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Yellow Tang 02-15-2005 02:19 PM

YT's Tank
1 Attachment(s)
Hmm.. let me say, it's a little bit late, but without a good camera it wasn't easy to get some nice pictures of my tank...
It is running since Oct. 2004 and of course, I still have a little algea problem. Basically it is (will be) an east-african cichlid tank with fishes of lake Malawi.
At the moment there are only 3 adult 'Pseudotropheus elongatus' in it, together with some little 'Danio rerio' (the number of them is constantly decreasing, depending on the appetite or the cichlids :D )
I will keep you updated with the progress, there are more fishies to come!

drfish 02-15-2005 02:25 PM

Very pretty, of course I would have gone with Tangs myself... ;)

feldon34 02-15-2005 02:47 PM

Very nice photograph. Rarely do I see such detail in photos of aquariums.

Marian Nichols 02-15-2005 02:53 PM

Looks good to me,

Surferminn 02-15-2005 02:58 PM

YT- Very nice picture, love the black and pink rocks. was this photo take by your brand new Canon digital camera?

patscarr 02-15-2005 04:31 PM

Yes, it looks great. A little algae is a good thing.

klyntun 02-15-2005 07:32 PM

Nice! Are those plants anubias? I'm guessing you must have some strong support under it with all those rocks in it.

IXNAY 02-16-2005 01:32 AM

Cool tank man, but the white wall behind it doesn't look good.

Yellow Tang 02-16-2005 03:22 AM

I know, Malawian are a little easier to keep so I started with them, but maybe somewhen I will switch to Tangs, I love those Tropheus.

If you like pink rocks, go to south-west sweden, they use such rocks as gravel besides sidewalks (I took them with me at a trip last year). Of course it was my new cam.

Yes, for the fishies, they like (and eat) it! But I would prefer to get rid of them.

Yes, the plants are anubias, those are one of the species which doesn't get ripped by cichlids, at least so far! It's only a 200l (55 gal) tank, so it's not that heavy.

Yes, I'm still looking for a nice background picture, maybe I will paint one by myself. Could also be just plain blue, any ideas? :confused:

Tiny Turtle 02-16-2005 03:47 AM


Originally Posted by Yellow Tang
If you like pink rocks, go to south-west sweden, they use such rocks as gravel besides sidewalks (I took them with me at a trip last year). Of course it was my new cam.

I'd mail you some pink granite, but I fear the postage may not be to your liking...

I think the background looks ok. The crystal clear water looks even clearer like that.

Marian Nichols 02-16-2005 05:23 AM

I once installed a mirror on the back glass, and it looked really good. At two other times I painted the back glass blue and once black.

I do not like those painted backgrounds myself,

drfish 02-16-2005 05:56 AM

I've never had any trouble with them at all, as far as I'm concerened they are as easy to keep as Mollies or something, and they breed like Mollies too... :eek: Give them a try, at least try to find yourself some shell dwellers... :D

Tiny Turtle 02-16-2005 06:32 AM

NOTHING breeds like Mollies – Except maybe Guppies,, wait... – oh forget I said anything! :D

Marian Nichols 02-16-2005 07:12 AM


drfish 02-16-2005 07:16 AM

The funny thing is that I've never gotten any of the livebearers I've kept to breed, but the first Brichardi I ever had made more babies than... Uh, better stop there... ;)

Liath 02-16-2005 08:44 AM


Originally Posted by Yellow Tang
Yes, I'm still looking for a nice background picture, maybe I will paint one by myself. Could also be just plain blue, any ideas? :confused:

I like a plain black or dark blue background. That's what I use for my big tank. For smaller tanks I just keep lots of plants so you can't really see the back anyways.

drfish 02-16-2005 08:49 AM

He said that to me? ;)

I guess I'll comment anyway, both of my tanks just have a plain black background...

Yellow Tang 02-16-2005 11:04 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Ok, I'll probably give that black a try.

Speaking of breeding... those Malawian cichlids are very productive.
Every 5 weeks the females have their mouth full of eggs, 3 weks later 20 little fishies more... :eek:
At first I thought the newbies wouldn't have a chance to survive (that's why I have this little breeding box inside) but fortunately they have also no problems in the tank. If anyone would like to have some of them, no problem. ;)
The 1st pic is from the breeding box, the 2nd inside the big tank.

drfish 02-16-2005 11:25 AM

Awww, they're sooo cute!!! :heart:

Liath 02-16-2005 03:17 PM

oh my goodness. They're so tiny :D :heart:

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