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JohnWho 06-13-2010 01:07 PM

Beta 11o discussion

JohnWho 06-13-2010 01:18 PM

Jim -

"CTRL-R" does this:

BubbleSound =FALSE;
Music =TRUE;
Volume =1500;
MusicVolume =1500;

Is "Volume" for bubbles and MusicVolume for music?

Also, I notice now that the defaults (CTRL-R) settings are:

FrameRate = 90
LimitFrameRate = TRUE

Am I correct?

Dale 06-13-2010 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by JohnWho (Post 122670)

According to the "Update" thread:

Beta 11o was released yesterday (June 12th) at 12:26 AM (CDT). In other words, about 38 hours ago.

I'm not getting email notification of updates any more, it seems.

That probably deserves a new topic, and I'll start one.

JohnWho 06-13-2010 01:23 PM

I'm getting that tingly feeling that we are getting close to 3.1.

JohnWho 06-13-2010 01:24 PM

Dale -

I believe Jim forgot to post the new 11o release in the "Announcing" thread. That's why we all didn't get an email.

Edit - correction. Notification of 11o is in the "Announcing" thread.


Dale 06-13-2010 01:31 PM

11o does not display the Statistics on startup. The .scr is named MarineAquarium3.scr

Perhaps that means that it wasn't compiled as a Beta? Doesn't expire?

[I suspect I understand the "notification" issue, but that's why I started a separate thread - it's not really an 11o issue]

JohnWho 06-13-2010 01:35 PM

Dale -

look at msg #48, here:

JohnWho 06-13-2010 01:39 PM

Jim -

I notice that CTRL-R also resets the window size to 748 x 508 and moves it to the upper left quadrant of my screen.

For documentation, what are these settings?

Jim Sachs 06-13-2010 01:43 PM

748 x 508, and the upper left quadrant of the screen.

JohnWho 06-13-2010 01:46 PM


ScreenPlacement=Upper Left Quadrant of Screen


Complete CTRL-R listing:

MouseExit = FALSE;
AlwaysTop = FALSE;
TitleBar = TRUE;
ShowCrystal = TRUE;
Autopan = TRUE;
PanSpeed = 0.3;
CurrentBGSet = 0;
TopColor = default color;
BottomColor = default color;
BubbleSound =FALSE;
Music =TRUE;
Volume =1500;
MusicVolume =1500;
CurrentFishSet = 0;
NumFishSets = 1;
CycleFishSets = FALSE;
Drawbubbles = TRUE;
EyePt = 3.6, 1.01, -20.0;
CurrentLogo =0;
FrameRate = 90
LimitFrameRate = TRUE
ScreenSize = 748,508
ScreenPlacement = Upper Left Quadrant of Screen

Dale 06-13-2010 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by JohnWho (Post 122687)

Oh. Apparently implying that 11o was compiled "non-Beta" and probably non-expiring.

Jim Sachs 06-13-2010 02:24 PM


JohnWho 06-13-2010 02:39 PM

I'm trying to get the Readme right, and I'm asking for a response regarding the CTRL-R function.

Jim Sachs 06-13-2010 02:41 PM

Looks about right. Don't sweat the details, it's just a rough draft.

Dale 06-13-2010 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by JohnWho (Post 122688)

I notice that CTRL-R also resets the window size to 748 x 508 and moves it to the upper left quadrant of my screen.

CTRL-R only does that when MA3 is operating in Windowed mode. When MA3 is operating in Full Screen mode, CTRL-R does not do that.

Same as CTRL-C.

JohnWho 06-13-2010 03:03 PM

Well, since I'm no longer sweating the details,

I don't need to document that.

Thanks for the info though.

Dale 06-13-2010 03:19 PM

There's a ton of stuff that's modal.

Remember the stuff that didn't work in "Screen Saver Settings" but worked elsewhere? Did we ever confirm that all got fixed? (And is still fixed)?

Wizwad 06-13-2010 05:54 PM

For m and o, hitting the 'space' bar when MA is full screen has caused the simulation to pause. Only by hitting 'F' and going into Windowed mode brings the 'space' bar back to it's 'Settings' functionality. Is that just me?

Jim Sachs 06-13-2010 06:15 PM

It sounds like the Settings box is coming up underneath the main screen. This used to be a big problem, but I thought I solved it a few years ago.

JohnWho 06-13-2010 06:28 PM

I can't replicate it.

Anyone else?

Ralph 06-13-2010 08:39 PM

That "used" to be a problem for some.. but I have not had it happen for a long time and can not duplicate it at this time.

Dale 06-13-2010 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by Wizwad (Post 122730)
For m and o, hitting the 'space' bar when MA is full screen has caused the simulation to pause. Only by hitting 'F' and going into Windowed mode brings the 'space' bar back to it's 'Settings' functionality. Is that just me?

I can't replicate it either - running Windows 7-32. Space bar always brings up settings panel.

What version of Windows are you using? Anything unusual in your program settings or ??

Jim Sachs 06-13-2010 11:16 PM

Wiz - I don't recall the particulars of your setup. Is it something weird, like dual screens, where the settings box might be trying to appear on a screen that's not on?

cjmaddy 06-14-2010 02:07 AM

Even on "...weird dual screens", ;) the settings box always appears, - even when a screen is not 'On'.

Sorry, Mark, - I can't duplicate it either.

Jim Sachs 06-14-2010 02:32 AM

Hmmm. Curious.

Wizwad 06-14-2010 02:35 AM

I've just been stuck with Win7 64 bit. Bought a new system on Wednesday after throwing in the towel with all my obsolete kit. I'll provide up-to-date specs when I get home tonight, but it's running an nVidia GT330 graphics card which is doing a good job with MA. :)

JohnWho 06-14-2010 06:00 AM

I'm running Win7 64bit on a desktop and a notebook, and can't replicate it on either.

JohnWho 06-14-2010 05:32 PM

Awful quiet in this thread.

Does this mean 11o is pretty much OK?

Edit to add - other than a change in default frame rate to 60.

Jim Sachs 06-14-2010 05:44 PM

Well, if there's nothing else, I'll go ahead and post 11p, which only contains the change of the default fps to 60, and the 10-second timer for wireframe mode.

Since no one has reported any crashes, I guess I'm OK keeping the current scheme for setting the FPS Limit. I'm using the High Resolution Timer, and was a little worried that some systems might not have one. The literature is pretty old, and mentioned that an alternate timing method should be resorted to if the HRT was absent, but it appears that all systems have it nowadays.

JohnWho 06-14-2010 05:52 PM

It would be nice if there was some way of knowing how many folks are downloading these betas and comparing it to the number of folks actually reporting on them.

Like you said, if "no one has reported any crashes", then at some point you have to accept that the program is sound.

Jim Sachs 06-14-2010 05:57 PM

v11p is up.

Wizwad 06-14-2010 05:58 PM

Right. Here we go:

Acer Aspire M5811
Intel Core i5 650 4 Core ~ 3.2GHz
Graphics GeForce GT330 w. 1GB VRAM
Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit
DirectX 11
Resolution: 1280 x 1024 32 bit
Graphics Driver Version:

And after activating the screensaver, it still does what I described. But only in Full Screen - as soon as I put it in Windowed mode the settings screen comes in front and centre.

Looks like you were right about the settings being behind the main saver when Full Screen Jim.

Double click MA icon on desktop.
Full screen display appears.
Press 'Space'.
Get frustrated as saver has paused but no settings are visible.
Hit 'Space' again to get things moving.
Hit 'F' to window and then 'Space' to proceed successfully with desired change through settings panel.
After OKing change, hit 'F' again to full screen.

I'll go ahead and download p to see what happens with that.

JohnWho 06-14-2010 06:00 PM

So, when you hit "space" the first time, and MA3 pauses,

can you "Alt-Tab" and get to the Settings panel?

Wizwad 06-14-2010 06:02 PM

For a fraction of a second - then MA quits on me all together.

And - GAH - happens with p, too. I imagine it's the way this OS is installed which is causing the problem, somehow.

JohnWho 06-14-2010 06:07 PM

Could be an interaction with some other program running in background, too.

Wizwad 06-14-2010 06:09 PM

I shut down everything else other than IE. No change. I'll shut down OE too...

JohnWho 06-14-2010 06:13 PM

Just grasping, Wizwad.

Assuming you have all the appropriate current drivers, too.

JohnWho 06-14-2010 06:14 PM

Curious, too -

what are the screen sizes when you do Win/Full Screen modes? (Shows in Statistics display)

Wizwad 06-14-2010 06:19 PM

1280x1024x32 in full screen
1071x507 in windowed mode
Effect still occurs even with everything else closed. :(

JohnWho 06-14-2010 06:32 PM

Well, Alt-Tab appears to be one of the key combinations that will shut down MA3 when Full Screen. So, much for that.

Have you done "CTRL-R" to reset everything?

I'm really wondering if this is a problem with your fairly new video card and it's drivers. Are they WHQL certified?

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