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DeepSeaFan 05-12-2005 08:23 AM

State of the Aquarium report?
I've looked at different threads and I'm confused as to what the progress and the state of development is on the aquarium. :confused: Can someone give me something like a state of the aquarium report? I'm not asking for a release date or anything, just wondering how things are going.

Jim Sachs 05-12-2005 09:57 AM

I'm currently going through a couple-hundred photos I recently took of aquarium objects, deciding what will make it into the new 3D background. I've created a 3D clam which I'm reasonably satisfied with, which will open and close while the insides retract. My hopes for understanding 3D shader technology are waning. I may have to reduce everything to the old-fasioned polygon and texture system.

Q-Beam 05-12-2005 04:24 PM

Whoa, a Clam??? That would be totally awesome.

Marian Nichols 05-12-2005 06:06 PM

Wouldn't it though, maybe it can have a pearl hidden inside.

ESHIREY 05-12-2005 06:35 PM

That is great news. :TU: I hope we can see a picture of it.

DeepSeaFan 05-13-2005 05:21 AM

:TU: Thanks for the update, Jim. I'm sure the clam will be very cool.

Jim Sachs 05-13-2005 10:33 AM

Actually, there are 5 clams. All will open and close when touched by a fish or other critter.

ESHIREY 05-13-2005 10:55 AM

surfer 05-13-2005 01:02 PM

My feelings on the future 3D updated version

I my get a lot of flack for my feelings about your future 3D updated version, but here it is:

You have already given us the best fish screen saver to date - and many, many FREE updates to make it even better. With all the time and effort you have already put into the 3D version and the hours yet to come before completion, I must say this - I would happily pay an upgrade fee.

$5.00-$10.00 is too little for all your efforts, but would probably be acceptable and understood by most everyone. I know others will complain that you said it was to be free, but your time has to be worth something.

I will now put my helmet and flack jacket on and prepare for the barrage of flames :p


Marian Nichols 05-13-2005 02:11 PM

I, so agree. I would pay an upgrade fee happily.

Jim Sachs 05-13-2005 03:27 PM

Prolific is still deciding whether to charge a small upgrade fee for 3.0 when it comes out. I vote no, since we do plan to charge for "Creature Packs" later on, and 3.0 really just sets the stage for that. Just having a new version come out always triggers a huge wave of new sales, and I'd rather give the existing fans a break. Either way, don't worry about the profits. The Aquarium has been doing very well for 5 years, and continues to support myself, Prolific, Encore, and a lot of retailers in the manner to which we've become accustomed :)

Marian Nichols 05-13-2005 04:20 PM

Good news,

Jav400 05-13-2005 06:29 PM

I sorta vote with Jim on this one. It was his word before that told people that the upgrade would be free. He has worked hard to keep his word all this time, and while us die hard fans would understand, I fear alot of people wouldn't, and like he says, the creature packs have always been proclaimed as an "addition fee" upgrade.

CatLikingFish 05-14-2005 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by Jim Sachs
My hopes for understanding 3D shader technology are waning. I may have to reduce everything to the old-fasioned polygon and texture system.

Come on, Jim, don't give up so easily. I am 50 years old and I understood shader programming within a week - at least well enough to make some shaders of my own. Don't put shame upon our greying heads! ;-)

Falz 05-15-2005 12:14 AM

I've always thought reasonbly priced software will sell a lot more copies and make more profits than people who charge exorbitant prices for their software (like the $200 I once stupidly payed for an MP3 encoder).

Then again, I never got donations on my free softwares, only asking $5... so I guess if people don't have to pay for something, no matter how cheap, they often wont ;) Then again my software is pretty basic stuff.

Jim Sachs 05-15-2005 03:32 AM

Cat - Yes, I could understand things when I was 50, too. In fact, that's when I wrote the Aquarium. At 56, my brain seems to have turned to mush.

loub516 05-15-2005 05:40 AM

Oh crap, I turn 50 this month. It's all down hill from here. :lol:

feldon34 05-15-2005 08:33 AM

I can understand PHP, Pascal, and QB, and Lingo just by looking at it.

C/C++? Forget it. I need a roadmap, compass, and tour guide.

ESHIREY 05-15-2005 08:50 AM


Originally Posted by loub516
Oh crap, I turn 50 this month. It's all down hill from here. :lol:

Damn, I'll be 50 in September.

Marian Nichols 05-15-2005 09:30 AM

Yes, I can saftly report not only is it all down hill, but it is like a roller coaster, the steeper the grade the faster the ride.

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