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byteful 05-11-2010 02:23 AM

Make my own music
How do I, or even can I make MP3 files into the type that MA3 uses???? I like the music file that comes with the screensaver "stock" but would like to either add to it or replace it on occation.


feldon34 05-11-2010 05:52 AM

My understanding is, Marine Aquarium 3 will play back any standard mp3 file. Is this not what you are experiencing?

Dale 05-11-2010 07:45 AM


Originally Posted by byteful (Post 121489)
How do I, or even can I make MP3 files into the type that MA3 uses???? I like the music file that comes with the screensaver "stock" but would like to either add to it or replace it on occation.


Perhaps you are assuming that it must be a ".sgt" file like CanonGuitar.sgt

Try adding your own .mp3 (or other) music files, in the Music Playlist.

Oh, use the latest "Beta" version (11f at this time) available here, or you may be confused with how to add the music.

Let us know how that works.

byteful 05-11-2010 08:44 PM

Thanks Yall. Will check it out and let ya know how it goes.

Pepper 06-01-2010 10:04 AM

I can't get MP3 to play in MA3
I am running a Windows 7 pc, 64 bit, 4 Gb RAM, 1680 x 1050 display, and my MA3 version 3 will not let me use an MP3 music file. I like the guitar music, but I'd like to vary it if possible with my own MP3s. I right click on the desktop, select Personalize, select Preview for my MA3. While the Aquarium is running I press spaebar to call up the Controls, I then select Music, browse to my MP3, but if I select it, it does not play, and if I go back into the Aquarium Controls I see that my music file is no longer there.

Please advise - I hope you can help me resolve this or tell me what I'm doing wrong :confused:

feldon34 06-01-2010 12:38 PM


Welcome to the forums.

Where did you get this mp3 file, or if you created it, what program did you use?

Dale 06-01-2010 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by feldon34 (Post 122162)

Welcome to the forums.

Where did you get this mp3 file, or if you created it, what program did you use?

Morgan, the problem is almost certainly not with the mp3 file.

See the very bottom of page 1 of

Pepper, thanks for describing precisely what you were doing. The bug is present in earlier versions of MA3 (like version 10d) - and only appears if you access this way:

"right click on the desktop, select Personalize, select Preview for my MA3. While the Aquarium is running I press spaebar to call up the Controls, I then select Music,"...

One solution is to run MA3 by clicking on the desktop icon (if you have one), or just let it start as a screensaver. Then press the spacebar, etc....

I think the bug has been fixed in the latest Beta, although I didn't test it in 11i. If you would like to try that, see

Be sure to follow the directions for where to put the files, etc. etc.

Oh, and please come back and let us know if that works.

JohnWho 06-01-2010 02:36 PM

Also, after you "select" an MP3, and it shows in the list,

make sure you exit that screen by using the "OK" button.

"Cancel" pretty much ignores any changes or additions you've made.

Pepper 06-02-2010 08:29 AM

Many thanks, but maybe a new question?
Many thanks for your help with this problem.

I first made myself a desktop icon, then I followed that through to Marine Aquarium, where I clicked the SpaceBar, music, and added my MP3. It now works fine, but strangely the music only seems to stay put as my chosen song if I click Cancel - if I click OK the music reverts to the guitar. Could the buttons be inverted somehow?

Incidentally, the MP3 was originally an m4a song which I bought from Itunes and converted to MP3 with All Music Converter 4.0.2 I hope this is acceptable and allowed

Dale 06-02-2010 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by Pepper (Post 122177)
Many thanks for your help with this problem.

I first made myself a desktop icon, then I followed that through to Marine Aquarium, where I clicked the SpaceBar, music, and added my MP3. It now works fine, but strangely the music only seems to stay put as my chosen song if I click Cancel - if I click OK the music reverts to the guitar. Could the buttons be inverted somehow?

What version are you using? (Start MA3 using the desktop icon, and then press the "S" key while MA3 is running).

Pepper 06-02-2010 10:30 AM

more details
I started MA3 using desktop icon, pressed s and got #0 Beta 10D

Is there a later version?

I also found that the song I wanted was no longer staying selected - the Aquarium was reverting back to the guitar. I seem to have fixed that by removing guitar from the list in music. I hope I will be able to put it back when I want to use it again

Jim Sachs 06-02-2010 11:05 AM

You can download version 11i, which fixes this problem. The full installer version is not available yet, but you can simply replace the exiting file with the new one. More info here:

Dale 06-02-2010 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by Pepper (Post 122180)
I also found that the song I wanted was no longer staying selected - the Aquarium was reverting back to the guitar. I seem to have fixed that by removing guitar from the list in music. I hope I will be able to put it back when I want to use it again

All of the songs that are in the list will play. I think in version 10d, they just play in order. But in the latest version (11i), there is a checkbox to make them play randomly.

The only way to get a song to not play, is to remove it from the list. If you want to get the CanonGuitar.sgt song back (after removing it), ask in this forum for instructions - it's not obvious.

(JohnWho - consider putting instructions in the readme).

feldon34 06-02-2010 01:18 PM


It seems a lot of users are running Beta 10D and don't realize there's a later version. Didn't you put an expiration date?

Jim Sachs 06-02-2010 01:25 PM

No, 10d is still the official version on

JohnWho 06-02-2010 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by Dale (Post 122184)
The only way to get a song to not play, is to remove it from the list. If you want to get the CanonGuitar.sgt song back (after removing it), ask in this forum for instructions - it's not obvious.

(JohnWho - consider putting instructions in the readme).

Good idea.

Could you point me toward the steps, or add it to the help me with the Readme thread?

I will check the final beta to see what happens when there are not files in the list and "music on" is selected, too, and add an appropriate note in the readme.

Dale 06-02-2010 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by feldon34 (Post 122185)

It seems a lot of users are running Beta 10D and don't realize there's a later version. Didn't you put an expiration date?

This suggests that perhaps there should be a way to (at least) tell whether someone is running Beta or "Production". I absolutely agree with your point, and I think you just made an excellent suggestion.

Beta 10d expired almost a year ago.
Installer 10d doesn't expire, but has had several builds.

After 11x and 12y and 13z come out, it's going to be really complicated for technical support.

A partial discussion (which you commented had no point to it) is at:

And you also know that people who purchased and installed 10d (or previous versions, for that matter) will not be automatically notified when there is a new "installer" version.

Ralph 06-02-2010 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by Dale (Post 122191)
This suggests that perhaps there should be a way to (at least) tell whether someone is running Beta or "Production".

There already is. A beta displays the stats by default and will expire; a production version does not display the stats by default..... except for a few recent betas that Jim posted. (and those have expired)

JohnWho 06-02-2010 08:12 PM

In any case, doesn't the information show in the Statistics display?

The installer version of "beta 10d" shows that, doesn't it?

Ralph 06-02-2010 08:20 PM

That... goes back to the naming convention.. that Jim said he would change with the next stable production. Up to now.... ALL versions were labeled as BETA (which evidently bothered a lot of people) but PRODUCTION versions had the statistics off by default and do not expire...

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