
..... (but without the spaces around 'img')

It can then be placed between text as shown above! :)

feldon34 10-14-2003 06:14 PM


Originally posted by Ralph
And while you're telling WSHIREY perhaps you could mention how to place the picture (s) where you want them and NOT at the end of the page.

When you use the Attachment function here on the forum, it appears at the end of the message and you can only attach one picture at a time. In vBulletin 3 you'll be able to attach multiples.

feldon34 10-14-2003 06:15 PM


Originally posted by Socrates
You have to do that or just nag Feldon to upgrade to the newer vb that does multiple attachments. ;)
I could upgrade to vB3 right now, (it's 3.0b7) and spend 10-15 hours customizing it to look how I want. And then when 3.0b8 comes out, I have to start over customizing it again. It won't be until 3.0RC1 that changes I make will remain in effect to future versions.

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