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fred@ 03-28-2005 08:50 PM

Double trouble
I recently upgraded to marine aquarium 2.01 and now I have trouble. When I right click and go under screen saver settings it has marine aquarium under the list to times. it looks like this:

Please help. Thank you.

:bigdrink: :bigdrink: :bigdrink: :bigdrink: :bigdrink: :bigdrink: :bigdrink:

feldon34 03-28-2005 09:09 PM

Check C:\Windows\System32\ for more than one copy of the Aquarium.

fred@ 03-28-2005 10:07 PM

I checked ansd there is noly one copy in the folder. Also when I remove one copy they both disapear. Thank you for the help.

:bigdrink::bigdrink::bigdrink::bigdrink::bigdrink: :bigdrink::bigdrink::bigdrink::bigdrink::bigdrink: :bigdrink::bigdrink::bigdrink::bigdrink::bigdrink: :bigdrink::bigdrink::bigdrink::bigdrink::bigdrink: :bigdrink::bigdrink::bigdrink::bigdrink::bigdrink: :bigdrink::bigdrink::bigdrink::bigdrink::bigdrink: :bigdrink::bigdrink::bigdrink::bigdrink::bigdrink: :bigdrink::bigdrink:

cjmaddy 03-29-2005 07:22 AM

Are you sure you're not just seeing double after drinking all that? :D

patscarr 03-30-2005 08:43 PM

Okay, I need some help. I recently installed MA2 on my PC at work, running WinXP Home SP2 and at first, I saw two entries like Fred. But when I searched System 32 I only saw one file. Then when I checked Display Properties again, it only showed 1 entry so I thought everything was fine, and everything was fine, the screensaver was working great and looked awesome on my new system and monitor. But now it doesn't work. The only thing I've installed since MA2 was a game demo and today I've updated my video card drivers (Intel 82865G Graphics Controller). I think I am having some trouble with my Direct 3D. I've run dxdiag and tested Direct Draw which seems to work fine, but when I test Direct 3D nothing happens, the screen just goes black. I've even tried to update my DirectX but it says that is already up to date. Now the strange thing is that I tried it on my co-workers PCs to try and duplicate the problem, because they're the same as mine, and MA2 is working on 1 but will not work on 2 others. I haven't had time to check their dxdiag though. What other info do you need to help me solve this?

cjmaddy 03-31-2005 09:48 AM

Have you tried re-installing DirectX again? - Even though you think it's OK and up to date, I think it is recommended that you re-install DirectX again, after installing new or different video drivers.

Whenever screensavers start to show faults, I have found that re-installing DirectX usually fixes the problem.
..... It won't hurt to just try it!

patscarr 03-31-2005 06:14 PM

I tried, but it says that it is up-to-date and then quits the installation. I'll try again, a different way, on Monday. But I've been thinking about this for days now and there are no variables that I can pinpoint that would distinguish the one PC that runs MA2 and the others that wont. I installed BF1942 and Medal of Honor Multi-Player demos, plus a patch for BF, on all. I installed The All Seeing Eye on 3. I turned off the monitor and system power down after so many minutes on all. I turned off several Windows XP Home services on mine. When my MA2 stopped working, I installed it with all the same settings on all the other PCs. I just can't figure it out and it's driving me batty.

Surferminn 03-31-2005 08:01 PM

Maybe you can start by uninstalling the DirectX completely first and then reinstall it fresh afterwards.

Jav400 03-31-2005 08:09 PM

Uninstaling DirectX is a major pain, and not recommended by Microsoft because of how deeply it roots itself within your system. That being said, there are several apps out there that are supposed to do this. I have no personal idea just how well they work as I have never tried it. But, from what I have read about the process and the results I would hold that as a last resort. You can find an app here that is supposed to do this.

Surferminn 03-31-2005 08:14 PM

ok, forget I said "completely". I think windows remove/uninstall software uninstalls it only partially, maybe just enough so you can reinstall it without it stopping and saying it's up to date. but just thinking off the top of my head here. Michael knows better than I so listen to him.

patscarr 03-31-2005 09:15 PM

I learned something new today. As I wrote previously, when I ran dxdiag on my pc at work, the DirectDraw test worked fine, but nothing happened for the Direct 3D test. So I just ran it here at home and saw what is supposed to happen. That tells me that the problem at work is most definately with Direct 3D, and that I need to do whatever is necessary to get that Direct 3D test working correctly on my work pc. Any other suggestions besides re-installing Direct X, or is that the only proper procedure?

Jav400 03-31-2005 10:05 PM


Which version of DirectX are you using. Check and see which ones are working and which versions aren't.

patscarr 04-01-2005 12:55 AM

Is the Direct 3D test actually testing DirectX? I didn't know that. But I get it now. None of them are working. The version it says I have installed is 9c

cjmaddy 04-01-2005 03:58 PM

Is 'Direct3D Acceleration' shown as 'Enabled' in dxdiag?

cjmaddy 04-01-2005 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by patscarr
I tried, but it says that it is up-to-date and then quits the installation. .....

Mine doesn't quit, - when I run dxsetup.exe it says it - "... will update as necessary ... To start installation, please click Next" - It then extracts and copies all the files and then finalises.

When I've had a problem with a 3D program, I think the fix only takes effect after re-booting, following on from re-installing DirectX.

What are you using to attempt to re-install DirectX? .... I use the copy on this disk. (It's ver. 9.0b)

patscarr 04-03-2005 08:10 PM

Okay, I just downloaded the directx 9c redist file from Microsoft and it still wont let me install it. It just says that everything is up-to-date and then quits the installation. Darn. What can I do now?

klyntun 04-03-2005 10:09 PM

1 Attachment(s)
If you click on help on the dxdiag screen, the dxdiagnostic tool help screen comes up. You might try some of the troubleshooting tips to see what you come up with (unless you already have).

patscarr 04-03-2005 10:52 PM

Klynt, that wont help me any because it's all in Korean. But I noticed one difference from your picture between yours and mine. My AGP is disabled and the button to enable it is shaded out (unclickable). Does that mean anything?

klyntun 04-03-2005 11:22 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Your video card may not be working. Right click on your desktop, click settings>advanced>adapter>properties>troubleshoot, and see what you get.

patscarr 04-04-2005 01:20 AM

Well, that didn't help much either because it's all in Korean also. Darn! My games work fine and so do the Microsoft 3D screensavers.

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