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Prolific-Matt 02-20-2002 08:21 PM

Version 1.1 of the Aquarium is now available here:

Please discuss all related issues with 1.1 in this topic below.
If you are upgrading from the versions 99D through 99L, please go to this link to upgrade:

99D-99L Upgrade to Version 1.1

Jav400 02-20-2002 08:42 PM

***Comments about New Version 1.1 ***
Please post your comments about the New Version here.

Enigma 02-20-2002 08:46 PM

First and foremost, the Lionfish is amazing. Jim has outdone himself yet again!

Now for the question. I'm not a "frame-rate freak" but I noticed my framerates have gone up with the new version and I'm not sure why.

I usually get around 40-50FPS, now it's at 70-80FPS.

Has anyone else noticed this?

asprague 02-20-2002 08:53 PM

Others have also suggested that the lights in the tank cycle with the time of day. Most thought that that would be far too slow. Plus, you have the problems of days getting longer and shorter and those living near the polar caps would have extended periods of light or dark.

Edit: Somehow our posts ended up on separate threads. Hope you get over to this one to see it.

The_Thrill 02-20-2002 08:54 PM

I am 21 and giggling like a school boy AHAHA the blues are amazing. Job Well Done! Thanks to all at prolific and Jim.

Kerry 02-20-2002 08:57 PM


The Lionfish is awesome! You have done a wonderful job Jim & it was well worth the wait!


Ralph 02-20-2002 08:57 PM

Just installed mine. The link from worked just fine as did the request for my serial number. The quick launch buttons still do not work if one has AutoCad installed :( Other than that the installation went as it should.
Nice job Jim:TU:

Bill R 02-20-2002 09:05 PM

Beautiful job Jim!

Bill R

SunKing 02-20-2002 09:06 PM

Problem when ordering
I attempted to purchase the full 1.1 version. After entering all the credit card info - clicked submit and received:

CGI Error
The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers. The headers it did return are:

Select CountryID from fish.CountryID WHERE name = 'US'
** Script Error: Out of range or past end
** Where: do-boot
** Near: ref: first db-port
insstatement: {INSERT into Main ( Name, Email, Address, City, State, Zip, CountryID, RefID, ProdID, ProdTypeID, OrderNum, KeyCode, amount, apprCode, purch

I did receive an email from as follows:

This transaction will appear as "PROLIFIC PUBLISHING, INC." on your credit card billing statement.

***** SALE *****

Time: Wed Feb 20 20:34:43 2002
Merchant: 494228
Order ID: DELUXE-xxxxxxxxx

Card Number: xxxx...xxxx
Exp. Date: xx/xxxx

Amount: $21.95
Approval Code:

HEKP - I can't find a Keycode that works? ...any ideas?? - I hate to try (pay) again.

Jim Sachs 02-20-2002 09:09 PM

Ralph -

I changed the program so that Autocad users can rename the Desktop copy of the Aquarium to Aquarium.exe, and just click it anytime they want to run the program. If you also want to use it as a screensaver, keep a copy with the original Aquarium.scr name in the System folder.

dwax 02-20-2002 09:09 PM

After a year and a half of being in your data base and one
of the first to buy the screensaver when you decide to change
keycodes im no longer in your database whwat up should a
person wait and not beta test?

Jim Sachs 02-20-2002 09:14 PM

Sunking - After a year and a half of the introductory price, you just missed it by a few minutes!

Regarding the credit card problems, that is a matter for This is just a user forum, and no one here has any knowledge of Prolific's banking software.

Jim Sachs 02-20-2002 09:16 PM

dwax - That is why we put in the feature for those who recieved early Key Codes. Just go to the site, enter your name and Key Code, and you will be given a new-style one, which won't need to change again.

Jim Sachs 02-20-2002 09:22 PM

Enigma -

With each new version, I try to streamline the code a little more. On some cards framerate increases, on some it decreases. Life is like a box of chocolates -- You never know what you're going to get.

strike11 02-20-2002 09:24 PM

Wow...yeah, Wow...that's it. Unbelievable Jim...ok, I guess it was worth the wait...but still worse than the day before Christmas...

cadetdrivr 02-20-2002 09:24 PM

Wow. Version 1.1 sure looks good on the internet.

Too bad that as a beta purchaser (8/27/00!), I’m not in the system for an updated key code. I even tried the link for beta users, and it returned “The name that you gave submitted does not match your Key Code.” Yikes!

I’m looking at the printout from the day I signed up, and everything matches. I guess I’ll just have to wait a few days to see if prolific responds to my email.


ps The Lionfish does look cool in the photos!

dwax 02-20-2002 09:26 PM

Are you trying to say Jim if you bought it in Aug of 2000
you have to go buy ver 1.1 all over again

dimbulb 02-20-2002 09:27 PM

Can't enter my passcode
Can't seem to get registered. Got my new passcode via email just minutes ago. If I key it in and press Enter or click the OK button, the screen blanks and I never get any indication that the code was taken. Once I miskeyed the code and I got a error saying the code was wrong. But I can't get registered, any ideas.

Jim Sachs 02-20-2002 09:30 PM

dwax -

Of course not. Just go to the site, click on the link for current users who have not recieved their Key Code by email, enter the name you used when you purchased and your old Key Code. Your new Key Code will instantly be emailed to you.

feldon34 02-20-2002 09:31 PM

dwax, All purchasers prior to February 20 get 1.1 upgrade for free.

Go here:

rcl66 02-20-2002 09:32 PM

DANG! I have the same problem as cadetdrivr, I registered for the deluxe version on August 24, 2000 and I have the original email. But putting in my information gives me the message

The name that you gave submitted does not match your Key Code.Please be sure to use the same name that you used to purchase the product.

And it doesn't recognize my email address. I hope Prolific can keep up with the work load for those of us in this from the start! :)

dwax 02-20-2002 09:32 PM

I tryed to Jim Got a email and name and keycode dont match
up after 1 and a half years dont rember cc # so will half to wait
and see what Prolfic says

Jim Sachs 02-20-2002 09:34 PM

Dimbulb -

1. Make sure you are running v1.1.

2. Are you getting all 20 digits of the code right? It's easiest to just cut and paste it from the email, but watch out for blank spaces at the end of the code which might be grabbed by the cut-and-paste operation.

dimbulb 02-20-2002 09:39 PM

I must not write too clearly. I just got a key code about ten minutes ago but I'm not able to enter the code.

If I'm entering an incorrect code shouldn't I get an error message not a blank screen and return to the "press the space bar screen"

hayc59 02-20-2002 09:39 PM

i also have been lost in the shuffle! i did not get an e-mail yet and i went to the download page to give that a try and entered the two e-mails i use and says i am not in the entered in the data base(error):hmad: but i have a feeling it will get worked out somehow!!

ziggy 02-20-2002 09:41 PM

The blue background and the lionfish are awesome, the update was well worth the wait!

Jim, you are a great artist - keep up your high standards, you've created a true masterpiece!

dimbulb 02-20-2002 09:43 PM

Yep, I'm using 1.1 and 20 digits and I was careful about the spaces. I both keyed the passcode and did a copy/paste.
I'm lost. Even downloaded twice.

Jim Sachs 02-20-2002 09:43 PM

Just to clear up any confusion for those whose email addresses have changed or any of the other 100 things that can go wrong with the system getting your new Key Code to you --

When you use the automatic Key Code matcher, it is VITAL that you enter the EXACT name that you did when you registered. The system uses this to generate a Key Code, and if that Code matches the old key code you submit, then you will be given a new one.

For example, if I originally registered as James D. Sachs, but now I type in James Sachs, then the Key Code that is created from this name will not match the original.

kjason 02-20-2002 09:50 PM

I just received an email with my supposed "valid keycode" but there is no keycode. The email says:


This is your Registration Keycode for the SereneScreen Aquarium...

Is anyone else having this problem?

The_Thrill 02-20-2002 09:52 PM

I have everything working great, but the thing that confuses me is that in order to get my new key code i entered my email address in the website, but why would you need to go to the support page and enter your original code and name?

fred_hurst 02-20-2002 09:52 PM

dimbulb I am having exactly the same problem, don't worry you aren't going nuts, I thought I was for a while till I read your post,

hmmmm very frustrating, I want to see this new lionfish!!!


cadetdrivr 02-20-2002 09:54 PM

Reply to - Jim Sachs -

<< When you use the automatic Key Code matcher, it is VITAL that you enter the EXACT name that you did when you registered. The system uses this to generate a Key Code, and if that Code matches the old key code you submit, then you will be given a new one. >>

FYI - Jim, I used the *exact* name as on my printout from the day I registered. Then for fun, I tried every conceivable combination of my name.

It looks like I was lost somewhere along the way. :-(


bhoule 02-20-2002 09:56 PM

1 Attachment(s)
With the new version, the bubbles column is screwed up on my computer. There are some white lines running vertically where the bubbles usually are and there are just a few, maybe 7 or so, bubbles actually on the screen.

You can see what I'm talking about in the screenshot below

It didn't happen with the older versions. I'm running this on Win98 on a Toshiba Laptop with on a run-of-the-mill laptop graphics card.

bluetang 02-20-2002 09:57 PM

I don't usually post messages, but I must say hats off to Jim, the blue background is beautiful, the lionfish is very realistic and is a nice finishing touch to the aquarium. Very nice work Jim, I am sure you put many frustrating hours into this, but it appears to be paying off.. Looking forward to future updates..

hayc59 02-20-2002 09:59 PM

Got It!!!!!
i finally got it!! my name is all messed up in you data base!!
thats why it took me so long to figure this out!! my apologies to all!! and it is awesome!! so cool!! runs great and thanks to Jim,Feldon and Matt for putting up with my Cr@p!!:TU:

Bob 02-20-2002 10:00 PM

I'm having the same problems as Dimbulb and others. After making my request for the new key code I got an email with the new 20 character code. I did the cut and paste (without getting any extra spaces), entered the key code manually (both with and without the dashes). I keep getting the message "Enter a valid registration code or place the Aquarium CD into the drive."

I downloaded a fresh copy of 1.1 and even requested a second copy of my keycode from the SS web site. All I was asked for was my email address, not the name I registered under, so that's not the problem.

Now, this is not the email I had when I orginally bought the aquarium, but I did send Prolific the proper information and received a confirmation email that my records had been changed back in January.

I have notified Prolific customer support. Too soon for a reply. If and when I hear I'll post a report.

Good thing it's not just me having this problem, Jim. ;-)

Bob Frank

ziggy 02-20-2002 10:04 PM

I don't understand what the 'automatic key code matcher' is & what it is good for... All I did, was entering my email address, the code was sent to me. I've installed the demo, typed in the new code and everything works just fine...

Finalrinse 02-20-2002 10:15 PM

Key Code won't work
I have also tried to copy and paste, making sure there are no spaces at the end or beginning. I've tried to manually enter the code. Requested the key code and recieved it twice. Downloaded, removed and reinstalled v1.1 twice. It still won't register.

SunKing 02-20-2002 10:22 PM

Problem with ordering
Jim, I appreciate your suggestion to send an email detailing my problem to service@serensescreen. Rest assured I have done so. I also thought, after all your hard work getting 1.1 ready that you would want to know that people who are attempting to PAY for the new version are unable to get a KeyCode.

FYI - I thought, perhaps, I did somethig wrong, so I re-ordered - and received the same "CGI ERROR" on the order confirmation screen. It processed my order (and I received email confirmation that my credit card was charged) but because of the CGI error it does not take me to (I assume) the next page where it would list my Keycode. Also, if I try to retreive my newly purchased Keycode by requesting Serene Screen email it to me - it tells me my email is not in their records (no suprise as I'm sure the CGI error is a result of not being able to update the database with my info)

.....SO - I've paid twice....but still no CD key. Any other suggestions?

kr2828 02-20-2002 10:23 PM

Key code
The first key code they e mailed me didnt work. So I went back to the site and went through it again. The second key code was a little different. That one worked. I did go in and delete fish.exe(L) before I tried it again.

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