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Schnaaps 02-22-2006 12:45 AM

Marine Aquarium 2.6 is here.
Prolific has released Marine Aquarium 2.6 on the website

Aquarium 2.6 contains two new fish and all the functionality of Marine Aquarium 2 and Marine Aquarium Time 2.

ED Note: Marine Aquarium 2.6 is a $9.95 upgrade for Marine Aquarium 1 and Marine Aquarium 2 users (even online purchasers).

Marine Aquarium 2.6 is a free upgrade for owners of Marine Aquarium 2.5 CD. Additionally, we are going to be offering MA 2.6 keycodes to all owners of the bundle versions of MA2 and MAT2. Prolific will be emailing our bundle owners free keycodes during the next few days, so please be patient.

Thanks again to Jim Sachs for all his hard work, and to the Order n dev team for coordinating a OS X release at the same time.

skypx 02-22-2006 02:04 AM


HisDudeness 02-22-2006 06:30 AM

YEAH but the new Angelfish does not render properly on my MAC. The old one does but not the new one!!
Waste of $9.95 update as I thought this was the new 3d moving background that has been waited for for so long. I,d like my update fee back and I,d like to revert back to my previous version. I dont like the clock thing either and wont use it anyway as I think it makes the scene look unrealistic,:( Also the update says it costs $5.95 for owners of the previous version but I had to pay $9.95 for this.

Jav400 02-22-2006 06:55 AM

This is from the serenescreen site:


Marine Aquarium 2.6 is now available.
Prolific Publishing, the maker of the blockbuster hits "SereneScreen Marine Aquarium and "LifeGlobe Goldfish Aquarium, updates its product line with the much anticipated release of SereneScreen Marine Aquarium 2.6, for Microsoft Windows and Apple Mac OS X receives this update as well.

Marine Aquarium 2.6 is built from the technology of Marine Aquarium 2.0 and Marine Aquarium Time 2.0. Previously, in order to receive all these features you would have to purchase both products and switch between them. The Tiffany style clock is customizable, removable, and includes the ability to add your favorite art or logos for our corporate users.

Marine Aquarium 2.6 features the same twenty five fish from the original Marine Aquarium and Marine Aquarium 2.0. Marine Aquarium also boasts the addition of the two new fish. The new fish which have been added to the tank are the Achilles Tang, and the amazing Clearfin Lionfish increasing the number of fishes in Marine Aquarium Time 2.6 to twenty eight. Users may now enjoy the expanded livestock configurations these new fish provide.
How can you say you didn't know what it was? No where in there does it mention the 3D background in this version.

jwdd 02-22-2006 07:11 AM

I own MA2 MD. Does this version qualify for the free upgrade or do I need to purchase the upgrade for 9.95?

loub516 02-22-2006 07:12 AM

I put my 2.0 keycode in and it doesn't work.

jleslie 02-22-2006 07:37 AM

I have MA2-MD and MAT2 but not as a bundle, as I was given the MAT2 keycode for being a long-term customer (as I suspect many here were). It will be interesting to see if I get a keycode for 2.6 (if not I think I'll wait for the 3D background).

My original purchase decision, all those years ago :-), was based on liking the fish a lot but not the background, but knowing a free upgrade was promised to the 3D background (all the fuss at the time made me think it would be 3 months or so, but that's just the way it goes). It will be interesting to see what fish get bundled in with the 3D version and if it is actually free to existing users (since 2.6 appears not to be).

Wow - I was just looking at the MAT keycode e-mail. It's dated "Fri, 21 Feb 2020 19:23:27 -0800", does time fly or what?!?


feldon34 02-22-2006 08:56 AM


Originally Posted by HisDudeness
YEAH but the new Angelfish does not render properly on my MAC. The old one does but not the new one!!
Waste of $9.95 update as I thought this was the new 3d moving background that has been waited for for so long. I,d like my update fee back and I,d like to revert back to my previous version. I dont like the clock thing either and wont use it anyway as I think it makes the scene look unrealistic,:( Also the update says it costs $5.95 for owners of the previous version but I had to pay $9.95 for this.

You can turn off the clock. Let's please handle the problems you are having with the Mac version (performance, texture problems) on the Mac forum. General comments about Marine Aquarium 2.6 are fine here.

feldon34 02-22-2006 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by jwdd
I own MA2 MD. Does this version qualify for the free upgrade or do I need to purchase the upgrade for 9.95?


Originally Posted by loub216
I put my 2.0 keycode in and it doesn't work.

I have to tell you, I am a bit disappointed that there is no upgrade path for people who have Marine Aquarium 2 and want the 2 new fish but not the clock. $9.95 is steep for 2 new fish.


Originally Posted by jleslie
It will be interesting to see what fish get bundled in with the 3D version and if it is actually free to existing users (since 2.6 appears not to be).

This will be very interesting. Indeed, the 3D version is supposed to be free to existing users of Marine Aquarium .99D -> 2.0.

Tiny Turtle 02-22-2006 08:58 AM

When you say angelfish - do you mean lionfish? Mentioning "the old one" (singular form) is what makes me venture this guess. Could you post a screen dump of the defective specimen?

/Tiny Drakfisk

loub516 02-22-2006 10:35 AM


If you have purchased Marine Aquarium 2.0 you can simply download the latest version from the product page and use your keycode. This will only work with the Marine Aquarium 2 line.
This is a quote from the FAQ page for 2.6. If you can't do this why is it in the FAQ?

JimO'Connor 02-22-2006 10:42 AM


This is a quote from the FAQ page for 2.6. If you can't do this why is it in the FAQ?

The rest of the web site is not in synch with the binary posted. I'm sure that there will be many confusing things until it gets straightened out.

loub516 02-22-2006 10:50 AM


I have to tell you, I am a bit disappointed that there is no upgrade path for people who have Marine Aquarium 2 and want the 2 new fish but not the clock. $9.95 is steep for 2 new fish.
I'll wait and see what happens with the 3D background. 9.95 for two fish? NO WAY!!!

feldon34 02-22-2006 11:23 AM

I appreciate the efforts of JR (Schnaaps) and the rest of Prolific as well as Jim O'Connor and the rest of Order-N-Dev to launch new versions of the Aquarium on Mac and PC simultaneously. I just think we were a little surprised by the pricing structure.

jwdd 02-22-2006 11:31 AM

I could understand the upgrade charge for those that only purchased MA. A lot of us purchased MA and MA Time separately rather than as a bundled item. After all MA Time wasn't even available back when I originally purchased.

loub516 02-22-2006 11:40 AM

I also purchased both and to pay half as much as the original program for two fish ain't gonna happen.

Ricci 02-22-2006 11:40 AM

Can we please have some clarification on this.

I am an original MA beta purchaser, which included add on critters and 3d background ( both to be released at a later date)

Do I now need to buy updates, or will the 3d background and critters be separate add on for v2.0, or am I confused and got it completely wrong?

RA 02-22-2006 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by jwdd
I could understand the upgrade charge for those that only purchased MA. A lot of us purchased MA and MA Time separately rather than as a bundled item. After all MA Time wasn't even available back when I originally purchased.


Originally Posted by loub516
I also purchased both and to pay half as much as the original program for two fish ain't gonna happen.

Ditto on both of these.

$5 a fish!? Is that per pound or per fish? ;)

The two new fish are great, Jim. Good work! I especially like the new Lionfish.

Have not yet decided whether it is worth it or not..... I mean, I have every Aquarium that Prolific has put out.... and then some others ......

Jav400 02-22-2006 12:18 PM

Maybe we need to get some clarification from Jim S. on this, but my original understanding was that the 3D background would be a free upgrade for the people that started with Jim Sachs way back when ( like before the 1.0 version). The additional charges were to be for unusual fish and creatures that will require much more work to accomplish since they will be more complex, and are made to go in the aquarium after the 3D background in the form of "creature packs" that would be made available when that point is reached.

Jim may wish to correct me here if I am wrong.

JimO'Connor 02-22-2006 12:31 PM

JimR isn't in the office yet.

Let's ask him about ad hoc bundle buyers (bought each product individually) and see what happens.

Schnaaps 02-22-2006 01:26 PM

Hello All,

Just to clarify some to the people who purchased the products separately. ( jleslie would be an example in theory ) we will upgrade you at no cost. We have a script that auto-generates our keycodes for us and due to the number of permutations it is no practical to post everything here.

The basic rule of thumb is that if you have the funationality of MA 2 and MAT 2 you will get a free upgrade. In the past, Jim Sachs and Prolific have always been very generous with our upgrades, especially with our fans and beta testers. (Has there ever been a beta tester on any product that has not received keycodes?)

So, the plan is...
We are going to send out an email with keycodes during the next few days for people who we can verify via our database get an upgrade. Once this is done, I would say that 99% of the upgrade questions will be answered.

jleslie 02-22-2006 01:39 PM

Cool, thanks

feldon34 02-22-2006 01:41 PM

Realize that what J'O and JR are talking about is owners of Marine Aquarium 2 and Marine Aquarium Time 2 wanting to upgrade to the combined Marine Aquarium 2.6 which contains both products.

I'm trying to find out if there will be any consolation for Marine Aquarium 2 owners who just want the 2 additional fish and not any of the business/office/branding features (I consider MAT to be an office/business product).

jleslie 02-22-2006 01:53 PM

Provided the 3D background is still provided for free I'm not too unhappy, there was no guarantee of free additional fish. However if the fish were intended as a "gee you've waited years, here's a little something for your patience" I do think they should have been free to existing users. (Or if not free there should have been 5+ fish and perhaps some more behaviours.) I get bundling MAT makes it more complicated (concept-wise, it actually simplifies Prolific's product range).

Here's hoping when the 3D arrives it'll blow us away so much we'll forget about anything else...

(Yes, I do get Prolific have been good to their customers, which is nice, in return I like to think we've been good to them too... in support, evangelism and patience.)

loub516 02-22-2006 02:27 PM

My sincerest apologies to prolific. Upon checking my e-mail later in the day I was sent a key code. My bad.

jwdd 02-22-2006 02:51 PM

I received my keycode also. Thanks.

mvpatrick 02-22-2006 04:16 PM

So how does one find out whether they are entitled to a free upgrade? I have already paid for both MA2 and MAT2. Yet I have not received any keycodes for v2.6. I refuse to pay $9.95 for 2 new fish. Why must customers who purchase software continue to re-purchase it over and over again? Just wondering?

Jav400 02-22-2006 04:37 PM

Prolific has a huge database of everyone who has purchased the products. It will take probably a few days to get all the emails sent, but if you are listed in them as a registered user, you should get one.

Socrates 02-22-2006 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by feldon29
I have to tell you, I am a bit disappointed that there is no upgrade path for people who have Marine Aquarium 2 and want the 2 new fish but not the clock. $9.95 is steep for 2 new fish.

This will be very interesting. Indeed, the 3D version is supposed to be free to existing users of Marine Aquarium .99D -> 2.0.

Going back to beta, I thought we were promissed many moons ago that we would get everything all the way to the 3d background as free updates. I wasn't expecting to pay anything more until the "creature packs" started.

Schnaaps 02-22-2006 05:36 PM

Lite tech stuff:
Due to the size of our dbase, and the computations we run when we issue keycodes, it takes a several hours to run all the updates on a server with no traffic and issue the codes. Our server is already loaded pretty hard during any update from version tracker traffic, the forum, etc... and is just takes time. We purposely balance our load to be sure that all the traffic coming in doesn't shut us down.

For those you were here when we went to version 1.0. it took over 28 hours of straight database connections to issue all the codes. Our server is much faster now, but we have more load and more customers...

Bottom line:
So, please be patient while our scripts run, and send out all the email. I will let you know when we are done.

jleslie in response to you statement...
we are very appreciative of our fans and you all are very good to us.

Wesjack2 02-22-2006 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by Jav400
Prolific has a huge database of everyone who has purchased the products. It will take probably a few days to get all the emails sent, but if you are listed in them as a registered user, you should get one.

Nice to know. Thanks!

Personally, I don't think it's a big deal, if I get the fish I get them.
If not, I'm not going to do anything rash like delete the screensaver from my computer.

I'm perfectly happy with MA and over the years I've got my moneys worth and then some.


Vish 02-22-2006 06:27 PM

Can someone who already has this version post screenshot of JUST the two new fishes for our eye delight?

Thanks in advance.

Waiting patiently for the script to finish her/his/its job !!

JimO'Connor 02-22-2006 06:37 PM

They are both in the page header picture.

Jav400 02-22-2006 07:31 PM

They are already on the web pages Morgan and I maintain located

enigma63941 02-22-2006 07:45 PM

I tend to lean towards the others on their concerns on the pricing for two fish. Maybe with a 3d background I might bite right away. I was about to upgrade, but I'll wait.

Falz 02-22-2006 08:01 PM

Um, Jim said updates would always be free. Including the 3D background.

Now I have to pay what I originally paid over again for 2 new fish?

I'll pass, thanks.

Falz 02-22-2006 08:05 PM

It's good that they are combining all the MA versions into one now, but to split them off in the first place was a bit of a greedy grab for money. Now to get the "combined" version, you have to pay AGAIN even if you bought all the previous versions! LOL... shrewed Jim, very shrewed. But I'll save my money this time.

enigma63941 02-22-2006 08:09 PM

I think that's why the upgrade is so high. You have to buy the crystal version. It would have been nice to offer the upgrade at a lower price for those who don't care for the crystal version.

Jim Sachs 02-22-2006 08:39 PM

Falz - Hey, leave me out of it. I just make the aquarium. I have nothing to do with upgrades, pricing, splitting, combining, or any other business or marketing decisions.

jwdd 02-22-2006 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by Falz
It's good that they are combining all the MA versions into one now, but to split them off in the first place was a bit of a greedy grab for money. Now to get the "combined" version, you have to pay AGAIN even if you bought all the previous versions! LOL... shrewed Jim, very shrewed. But I'll save my money this time.

If you bought the previous versions of MA and MA Time you should be getting the upgrade for free. I got my keycode earlier today.

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