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JohnWho 05-22-2010 04:38 PM

Beta 11g discussion
OK, with the Digital Clock and Calendar, "etched font" only works with color "white", right? Will it stay that way or will the coloring be an option? Looks great.

Analog Clock "etched" does not work, yet, or, since the hands and numbers are supposed to be on the face of the crystal, will not be an option and will be removed from the settings?

Analog Clock lightplay looks great.

Other than the "frame rate" thingy, what else should we be checking?

JohnWho 05-22-2010 04:46 PM

Minor note:

in "Clock & Logo" Playlist, can check both "etched" and "solid" font for Dclock/cal at the same time. Can't have both. Did someone mention the possibility of Radio Buttons for this?

If Aclock will only be solid font, then "etched" option should be removed.

Looks like "up and down" arrows may need to be re-defined, too.

That's all I've seen so far.

cjmaddy 05-22-2010 04:50 PM

The frame rate is settling down to around 82 fps, with a Sleep(1) setting.
Unfortunately that's producing a constant CPU usage of 100% ... Not good!:(

JohnWho 05-22-2010 04:54 PM

It's still being worked on, cjmaddy, but mine bounces continuously between Sleep(9) and Sleep(10) with a 111 and 124 fps.

I can see where what's happening to you might not be such a good thing, that's for sure.

I'm getting about a 5% cpu usage.

Nicki 05-22-2010 04:55 PM

John, when you say the frame rate thingy, what are you referring to? My sleep number keeps counting down to 1 no matter what I do.

Regarding the etched font for the digital clock, it looks great in white and I can't really imagine what it would look like in colours. But you know, que sera etc.

JohnWho 05-22-2010 04:56 PM

Yes, that's it, Nicki.

It's the "Limit Frame Rate" feature that Jim is working on.

JohnWho 05-22-2010 04:57 PM

Was the second hand always white?

Nicki 05-22-2010 04:58 PM

Sorry John, it was explained in another thread that I hadn't checked due to the excitement of a new Beta release.

Edit- yep it's pegging me at 100% cpu (96% Canadian ;) ). A Sempron Mobile is not a powerhouse.

Ralph 05-22-2010 05:09 PM

Sleep for me settles in a windowed mode to 9~10 with a fps of ~125 and 35% CPU. Full screen one monitor sleep drops to 1 with a fps of 100; one two monitors sleep is at 1 and 50 fps.

Edit.. Sleep in a windowed mode varies as the window size changes to be meaningless. The fps are way too high though in any size of window

cjmaddy 05-22-2010 05:13 PM

John, - Yes, I know it's being worked on. But it's necessary to report that it now results in pegging the CPU at 100%
When the Sleep() was adjustable, the CPU usage could be reduced, and the chosen setting was remembered.

Nicki 05-22-2010 05:24 PM

Okay. Testing on my new desktop which has an Athlon II quadcore 2.6 GHz, I'm getting pretty fluctuating readings. Sleep is settling to 9 or 10 with the frame rate jumping between 111 and 124. CPU is anywhere from 8% to 15%, and is the most erratic. Graphics are Radeon 3200HD integrated (for now).

Just reporting for completeness. This isn't my primary test computer. Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit. Just thought I would go that extra kilometre :) .

Dale 05-22-2010 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by JohnWho (Post 121828)

in "Clock & Logo" Playlist, can check both "etched" and "solid" font for Dclock/cal at the same time. Can't have both. Did someone mention the possibility of Radio Buttons for this?

If Aclock will only be solid font, then "etched" option should be removed.

For Analog clock, neither of those is "remembered" when OK is clicked. Always goes back to nothing checked.

For Digital, the "etched" will be remembered, but "solid" will never be remembered.

CTRL-C now works correctly, except that I still think it should reset the windowed mode position/size/aspectratio, even when MA3 is running in Fullscreen mode. That would allow "fixing" the window position regardless of mode, simplify documentation, etc. [Minor point, of course]

Dale 05-22-2010 08:52 PM

As short as I can make it.
Limit Frame Rate stuff: (1) Take "Sleep" and "Timing Clamp" out of the statistics. (2) Up-arrow should increase frame rate, down-arrow should decrease.

Jim Sachs 05-22-2010 09:27 PM

Cliff - Do you remember what your old numbers were? (Sleep, FPS, CPU usage?)

Re: the Analog clock - Etched is not there yet. It's the main thing holding up 3.1.

Etched will be white, just like the old days. No second hand.

Limit Frame Rate is not working properly yet - I just buttoned it up temporarily to get a release out there to replace the expired 11f.

Jim Sachs 05-22-2010 09:46 PM

Ahhhh, now I see what's happening. You guys are not seeing the Limit Frame Rate control in Program Settings. The compiler linked to the wrong Resource file. I'll fix it and post a new version in a few minutes.

Dale 05-22-2010 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by Jim Sachs (Post 121851)
Ahhhh, now I see what's happening. You guys are not seeing the Limit Frame Rate control in Program Settings. The compiler linked to the wrong Resource file. I'll fix it and post a new version in a few minutes.

That's correct, but seeing it won't make a difference for the comments I posted:

"(1) Take "Sleep" and "Timing Clamp" out of the statistics. (2) Up-arrow should increase frame rate, down-arrow should decrease. "

Nicki 05-22-2010 10:07 PM

Geeze Dale, my head is already spinning, lol.

Can't you take a herbal tea break to let the rest of us catch up? ;)

Jim Sachs 05-22-2010 10:08 PM

Yeah, I'll get around to those eventually.

11h is up, with the restored control: .

harris 05-22-2010 10:48 PM


Originally Posted by Nicki (Post 121853)
Geeze Dale, my head is already spinning, lol.

Can't you take a herbal tea break to let the rest of us catch up? ;)

Dale is the "energizer Bunny" incognito. ;)

cjmaddy 05-23-2010 01:01 AM


Originally Posted by Jim Sachs (Post 121850)
Cliff - Do you remember what your old numbers were? (Sleep, FPS, CPU usage?)

Jim, - I was constantly getting approx 62fps with a Sleep(17) setting. Which resulted in about 50% CPU usage.

With the new 11h however, all is now working fine! (With, Limit Frame Rate control set at 62).... Just a little more fluctuating.

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