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Cancerman 02-27-2002 11:16 AM

Fishies for NT

I installed DX8 for my computer at work but the fishies don't work! Did somebody get it working for NT? I really wanna show it off to my friends at work. Thanks.

feldon34 02-27-2002 02:14 PM

The Aquarium does not run on Windows NT 4 because there Microsoft never wrote a 3D gaming engine for it.

I guess the best thing is to encourage your office to upgrade to Windows NT 5 (Windows 2000, released in fall 1999). NT4 came out in 1994 you know. :)

Sorry I don't have better news.

Socrates 02-27-2002 07:33 PM

Here is the patch:

Seriously, though. I am concerned that you said you ere able to install DX8 but not run the fish. DX8 should not have even gone through the install process on an NT4.0 machine. If it did you may have a problem, but maybe you should confirm exactly which OS version and service pack you have.

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