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IXNAY 03-11-2003 11:31 AM

Most wanted fish
Well we know that Jim has already done a A Cardinal Tetra for the freshwater aquarium and that he is planing to put in, Angelfish, Red Swordtails, Black Mollies, Glassfish and a bottom-feeder catfish will probably be in there, if he can solve some shadow problems.
I thought of setting up a poll to help Jim finding the most wanted fishs on the aquarium, so here it is.
You can get pictures of the fish from the wishlist:

feldon34 03-11-2003 11:43 AM

Wait til you see the new Wishlist system. :)

IXNAY 03-11-2003 11:57 AM

ehm ok

feldon34 03-11-2003 12:45 PM

I'm not saying people can't vote. Only that this is another one of those "should have done this a long time ago" things that I'm adding soon.

cjmaddy 03-11-2003 01:26 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Sorry IXNAY, but you're missing the best one! :) (IMHO) - Very near the top of my list would be .......

Red Tailed Black Shark - (Labeo Bicolor)
(Hope it's on the new system, Morgan! .... if not, it soon will be!)

Liath 03-11-2003 01:55 PM

cmjaddy, that is a beautiful fish, but there's something about the neon tetra that brings me back to my youth. If there's going to be schooling behavior in the freshwater tank (not sure if it was finally decided to do that or not), then the neon tetra definitely needs to be included.

Jim Sachs 03-11-2003 06:24 PM

Cliff - the red-tailed black shark has always been one of my favorites, and will be included. I had one for years, but it chased all the other fish so I had to give it to a pet shop.

Lostboy 03-11-2003 06:25 PM


Care to tell us a bit more about the new wishlist? I’m assuming you mean the webpage Wishlist and not the Wishlist on the forum. When do you think we’ll get to see it? That’s one thing I wished was updated more often. I’m really hoping it’s a open user-operated wishlist, where people can go on there and fill in the blanks. “Enter fish name here”, “Enter address to upload picture here”, “Enter feature here” etc, and after it’s on the wishlist, Jim or you could go on and click “Yes” “No” or “Maybe” for it being added to the screensaver in the future. The main reason I’d like to do this is because the forum wishlist has a lot of great ideas on it (including mine :)) that I find get lost in the long list. I don’t know if this would be a problem with over posting or silly postings though, however the majority of the people here seem to be fairly mature, so I hope it wouldn’t be too much of a problem.

Jim Sachs 03-11-2003 06:26 PM

Liath - The Cardinal Tetra is almost exactly the same as the neon, but big enough to be seen.

Vish 03-11-2003 06:48 PM

I would like to see Cardinal for the salt water also...

Jav400 03-11-2003 07:12 PM


It won't be user postable for several reasons. Namely, just anyone stumbling across it and doing just what you describe for one, and even though we are moving to a new server with more capabilities, it still needs to be optimized for the best downloads without wasting needless bandwidth. So, Morgan or I will still be taking requests and handling that part ourselves. But there will be some user display settings available if everything goes according to plan. ie. photo's per page and so on......

feldon34 03-11-2003 07:16 PM


Still deciding. We might just have a "Wishlist" for each product which is not a webpage and it's not a forum page, but something in between, where people could post comments under each suggested fish, vote for that fish, etc.

I've been talking to Michael extensively about this.

Eventually, we'd like to have a system for all the products where discussion of each addition/fish/creature is more closely linked to the actual list.

Right now, we have a meandering 35 page Saltwater wishlist topic which contains many more items/creatures than the static wishlist page at the fan site and a ton of really interesting trivia and details about these fish. I'd like to marry it to the fan site wishlist somehow.

cjmaddy 03-12-2003 06:41 PM

Jim, - That's good news about the Red Tailed Black Shark, it's a superb looking fish, I'm glad it will be included. :TU:
I had a number of them over the years, and they do tend to chase a little, but no harm was done. - I think they became territorial when scavenging about the rocks or leaves for algae, and just liked to chase the others away.

The Red-Finned Shark Labeo Erythrurus - a browny coloured one with red fins, is also very nice! :)

(Morgan, - 'Thumbs Up' and 'Hopping Mad' - are not working!) ......... They are now! :TU:
I like all the work you have done Morgan, - good job! .... Think the clock is a bit ify?

feldon34 03-12-2003 07:49 PM

Now that my brain is not quite so :hmad: from being deprived sleep, I fixed this one. :TU:

CephaloP 03-16-2003 10:48 PM

Bummer- Arrowana isn't even on the list. That one fish could be the difference between my buying the Freshwater SS or not.

feldon34 03-16-2003 11:30 PM

Jim made an interesting comment in the chat the other night implying that he may focus more on the creation of the Aquarium (Freshwater specifically), particularly the background, the bubbles, the sound, and the swimming behavior of the fish, etc. and then have Prolific artists do quite a few of the fish.

The test will be the critical reactions of the fans here to the 5 new fish that Ken, an artist at Prolific has produced for MA2.0.

I don't think Jim is going to let anyone else do that red-tailed black shark though. :)

Tiny Turtle 03-17-2003 03:57 AM

I wrote a (quite lengthy) post on that exact subject, but remembered that I had already done so before in the FWA wishlist thread and that IIRC Morgan put one (or two actually) images of it on the wishlist. This made me discard the post, but now that I see more interest in this fish I just have to voice my support! :)

/Tiny Arrowana

BigScreen 03-17-2003 08:26 AM

As busy as a Clown Loach is in cleaning the gravel and wriggling itself into seemingly unnavigable nooks and crannies, I would imagine it would be a difficult fish to do, but it would be cool nonetheless.

It was one of the few that survived my repeated attempts at maintaining a 20-gallon tank! When I finally gave up, I gave my fish to my brother who was much more skilled, had more time, and had a larger tank. That Clown Loach is still doing its thing after 9 or 10 years.

When I had the tank running, my downfall was trying to have Dwarf Gouramis in the tank. They were a little small, but their coloring was incredible, and much more interesting to look at than their larger counterparts.

If a Clown Loach is too hard, I would put a big request in for Dwarf Gouramis. I would pay extra if a future "fish pack" had them in it!

I'd imagine that a Kuhli Loach is another tough one to create, but a cool addition to the tank. Their behavior and movement is so unlike other fish that it would provide variety.

As far as having Neons/Cardinals, how could any self-respecting Freshwater Aqaurium be without them? :)

Tiny Turtle 03-17-2003 09:31 AM

We're (me included) are piecing together a second wishlist here.

Perhaps it would be better if we kept the requests in that thread...

/Tiny Double

feldon34 03-17-2003 10:37 AM

The wishlist system we will have for saltwater and freshwater fish on the fan sites are taking a while, sorry.

Basically, it will be a LOT easier to add fish, and each fish will have a pull-down menu so you can vote for it!

Of course this is for entertainment/recreation use only, as the artists will do the fish they feel they can do realistically.

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