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rcl66 04-11-2006 05:52 PM

4 years later might be time to change...
I've been using the Marine Aquarium screen saver literally for at least 4 years - since the initial 9 fish release. There were updates for a while years ago, but then things have pretty much stopped.

Just looking for an update - a sign of hope - is the 3D background or anything significant coming SOON? Not to be disrespectful but at this point I've pretty much given up hope of anything new coming along. The greatest screen saver and background ever has just about run its course for me.

Jim Sachs 04-13-2006 10:41 AM

I'm assuming you got the new 2.6 update.

Working on 3.0, but it will be a while.

Jav400 04-13-2006 10:53 AM

Got any tidbits on what you are currently planning or where you are in the 3.0 update Jim?

feldon34 04-13-2006 11:19 AM

I think it really comes down to, is Jim going to try to build the 3D background on top of the existing architecture and all of its limitations, or is he going to try to use some advanced tools out there for handling surfaces and textures. If it's the first option, then it could be a long time. If it's the second, then after the initial 3 month-long migraine headache of getting it all working, then you start dropping objects in and they just "work". Very rewarding but a steep starting curve that I think Jim has tried a couple of times and said "enough!" because of how un-artistic and un-creative that kind of development is. Prolific had at least one 'crash course' with Jim about this stuff, but I don't think that went so well. :( It's like trying to send Picasso to engineering school for 3 months before he can paint.

I'm still not sure why Jim can't hire someone from Newtek for a few months. Hell, they might do it for free. Not a "do it for me" way, which we all know Jim won't touch with a 10 foot pole, but a "tell me how the heck to use these tools in a way that's never been tried before and without me needing to study Calculus or Engineering."

Jim Sachs 04-13-2006 08:24 PM

Prolific has a new 3D guy putting together some Shader demos for a tutorial. We'll see how it goes.

Ad_Enuff 04-22-2006 09:34 AM

The realization of the 3D Background will move this screensaver / simulation from a "That’s a pretty screensaver" to a “Wow, that’s simply gorgeous!” must have product for everyone.

The 3D background has been a major concern for me for a while now and after much heated debate on other threads we need to push this to the front of the queue.

You can add fish till the cows come home, but this screensaver needs fresh vitalising "something" to keep this product above everyone else which is slowly becoming stale with so many "clones" or indeed free ** COUGH warez COUGH ** becoming more available.

Jim Sachs 04-22-2006 04:27 PM

Yep, that's why I don't plan to do any more fish until the 3D background is done. (Though all of the existing fish have to be re-done.)

handimannbob 04-23-2006 10:37 AM

i, and some friends i asked don't agree totally with what ad and jim say. all those nice backgrounds in other savers look great, but after a short while THEY are just pretty pictures. i, and those i asked say after a short while eyes are mostly on the FISHES, not the background.... sooo, how about a new 2-d background to add as a choice, to keep it FRESH, as u say. take a poll and i bet people would be glad to pay for it........lmao....sure it would still be out of date BUT....

Inspector Dryfish 04-23-2006 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by handimannbob
i, and some friends i asked don't agree totally with what ad and jim say. all those nice backgrounds in other savers look great, but after a short while THEY are just pretty pictures. i, and those i asked say after a short while eyes are mostly on the FISHES, not the background.... sooo, how about a new 2-d background to add as a choice, to keep it FRESH, as u say. take a poll and i bet people would be glad to pay for it........lmao....sure it would still be out of date BUT....

I think Jim has mentioned many times that it took him a year to paint the existing background. So, even if he started now...

Meanwhile, I've been running mostly DreamAquarium lately.
Aesthetically, I like that background a bit less than the MarineAquarium background, but I really like how the DA fish are becoming so lifelike in their movements, and how they interact with the _moving_ DA background. Schooling, pecking and nibbling, darting among the weeds. Meanwhile, MA fish behavior is the equivelent of solitary pacing... they're wearing grooves in the water. Mind you, they look damn pretty doing it. :-)

With all the recent and ongoing improvements, DA is leaving MA in the dust.
However, that's the word from somebody who has been buying and fiddling with fishtank screensavers for a while.

The thing to consider, from the user perspective, is that the damn things are just screensavers, after all - something that you might idly watch when not doing something at the computer. Or, they are something for other people to watch when we are away from our desks. Beyond the natural ego-massage for the artist of having his work on a bunch of screens and appreciated, what the creators and marketers really care about is NEW purchases.

You and I have already paid our money, and aren't likely to pay again soon. The only affect we have on decisions by potential purchasers is if our comments are viewed by people shopping for an aquarium screensaver. To them, it's all new and fresh. To them it doesn't matter how old or static the product might appear in the eyes of someone who's seen it for months or years.... unless we seem to be badmouthing, and turn off some prospective buyers.

On the third hand, the very fact that the product seems to have generated a cult-ish following might be attractive to some.:rolleyes:


Ad_Enuff 04-24-2006 06:43 AM

Kevin (Inspector Dryfish) has proved my point in terms of other screensavers catching up with Jim's creation.

Dream Aquarium is a great fresh water 3D aquarium with an interactive 3d background. OK, most of the screen is green! which to be honest is its biggest flaw.

But its overall build quality and look is equally as good as Jim's if not slightly better.

The Marine Aquarium is something of beauty and once the new 3D background is complete and Jim has the fish interacting with it, it will put Sachs Marine Aquarium back at the top again.

I don’t want another background, I'm very happy with the current design and look. To add another design won't take Jim's creation any further than it is now other than adding a new background to look at.

The current one if recreated in 3D will simply be stunning. It has enough variation and colour to keep it bright and detailed.

Dream Aquarium is one step ahead currently and more importantly how easy is it to create a Marine version and surpass Jim's within months based on their current 3D engine?

Jim Sachs 04-24-2006 10:16 AM

The idea for the 3D background is that in the "centered" position it will look almost exactly like the current background, but as soon as it starts to scroll right or left, the difference would be obvious. Being 2.5 times as wide as before, there's a huge about of material to build in 3D.

Everything is conspiring to slow things down. One unpleasant item is the huge number of complaints I'm getting from irate customers who have received bogus emails (presumably containing a virus) from my site. That site does not actually send or receive any email, but some hacker idiots have used it as a return address for malware.

feldon34 04-24-2006 10:54 AM

I would remove your e-mail address from and change it to a formmail type form that includes a hidden variable.

Then, any e-mail that you receive at fish-byte that does NOT include that hidden variable is suspect.

Jim Sachs 04-24-2006 11:58 AM doesn't send or recieve email. People find my regular email address.

FishyBusiness 04-24-2006 08:07 PM

Shutdown I get email all of the time stating that it's from Paypal. I do have a paypal account, but I know how scams can masquerade as an email from another site. Maybe Prolific can send out a mass email warning people of this scam?

Jim Sachs 04-24-2006 10:15 PM

No, that would just add to the spam problem. Also, you'd be amazed at how many people threaten to sue us just for sending update notices after they checked the "Notify Me" box when registering.

Falz 04-25-2006 12:28 AM

Thanks for putting me onto Dream Aquarium. I just purchased it too.

It's cool! Shame there's no sound yet, feels a bit lifeless without some bubbling. It runs fast though, I added about 30 tetras and the framerate was still 85FPS - I wonder if it's using Geometry instancing for the fish? That would be cool indeed.

Falz 04-27-2006 08:33 AM

DA models are good but the textures are pretty low-res. The GA/MA2 textures are high res, but there's no "zoom" function to be able to appreciate them up closer, and it does make some of them "shimmery".

Realistic fish behaviour and interaction adds so much to this aquarium! They cease looking just like cardboard pieces being moved back and forth. This is what I dreamed about when I first saw MA in action.

Ad_Enuff 04-27-2006 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by Falz
DA models are good but the textures are pretty low-res. The GA/MA2 textures are high res, but there's no "zoom" function to be able to appreciate them up closer, and it does make some of them "shimmery".

Realistic fish behaviour and interaction adds so much to this aquarium! They cease looking just like cardboard pieces being moved back and forth. This is what I dreamed about when I first saw MA in action.

The biggest flaw for me is the very basic colour scheme! It’s practically 80-90% GREEN! Jim's original mock-up of his freshwater tank puts this screensaver to shame.

I wouldn’t use it as my main screensaver for this very reason. DA must come up with a more interesting and vibrant 3d environment for this really to take off like Jim's has.

I guess using the green / black colour scheme really shows off the fish better, but its a bit insipid.

Falz 04-28-2006 01:20 AM

New backgrounds are coming soon, the author posted a screenshot of "Moss Angeles" but with a sand floor. Looks much better.

Ad_Enuff 04-29-2006 08:12 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Falz
New backgrounds are coming soon, the author posted a screenshot of "Moss Angeles" but with a sand floor. Looks much better.

What this one? Its certainly an improvement, still not much variety. As I said earlier, Jim's Freshwater Tank was more vibrant and detailed than this.

Jav400 04-29-2006 08:44 AM

Jim has always claimed that he was an artist first and a programer second, I think thats one thing that makes his aquarium stand out from the rest. There are others that are catching up, or passing in some ways what he has done as far as the logistics goes, but they will have a very difficult time matching his artistic flair.

Jim Sachs 04-30-2006 12:26 AM

By the way, I went to an incredibly nice aquarium shop today - Old Town Aquarium in Chicago. Probably the nicest aquarium store I've ever seen. The tanks were all so clean I thought they couldn't be more than a year old, but when I asked how long the store had been there, I was told "30 years!" They have the tanks cleaned weekly. For anyone interested, the address is 1538 N Wells St. Chicago, IL 60610. (312) 642-8763

drfish 04-30-2006 06:06 AM

I'll be driving within a few miles of there today on my way to the GCCA swap... Depending on what happens at the swap maybe I'll stop by on the way back, thanks Jim! :)

Tiny Turtle 04-30-2006 03:46 PM

Long trip (or was it related to Jill's school?) - Did you get any nice photos? (of fish - not Jill :) )

The fish in the pics at sure look nice (the yellow tang ant the trigger is exceptionally clean).

GCCA? Is that the Gulf Coast Cycling Association, Greater Colesville Citizens Association, Graduate Careers Council of Australia or Georgia Christian Counselors Association? Then again, Greater Chicago Cichlid Association seems somewhat appropriate...

/Tiny Acronyms

Jim Sachs 04-30-2006 04:09 PM

Tiny - Yes, we were visiting Jill at school, then celebrating an anniversary. Now we're in Asheville, North Carolina. Going to see the Biltmore Estate tomorrow.

drfish 04-30-2006 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by Tiny Turtle

I figured I was safe since I had already spelled it out in another thread (that and it's google's first result)... I'll get some pics of what I got there soon, I'm quite pleased! :) But I didn't take the time to stop at the place Jim mentioned, once I had the fish bought I rushed home ASAP to get them in the tank. So far everyone's doing great but I'll talk about it in my Nano Rift thread later...

Jav400 04-30-2006 08:02 PM


You are only a hop, skip, and a jump from my neck of the woods now. If you head back this way give me a call and stop by..........

You need to go up and spend a few days in and around Gatlinburg in the Smokies, and then head on down to Atlanta and see the Georgia aquarium. :)

Jim Sachs 04-30-2006 08:20 PM

Won't have time. Taking off from Charlotte on Wednesday morning.

Jav400 05-01-2006 07:34 AM

Ah well maybe next time. Let me know and I'll take you on a tour around the area if you want.

Jim Sachs 05-01-2006 08:43 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Went to the Biltmore Estate today, and had a really great time. Got a lot of ideas for the new house. I wish they allowed photography. At least the Casio is small enough not to be noticed. For our British friends, the Biltmore house is significant because it is so typical of our "second homes" - country residences which most middle-class Americans own.

Tiny Turtle 05-02-2006 01:09 AM

Ah, thanks. now I understand.

/Tiny Euro

cjmaddy 05-02-2006 06:11 AM

"... so typical of our "second homes" - country residences which most middle-class Americans own." :erm:

Only one? .... No third and forth! :rolleyes:

Wizwad 05-02-2006 06:47 AM

Your second house looks like that? :eek:

What does your first house look like? Versailles? ;)

Jav400 05-02-2006 07:22 AM

So what did you think Jim? How long did you get to spend there, and did you take any of the "behind the scenes tours"?

Tiny Turtle 05-02-2006 07:39 AM


Originally Posted by Wizwad
Your second house looks like that? :eek:

What does your first house look like? Versailles? ;)

Look, Cliff. This time it was the European who missed the American irony. There goes your theory... :)

/Tiny Axiom

Jim Sachs 05-02-2006 08:59 AM

Oh, I'm sure Wiz got it :)

Jav - Spent the whole day there, but didn't do any behind-the-scenes tours. Next time.

Wizwad 05-02-2006 10:06 AM

:) :p :)

Don't forget that I already know what Jim's house looks like - or bits of it, at any rate! :)

Tiny Turtle 05-03-2006 02:11 AM

Of course you do, but that killed my joke, so I chose to overlook it.

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