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Mac 02-15-2002 03:22 AM

Have youll see this fish before
Hello All,

This is a site of another virtual pet. Especially for those folks who want to feed the fish or let it die.

For those who like sharks, check out the attachment. Just unzip the SS files into the windows directory.

But Mr. Sachs aquarium still wins hands down. Nothing I've ever seen can beat it... ever :)

3 cheers for Mr. Sachs!!! You the man!!!

Mac from Singapore

apollo 02-19-2002 01:58 PM

Wasn't this thread up before but somehow came up missing or was deleted??????? For good reason :D :D :D Enough is enough:mad: :mad: :mad:

Shinsa 02-19-2002 11:49 PM

Oh boy.... why do I have the feeling that I'm going to get SPYWARE alerts now.

I just ran that little MOPY program. Sorry to say it seems a waste of time. Looks like some kind of gimmick/trick for somethiing else. I only hope I got rid of it in time.

I might be wrong about it, but I have a funny feeling, somethings just not right.

Jim Sachs 02-20-2002 12:43 AM

Mopy was created several years ago by HP as an incentive to use their printers. It is cel animation, which is why the file is so huge. Using your HP printer gained you a certain amount of fish food for each page printed.

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