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TigerK0690 04-23-2009 06:08 PM

Only showing 25% of the screen
I am trying the beta on my old laptop and I have a strange bug. The screen-shot explains it better than I can. I tried changing all the settings and its still the same. Sometimes when the screen-saver just starts, the rest of the screen appears for a split second then disappears again. I used to have version 2.6 on this computer and it ran without problems.

My computer is a Toshiba Satellite 1805-S204 with Windows XP, 512MB of RAM, Trident CyberBlade XP Ai1, 1024 x 768 x 32 resolution.

Jim Sachs 04-23-2009 09:58 PM

Looks like a driver problem. It's painting the background wash last instead of first.

cjmaddy 04-24-2009 04:52 AM

TigerK0690, - please also read what Michael has just said on this other thread....

If you are only getting 6 fps with a Sleep(2) setting, then MA3 is too demanding for that computer. MA2,6 was much less demanding.

feldon34 04-24-2009 08:31 AM

Finding drivers for Trident CyberBlade XP can be a real challenge. I can try to look if you want.

TigerK0690 04-24-2009 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by cjmaddy (Post 112891)
If you are only getting 6 fps with a Sleep(2) setting, then MA3 is too demanding for that computer. MA2,6 was much less demanding.

From what I can see on the screen, its animating without any lag, so I'm sure it can handle it. I tried this screensaver on a Pentium III desktop with only 128MB of RAM and it was surprisingly fast.


Originally Posted by feldon33 (Post 112896)
Finding drivers for Trident CyberBlade XP can be a real challenge. I can try to look if you want.

I would really appreciate it!

Jim Sachs 04-24-2009 09:56 AM

I hadn't even noticed the 6 fps in the statistics readout. With a framerate that low, it's probably not worth the effort searching for new drivers.

feldon34 04-24-2009 09:58 AM

That screen snapshot shows 6 frames per second and a software viewport. So your graphics card is not going to run the Aquarium smoothly unless the fps goes up with different drivers.

MA3 requires newer hardware than MA2.6. MA2.6 will run on decent hardware from 7-9 years ago.

Nicki 04-24-2009 11:57 AM

I suppose Tiger , you might inadvertantly have full antialiasing and anistropic filtering on , in which case turning them off would give you a good framerate boost . I think someone did manage to get 30 something frames with a software vp once ? But most likely I think everyone who has already posted is on the money . When I first ran MA3 on my desktop it had integrated graphics with a software vp and the results were not good . I just had to buy a newer graphics card , but with a laptop you don't have that option . Maybe it's time to treat yourself to a new laptop ?

Nicki 04-24-2009 04:17 PM

Yeah , I just love that look she's giving . LB got it in another thread , Cassidy Freeman as Tess Mercer from Smallville . I like to switch my avatar pictures often , so it was like a contest , except with no prizes !

Jim Sachs 04-24-2009 05:18 PM

I sure wish everyone would go back to using their own picture. I like knowing who I'm talking to. It's hard for me to have a serious conversation with someone who looks like Henemly.

cjmaddy 04-24-2009 05:31 PM

You have a good point there, Jim! .... :roflmao: ..... Shall I dig mine out? :erm:

Jim Sachs 04-24-2009 09:02 PM

Only if you've changed from how I remember you.

henemly 04-24-2009 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by Jim Sachs (Post 112928)
It's hard for me to have a serious conversation with someone who looks like Henemly.

Sorry Sir. Here ya go.

Surferminn 04-24-2009 10:36 PM


Yodelking 04-25-2009 03:00 AM

Yeah, some avatars doesn't look too serious... ;)

cjmaddy 04-25-2009 05:55 AM


Originally Posted by Jim Sachs (Post 112932)
Only if you've changed from how I remember you.


loub516 04-25-2009 08:08 AM

The top of Mr. Potato Head is close enough to real life for me.;)

TigerK0690 04-25-2009 02:09 PM

Well, since this thread is about avatars now, I decided to add one too. lol

Nicki 04-25-2009 06:48 PM

I was the one who started all of this , so I guess it is fair enough . One time only this is a picture of the real me . Not a very good picture but it's all I'm ever going to post , lol . The real Nicole McNabb .

Jim Sachs 04-25-2009 07:07 PM

Seeing as you're the best-looking critter on the Forum, I don't see why you don't use that pic as your avatar.

Nicki 04-25-2009 07:35 PM

Done .

Ralph 04-25-2009 07:41 PM

HHHMMMM... Not at all like the image I had before... My "convert-an-avatar-to human" program has let me down yet again.

Jim Sachs 04-25-2009 07:55 PM

Butters - Cool. (I've never used that word before to describe anything other than temperature.)

Jav400 04-25-2009 08:03 PM

Nice to meet you Nicki. Welcome to the forum. :)

Nicki 04-25-2009 09:09 PM

Oh Michael you know I've been here for a while . I will have to throw you to Sokar .

Well maybe not . :)

P.S. There are lots of Nicki McNabb's on Facebook . None of them are me - I don't have a dog , Feldon knows what I am talking about , lol .

Jav400 04-26-2009 03:14 AM


If you must do what I do. I keep a photo on the profile page, ( I changed that recently as well ). I have used some form of a Zebra Moray Eel for almost 10 years as my avatar, I couldn't stop doing that if I had too. I guess "Harvey" ( which is what I named the zebra I had, since he disappeared allot into the home I made him in my old aquarium ) is my trademark now. I think I made this latest one maybe a year and a half ago using an alpha channel to make him look like he was sticking his head out. I figure the next time I change him I might make his mouth move realistically.

As for Sokar, I've had days that felt like I was on Netu and I looked for him. ;)

cjmaddy 04-26-2009 04:58 AM

Nicki, - you'll find 'the real' :erm: us, (or some!), by clicking on the avatar! .... though you may not like what you find.... ;)

..... I think the white Cockatoo, (or whatever it is), is far more interesting!!! :)

Jav400 04-26-2009 08:01 AM

Looks like one to me Cliff. But then again, I'm not a bird aficionado.

But I think we can go with this as I think there must be some unconscious hidden camaraderie here. Wiki gives a description as "Umbrella Cockatoo's are popular as pets, but they can be noisy and demanding." :rolleyes: :p ;) :lol::lol:

Nicki 04-26-2009 09:25 AM

Cliff , you have a look of Alex Trebek I think ,

and Michael you look like you could be a Tok'ra . I just hope Sam never kisses you ;) .

Nicki 04-26-2009 09:26 AM

P.S. Mods , I think you ought to split this thread and appo logies for me hijacking it .

Jav400 04-26-2009 09:51 AM

A Tok'ra?

Hmm well I don't know............ I was wearing my Stargate SG-1 sweatshirt that day. But it's black. I'm not sure I have any of those brown tunics they wear. :)

I wouldn't mind the hot dry planets they seem to pick, but you would think they would at least have enough sense to pick a spot near the beach or something. :)

cjmaddy 04-26-2009 09:53 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Not sure which is good and which is bad,... comparison with a Game show host, or comparison with a Tok'ra .... :eek: :D

The bird btw.... Apparently it's....
Latin name: Cacatua moluccensis
English name: Moluccan Cockatoo or Salmon-crested Cockatoo

This is the same actual bird as in my picture! ..... My pictures however, - you are welcome to download for free! ;)

Nicki 04-26-2009 10:10 AM

It's good . Alex Trebek is cool .

Jav400 04-26-2009 10:12 AM

I'm not sure Cliff.

The good points are that I am against Ra, and I get to probably live for ~250 years or so without any health problems what-so-ever. Unless I jump in a sarcophagus in there somewhere and get to extend those years. A few times might not hurt, I mean heck; Daniel has been in and out of those things a bunch of times and he still got admitted to the "glow club." :)

The bad news is I got a snake in my head, and I go on covert missions for months at a time where "no holds barred", just complete the mission is the normal rule.

I guess you'll have to figure out the good and bad of being Alex Trebek yourself. I have no clues on that one........................ :)

cjmaddy 04-26-2009 10:35 AM

250 years + you say? - and snakes in your head! ..... Naa!... Think I'll stick with having birds pose for me! ;);)

Jav400 04-26-2009 11:08 AM

Yeah maybe, but don't forget the health part.

I get perfect health for all those years. No matter what I come in contact with, the symbiote can cure me of it within a day or so. Broken bones, diseases, normal aging, all fixed or slowed down to a crawl. And I have increased strength, capabilities, etc. etc.......... Plus I get 1,000's of years worth of knowledge from the symbiote as well.

Of course the only symbiote I really liked was Selmac, but maybe I'll get a good one anyway. At least they will keep me company for all those years.

henemly 04-26-2009 12:55 PM

Alright Jim, conversation away. :D

Jim Sachs 04-26-2009 01:24 PM

Ah, much better.

Rick Simon 04-27-2009 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by Jav400 (Post 112964)
I wouldn't mind the hot dry planets they seem to pick, but you would think they would at least have enough sense to pick a spot near the beach or something. :)

I don't know.... it might not be all that wise to live in deep underground caverns when you are that close to large bodies of water. One minor leak could tend to ruin your whole day! ;)

Jav400 04-27-2009 08:22 AM

Holy Cow, another Stargate fan. :) :TU:

Well maybe not that close, but a 30 minute walk could suffice.

Which reminds me, I always wondered why no one at the SGC ever got any four wheelers for exploration. It sure would save allot of walking, fit through the gate nicely, and make running for the gate from Jaffa much easier. :)

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