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Robs-GTR 10-18-2003 11:01 AM

Will there be Oscar's?
Hello Mr. Sachs, First I would like to say I love your saltwater aquarium. The beauty and realism is unmatched, thank you.

I'm very excited to see the freshwater aquarium as this is the hobbie I'm into. However, When looking at the wish list I noticed there were Cichlid's in the group and no Oscars or (Astronotus ocellatus). And before anyone say's this I will, I understand this is a SERENEscreen and Oscars are aggresive. But they are no more aggresive then the other Cichlid's mentioned allready on the wish list such as the Convict, Fire mouth and Green terror. Oscars are a very Intelligent Fish, Some say the smartest of the Cichlids and very popular also. I hope others see this and agree. Please give it some thought, I hope to see them on the list. Thanks for your time.

Here is a list of the color patterns available that I can think of off hand, I do not have pictures for all of them .

Black Oscar,Long Finned Tiger Oscar, Long Finned Albino Tiger Oscar, Tiger Oscar, Albino Oscar, Albino Tiger Oscar, Red Oscar, Gold Oscar, Pink Oscar and the Green Oscar.

Albino Red Oscar or (Lutino)

Red Oscar

Tiger Oscar

And a Long Finned Albino Tiger Oscar

Jav400 10-18-2003 12:04 PM

Welcome to the forum. :) SERENE refers to the fact that there won't be any fish "fighting" or damaged fish and so on, not that agressive fish aren't allowed. Jim has stated in the past that there can be some short chasing, territorial action and so on, but thats it. As to the fate of particular fish, just have to wait and see what Jim comes up with. :)

IXNAY 10-19-2003 08:31 AM

Can you post a picture of that fish?

Robs-GTR 10-19-2003 10:22 AM

First post updated there are photos now!

My Favorite are Tiger Oscars, but the Long Finned Albino Oscar is very majestic looking.

grape_jellyfish 10-19-2003 11:47 AM

The third one down looks like the one I used to have, they can be aggresive but also a hearty fish and I enjoyed the one I had, I would love to see one like it in the freshwater tank, as for the albino one, I think I remember Jim saying he doesnt like albino fish and I have to admit, this one is a bit disturbing, at least to me. :)

IXNAY 10-19-2003 01:58 PM

They look really big, maybe something for the goldfishtank.

Marian Nichols 10-19-2003 02:18 PM

Oscars and goldfish are a big NO! Oscars eat goldfish!

Panthera 10-19-2003 06:18 PM

I use to have Red Oscars, and yes they eat Goldfish LOL. Oscars are 'piggies' as far as eaters and made my tank messy. Always making messes no matter how often I cleaned the tank.

Panthera 10-21-2003 03:26 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Here's my upside down pleco :)

Panthera 10-21-2003 03:27 AM

1 Attachment(s)
And his profile..

Panthera 10-21-2003 03:28 AM

1 Attachment(s)
And right side up :)

Tiny Turtle 10-21-2003 05:51 AM

Nice color on that Pleco, Sunny Cat. Looks kinda like a Gibbiceps.

/Tiny Sucker

Hockey combined with Panthera and Sunny state would indicate Florida Panthers from the Sunshine state – are you moving? ;)

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