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Ranger 07-14-2003 07:40 AM

Bigger Fish.....
Ok when we decided to actually put fish in our fish tank (Believe its a 20gal tank, and we moved about 4 years ago and since then it had the gravel and framed picture of a school of fish, lol) Anways we got A Marble Angel, Placostomus, Catfish (Fairly Small) Coolie Loach, Red-Tailed Shark, Glass Cats...and some others....Well the catfish ended up growing to be about 6 inches long and the ruler of the tank. Not alot of problems until we bought a Marble Fish (Forget what kind) and the second we let it go it swam down to the bottom and sat there. Well the Catfish being bigger and quicker sucked it down (JUST BOUGHT THE FISH TOO!) Then 2 days ago I find my Marble Angel fish floating at the top with no tail and we took the Catfish back (After refusing to not eat it) and got another Marble Angel...that brings me to my questions (Sorry for the long story :D)

Will the be "Rulers" in the Freshwater Aquarium? IE. Such as a big fish scaring off fish. Or you wake up one morning look at your screensaver and your suddenly short one fish....anything like that?

feldon34 07-14-2003 09:22 AM

This is SERENEscreen. No dead fish.

IXNAY 07-14-2003 11:53 AM

but fish die, thats realism :D

Jim Sachs 07-14-2003 12:18 PM

SereneScreen is where you go to get away from the less pleasant aspects of reality.

Ranger 07-14-2003 06:46 PM

Ok but will you see a fish chase another fish...sitting there watching my Bala Shark be chased by my Red-Tailed Shark and wondered that

feldon34 07-14-2003 07:08 PM

Chasing? yes


I hope Claudette wears down before it gets to San Antonio.

Ranger 07-14-2003 09:03 PM

Nah! We need the rain....I actually enjoy the Thunderstorms, Claudette shouldn't be a problem if its only Cat 1 Hurricane tommarow nite (ETA for Landfall) But the only problem is the rain part of the hurrican will be directly of SA. So it will be interesting to see what happends :D

And Cool, It will be interesting to watch other fish chase each other.....

Tornado Tom 07-24-2003 10:01 PM

longer tail & a little bigger
I got 1 stripped zebra fish to replace one that died.

the one replaced had a longer tail and slightly bigger, not much, but he was rough. man he ate the tails off of 2 neons and he ate all the food when feeding time and very fast swimmer.

I got pissed off and took him back to the store.

Two fish the same, don't always mean they get along with it's mate and or other fish. I have to go back to store and get short tailed stripped zebra to get along. whew!
I have 2 cats (fish) they are bigger than half of my fish (6 little guys) they don't bother them or any other fish.

Ad_Enuff 07-25-2003 03:22 AM

Next someone will ask for Arapaima in the fish tank!


Digital Lungfish 08-04-2003 09:02 AM

Or even stranger, they'll ask for a Lungfish. ;)

CephaloP 08-12-2003 01:04 PM


Originally posted by Ad_Enuff
Next someone will ask for Arapaima in the fish tank!

I'd love one ;)

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