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Digital Lungfish 03-16-2004 10:39 PM

"Other" screensaver ideas...
Hey Reichart,

I know you guys have other stuff either in the works or planned for the future (other screensavers), but have you guys ever considered making a screensaver based on a prehistoric reef?

Ok, I'll confess, this is something I've wished for, for a long time in fact. I had hoped that by now someone would have made one, but alas nothing so far. So I was wondering if that's something you guys might be interested in doing? The Devonian period (aka "The Age of Fishes") would be an ideal time period to work from if anyone were to actually do one.

Anyway, I know the chances are next to nill, but I had to ask. :)

drfish 03-17-2004 04:34 AM

DL, did you catch "Chased by Sea Monsters" on TLC or Discovery awhile back???

Oh, and yeah, I'm still waiting for my Tanganyikan Cichlid screen saver... ;)

Marian Nichols 03-17-2004 05:24 AM

DL, I love that idea. That would be better than the age of dinosaurs’ 3D SS that has been out for a while. I own it, but do not use it anymore. It looks too hard and immobile to me now. You think of the many weird fish and shellfish of that time, and the Sharks were out of this world, the ones today look tame in comparison. Yes, this is a very good idea!:TU: :TU:

Schnaaps 03-17-2004 03:14 PM

AARRRRGHHHHHHHHH, I missed that "Chased by Sea Monsters". that makes me sad.

Digital Lungfish 03-18-2004 01:46 AM

That makes two of us then Schnaaps.

Schnaaps 03-18-2004 02:01 AM

oh well, it will be on again. There is a pretty cheesy special coming on that is supposed to pit the Great White against a Salt Water Crocodile. I personnally think it is an unimportant discussion, but I think I may pull some good ideas from it for Sharks.

drfish 03-18-2004 04:27 AM

"Chased by Sea Monsters" was pretty cheesy itself, but that didn't prevent me from having a big silly grin on my face the whole time... It was really freakin' cool!

handimannbob 03-25-2004 09:59 PM

hi.....i,d like to see a caveman setting with sabertooth lions and mammoths...etc.....moving about....i can just here the roar of the

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