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feldon34 06-14-2002 05:59 PM

Website Update
6/22/02 UPDATE: Website Online!

You may be interested to know that in the next few days, we'll be updating the fan website to have separate sections for the Freshwater Aquarium, version 1.1, and news of the coming Macintosh version.

I took a heck of a shortcut for the menu on the left using transparent gifs and other magic. I was able to do the entire menu WITH rollovers in 44kb. But already I'm hearing reports that it does not work on every browser. If I have to do it the old way, it will be closer to 80kb.

Enigma 06-14-2002 07:40 PM

Good job. Looks nice.

hpman77 06-15-2002 04:23 AM

looks great feldon!

Shinsa 06-15-2002 11:55 AM

Looks fantastic. Good quality work!

Tiny Turtle 06-15-2002 02:02 PM

As The Rocketeer once put it:
I... it!

Minor observations/nagging/whatever:
1. The six first link in the navbar to the left move a pixel up and to the right when highlighted. The last two don't (which IMHO looks better)
2. The "The Official Fan Website And Forum" text looks great.
3. The dividers between the three Aquarium flavours look nice but doesn't really cohere with the other elements of the page. Perhaps something with that same glow effect you use on the text would be better.
4. The smaller navbar graphics was a good idea. Looks much better, methinks. (I also note the edited Picasso...)
5. The Macintosh icon isn't up to your otherwise extremely high standard. I must admit that I've been sitting here for a while now, trying to figure out a better symbol, but can't come up with anything better (yet). Anyways, perhaps you could lose a few jaggies around the edges of it.

Looking forward to seeing it up instead of the old one.


feldon34 06-15-2002 02:11 PM

Fixing the jaggies on the Apple logo did occur to me. I'll take another shot at it.

Maybe bubbles for the column dividers?

hayc59 06-15-2002 02:35 PM

:TU: looks real nice!!
thank you...:D

feldon34 06-15-2002 03:10 PM

UPDATE: We went with the bubbles instead of orange lines

Not sure how I could do glowing lines...

Mountainmaster 06-15-2002 04:34 PM


But already I'm hearing reports that it does not work on every browser.
Isn't that an understatement? Netscape 6.22 completely freezes on the prototype page until I kill it with ctrl+alt+del. Please do it the old way.

Tiny Turtle 06-15-2002 04:37 PM

The bubbles are good. Easily identifyable with the SereneScreen concept.

As for the glowing lines – I was thinking along the lines (yes, pun intended) of the horizontal bar with the Percula below the bubbles. One of those with the same glow effect as on the text.


feldon34 06-15-2002 06:37 PM

How to put this tactfully....

It is very hard to write pages that are compatible with Netscape. I write my pages in raw HTML in Notepad.exe, not an editor. I'm not ready to give up just because Netscape, which represents 5% of web browsers, fails to render a vital tag. BUT, if Netscape is crashing, then I will take the necessary steps to resolve it, of course!

Going back to the "old way" would double the download time for my website. For 33.6k modem users this would be from 13 to 26 seconds.

The only unusual code I am using is this tag:

{td valign=top STYLE="background-image: url('nav/menuback.jpg'); background-repeat: no-repeat"}

Mountainmaster, can you try to load this page:

out-dated link

Ignore the fact that the coral background including the Lionfish repeats. I am simply testing something.

feldon34 06-15-2002 08:15 PM

Well, I just downloaded Netscape 6.2.3. (20MB?)

First I had to give AOL my e-mail and zip code so they can send me advertising. :)

Neither version of the prototype crashed the browser, but both versions have display problems. Netscape has the audacity to ignore the transparent space around my GIFs and bump the GIFs up againt the side. This is TOTALLY against the HTML4 spec.

I can probably work around this by having a black pixel in the upper left corner of each GIF but I'd rather not have to do that.

Oh, and all the fonts are the wrong size (a common Netscape problem).

Mountainmaster 06-15-2002 08:17 PM

1 Attachment(s)
The netscape page seems to load fine. I also retried the original one and it does not freeze everytime, but 2 out of 6 times.
In both pages I noticed something wrong with the mouseover. Or is it supposed to look like this?

feldon34 06-15-2002 08:23 PM

Did you notice that the green text items are not even in their soft black spots?

Netscape is ignoring the transparent GIFs the way I designed them and jamming them up against the upper left side. But then it's displaying the rollovers differently.

It's a total mess that does not exist in Internet Explorer.

feldon34 06-15-2002 08:29 PM

1 Attachment(s)
The black area is what the image size should be.

The grey area is what Netscape is re-interpreting the image size to be.

Mountainmaster 06-15-2002 08:40 PM

Strange, I thought Mozilla was built according to the html4 specs. Netscape 6 is still based on the Mozilla beta and it has some additional crap, which is why the download is that big. I wonder if Mozilla 1.0 (which will be the core of Netscape 7) corrects this?

feldon34 06-15-2002 09:02 PM

Ok, it's all "fixed". I had to work around it by putting a dark/black pixel in the upper left corner of each menu item. The pixel between Forum and Wishlist is plainly visible.

Interestingly, Netscape/Sun Java 2 just crashed/froze and somehow managed to "pause" IE. It's not until I went to Task Manager and forced Netscape6 to quit that IE unlocked.

There are also very ugly refresh/flicker problems on the rollovers. Considering I have a 1400 MHz machine, I can't imagine how this looks on a regular PC.

Can you test it out?

feldon34 06-15-2002 09:17 PM

After Netscape crashed and I reopened it, the rollovers no longer flicker.

Mountainmaster 06-15-2002 09:38 PM

The rollover images are in the right place now, but there seems to be a problem with preloading them and keeping them in cache. You probably load them locally, which would cause a flickering. But for me they redownload every time, even though my cache settings are "once per session". I never have this problem with other rollover scripts unless the cache is set to "every time...".

I also suspected that crash problem to be Java related, but the only Java I see is the counter and that one is also on the current index page...

OK, I also restarted Netscape and guess what... The rollovers still don't preload but after first use they are kept in cache now.

feldon34 06-15-2002 09:49 PM

Strange. I thought I had fixed the continually-reloading bug.

Ok, I just did another change. Try it again. By the way, you're welcome to come in the chatroom if you want to do this interactively.

Might want to clear your Internet Cache.

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