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henemly 10-16-2008 02:43 PM

hole probably not
1 Attachment(s)
Is this susposed to look like this? Everytime I see it my eye over
examines it.
Attachment 7731

Jav400 10-16-2008 02:47 PM

Yep, that one was mentioned in early alpha testing. It's actually a hole in the coral, not a hole in the programming. It's supposed to be that way.

Surferminn 10-17-2008 10:02 AM

Hole notwithstanding, it's one of my favorite corals. I love the way the light almost seems almost translucent through the thick shell walls. :TU:

phil 10-18-2008 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by Jav400 (Post 106210)
Yep, that one was mentioned in early alpha testing. It's actually a hole in the coral, not a hole in the programming. It's supposed to be that way.

Hi, i have just read this post, this is the same area, i was talking about, in my post, "it still does not look right", it still looks out of place,does any one else agree. regards phil

henemly 10-19-2008 09:04 AM

Seems that's exactly the way it's supposed to look. I try to ignore it the best I can.:D

phil 10-21-2008 09:58 AM

hole in shell
anymore updates

Originally Posted by phil (Post 106345)
Hi, i have just read this post, this is the same area, i was talking about, in my post, "it still does not look right", it still looks out of place,does any one else agree. regards phil

Jim Sachs 10-21-2008 10:40 AM

Nothing wrong in that area. That was a hole in the real coral, where you can see the bright edge of the far wall.

cjmaddy 10-21-2008 10:52 AM

It's not a hole in the coral, IMO. - And it's not a 'hole' in the background. Holes found during testing, (in the make-up of the background), are usually characterised by changing to the colour of any fish that passes over it. - Most, if not all of those, have now been found.

To me it looks like a light coloured fungi growth, on a broken coral. And if that's what the creator intends, - then who are we to question? ;)

Edit! ..... Sorry, just seen your reply, Jim, - but I spent some time trying to explain that, so I'll leave it, if that's ok.
(Delete it if you wish. :) )

Surferminn 10-21-2008 11:06 AM

3 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by phil (Post 106345)
Hi, i have just read this post, this is the same area, i was talking about, in my post, "it still does not look right", it still looks out of place,does any one else agree. regards phil

Okey-Dokey -- I agree with your assessment and here's why.

At first when they said it was suppose to be that way, I looked at it scrolling and it did seem to open up a tad more tho not much more since you can only scroll so much as this shell is at the end of the aquarium. BUT

Today, in reading your posts where you and Henemly somewhat maintain your opinion, I put the light on it and sure enough, imo, you're correct. When full lighting is turned on this shell, the REAL HOLE shows up in attachment one below right next to the FALSE hole. AND a REAL CRACK between the shell shows up which is really nice! When lighting is dimmed, the brightness of the REAL HOLE and the CRACK fades - very nice, Jim :TU:. When the light is completely off, the CRACK and the REAL HOLE disappears. This is really a nice touch when the lighting affects the shell this way and you see more when there is lighting to reveal more. Is there some way to make that really white part above this shell on the right hand top side to lighten and dim like the crack and hole does?

Note -- in the attached pics below, you need to click on them a couple of times to get the largest pic so you can see the circled read parts.

I think "Not a Bug" should be changed to "Unconfirmed Bug" or "Awaiting Feedback" for this thread.

cjmaddy 10-21-2008 12:08 PM

2 Attachment(s)
The plot thickens! ;)

After studying Minn's post, I realise that there are two different areas/features, being discussed here. The screen shot above, is of the "light coloured" area that I was referring to. - But! - there is also a hole at the side of that area that is not visible with the lighting setting that I normally use.

When the lighting is reduced, the REAL HOLE, that Minn is referring to, does, (as she says), disappear! :eek:

..... But they are both, intended features! :)

Edit! ... I see that you have now added your own pictures, Minn. - Sorry!

Surferminn 10-21-2008 12:19 PM

I like your explanation of light (maybe luminescent) colored fungi growing on the bottom side of the hole. Maybe he could give it a different color... :)

edit - my pics -- no problem, Cliff - my original pics were so compresed, they looked tiny and horrible so I removed them and went and redid them to try to make them look bigger. First screensaved in bmp, then cropped out the portion I wanted to show in Irvanview and saved in bmp, then edited them in Paint and resaved as bmp and then Easy Thumbnailed them to fit the forum's size requirement in jpg. Bunch of compressions. Took some time. Your pics look nice as usual. :)

Jim Sachs 10-21-2008 01:06 PM

The second hole is an actual hole in the mesh. I'll fix that. The original is simply a hole in the real coral when I photographed it, where you see the next wall of the coral, which happens to be brightly lit.

henemly 10-21-2008 01:24 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Can be seen maybe better in this gif anim. of full light/full dark. Click to see the anim.
Attachment 7764

Surferminn 10-21-2008 01:39 PM

Would it be possible to make the original hole's brightness coordinate with the lighting? So if the user brightly lights the aquarium, it'll really be pronouncely bright as it is now but when the user darkens the aquarium, the hole will maybe not disappear, but go dimmer but still visible, in other words, the same affect that the hole in the mesh had? And the same for the brightly lit top area of the same shell on the right hand side? That way the brightness of the hole and top will actually look like it's reflecting the light in the aquarium, more realistic, yes? As opposed to being fixed brightly lit regardless of the lighting adjustment.

nice gif, henemly. :)

cjmaddy 10-21-2008 03:33 PM

2 Attachment(s)
It's interesting how the size and shape of these features change when MA is on two monitors as opposes to on only one.

First pic = MA across both screens. - Second pic = MA on one screen only....

dboyd420 10-21-2008 04:18 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Here is another hole.

cjmaddy 10-21-2008 05:01 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Yes, that's another one that only shows when on one monitor, (and full-bright), - together with those two diagonal white lines... (Pic 1)

Full-bright, and across two monitors, shows three other things that look a little strange? ... (Pic 2)

phil 10-21-2008 08:38 PM

hole in the shell
Thank everyone for checking the holes, regards phil :TU:

Rich 10-24-2008 02:01 AM

well it must be a very religious coral,being so holy and such :P hehe

Surferminn 11-21-2008 05:33 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Okay, I've been out of it for a little bit so don't know if anybody's reported this one. Circled in yellow, adhering to the bottom right side of the open brain coral is this flashing pink color. Is it a hole or something else? Edit - it's not really flashing per se, more like reflecting the light wave in the aquarium.

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