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JohnWho 05-20-2010 06:25 PM

Help with MA new "readme" file...
I'm presently working on a new "readme.txt" file for the upcoming release of MA3.1. If you look at the current one, you'll see that it doesn't have a section describing the "Fish Settings" screen or the new "Background Colors" so I'm adding them.

I need a little help though regarding the "Display Settings" screens since I am not running a multi-monitor system. If someone could "screen capture" the appropriate menu screen(s) for a multi-monitor system and upload them to the Gallery so I can see what they look like, I'd appreciate it. If you are running Win 7 it is real easy (PM me if you need help).

Also, I am running a registered version of MA, so I don't know what the non-registered "registered" screen looks like, so If someone could upload it to the Gallery too, I'd appreciate it.

Thanks in advance.

harris 05-20-2010 07:57 PM

I hope the following statement isn't taken as negativity, divisiveness, or complaining, I'm just stating an observation.

JohnWho, after reading about all the changes and additions to the NEW readme file you are working on, it sounds as though it is morphing into something else - a "user manual".

If that is what it is becoming, maybe it should be included as such, and a more traditional readme file (concise, focusing on last minute changes, etc.) could also be included.

Just my two-cents about the matter, and in closing I would like to say; your hard work and contibutions have not gone unnoticed.

Excuse me while I put my flame retardant suit on. :)

JohnWho 05-20-2010 08:14 PM

I'm just going to submit what I create to Jim, and then handle it as he wishes if he wants changes.

If the biggest complaint ultimately is that it is too detailed, the fact that MA doesn't have a User Manual would make that a complaint that I won't mind.

Otherwise, I expect that no matter what I, or anyone else, would write, there will always be some who aren't happy with it.

Your observation is probably the same that I might make were the situation between us reversed, so I understand completely.

Can you help with the images I've requested?

JohnWho 05-20-2010 08:37 PM

Uh, you don't need a camera to capture the screen images I requested.

Otherwise, sorry to hear your camera is no longer operable.

Dale 05-20-2010 08:48 PM

No flames intended:


Originally Posted by harris (Post 121744)
JohnWho, after reading about all the changes and additions to the NEW readme file you are working on, it sounds as though it is morphing into something else - a "user manual".

Please take a look at the current readme.txt file, that you will find on your system at:

C:\Program Files\SereneScreen\Marine Aquarium 3\readme.txt

It runs 13KB, and about 4 printed pages.

To me, it looks very close to a "user manual" - and all that JohnWho is doing is making it more complete, including the latest features. I'm guessing it will run about 20 pages when he is done.

But anyhow - I'm interested in your opinion about whether he's starting with a classical "readme", or a "user manual", that was shipped (via download) with the software.


Originally Posted by harris (Post 121744)
If that is what it is becoming, maybe it should be included as such, and a more traditional readme file (concise, focusing on last minute changes, etc.) could also be included.

Yes, that would be a nice addition. Perhaps someone will volunteer to build that.

Ralph 05-20-2010 10:05 PM

2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by JohnWho (Post 121742)

I need a little help though regarding the "Display Settings" screens since I am not running a multi-monitor system. If someone could "screen capture" the appropriate menu screen(s) for a multi-monitor system and upload them to the Gallery so I can see what they look like, I'd appreciate it. If you are running Win 7 it is real easy (PM me if you need help).

Not sure if this is what you had in mind. I have two tabs under the "Display settings". Selecting the second tab (monitor) brings up the second screen capture. depending on the radio button selection under Monitor usage the Display mode may be grayed out. Under General Monitor settings I can select to have the same on both monitors or have one large spanned MA3 where the fish swim from one to the other.

How much this screen varies depending on my Video card I do not know, there are settings associated with the card that can complicate the settings found here. Specifically where the second monitor is positioned.. Left of main, right, above below top left... etc. Each case changes how MA3 behaves and one can get some very ugly effects.

harris 05-21-2010 06:04 AM


After reading the whole file my conclusion is that it is currently a "hybrid". The file is named "readme.txt" and for about half way through it looks like a traditional readme file, but begins to resemble a "user manual" as it progresses, albeit a condensed one.

Since the file is named "readme" and the header for the file itself is titled "Marine Aquarium 3.0 User's Guide" the author may have intentionally meant for it to be a "hybrid". It would be more eloquent, but more time consuming to break it into to entities - a readme file and a seperate user's guide/manual.

My original post was making an observation, and wondering what direction the file would/should take during its renovation by JohnWho. I am not trying to distract Jim from his primary mission of completing the next phase, or increasing JohnWho's workload unless they believe the end resullts would justify the increased effort.

If this answer "morphed" into a long winded reply, I'm sorry. :)

JohnWho 05-21-2010 06:44 AM

@ Ralph -

Most excellent. That is exactly what I was looking for regarding the multi-monitor screens. At least now I know what they look like and can understand the descriptions better in the current readme.

It would still be helpful if someone can capture the screen that shows on an unregistered installation.

JohnWho 05-21-2010 06:58 AM

@ harris -

I patterning what I'm doing very much on the current readme. Why mess with time-tested perfection? :)

Seriously, I'm being more detailed in some areas, so based on your impression of the current readme, what I produce will be even more "User Guide"- like. Is that a bad thing? I don't think so.

However, I'm not being self-centered on this. I'll pass it on to Jim, he'll look at it and make his decision on what to do with it. Even if he dumps the whole thing, I can still say I'm enjoying the time I'm spending on it. He is the "bottom line" on this and it isn't costing him a penny to allow me to do what I'm doing.

Plus, while I'm working on it, there is one less driver on the roads in Florida.

Win-win all around.


Nicki 05-21-2010 12:09 PM

Just had a look at the current read me file. I was wondering if there could be a glossary of frequently used terms? When I first got into virtual aquariums, I knew absolutely nothing about anti-aliasing, jaggies, integrated graphics etc. It took a lot of Googling and sifting through overly technical wikipedia pages for me to get an understanding of the basics.

JohnWho 05-21-2010 01:56 PM

Perhaps the next readme, Nicki, but not this time around (at least not from me).

In the interim, though, you'll get lots of information from Computer PC Glossary and Terminologies


Ralph 05-21-2010 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by JohnWho (Post 121753)
@ Ralph -
It would still be helpful if someone can capture the screen that shows on an unregistered installation.

I would be surprised if there was a difference. My understanding is that Jim wants everyone to be able to "test" all aspects of the "simulation". Registering "only" adds the number of fish one can have and... removes the need to type in test fish.... I think:D

JohnWho 05-21-2010 04:05 PM

Well, on the Registered version, clicking the "Register" button gives a "Thank you for registering....etc." screen.

I suspect clicking on "Register" on an Unregistered version gives some information on the registration process and the advantages of registering.

I'd just like to see it in an effort to be thorough, that's all.

Ralph 05-21-2010 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by JohnWho (Post 121761)
Well, on the Registered version, clicking the "Register" button gives a "Thank you for registering....etc." screen.

I suspect clicking on "Register" on an Unregistered version gives some information on the registration process and the advantages of registering.

I'd just like to see it in an effort to be thorough, that's all.

I removed my copy (via the registry) and then ran the "testfish" version. There is no difference in the "Display Settings" box. All the buttons and selections are exactly the same. As you mentioned some of the other tabs are different but nothing in the the display settings box.

JohnWho 05-21-2010 05:48 PM

And in the "Register" screen? Surely it doesn't say that the "testfish" version is a registered version, does it?

Ralph 05-21-2010 08:24 PM

3 Attachment(s)
No the "register" screen brings up the testfish box.

JohnWho 05-21-2010 08:37 PM

OK, that's what I was looking for.

Thanks Ralph.

Dale 05-21-2010 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by Ralph (Post 121760)
I would be surprised if there was a difference. My understanding is that Jim wants everyone to be able to "test" all aspects of the "simulation". Registering "only" adds the number of fish one can have and... removes the need to type in test fish.... I think:D

Not that it's vitally important, but for completeness it would be nice if the readme.txt said what the "unregistered" limits on the fish are. Did you happen to observe that?

Ralph 05-21-2010 10:27 PM

4 Attachment(s)
Okay.. here are a few more

JohnWho 05-22-2010 06:42 AM

Ralph -

I've "captured" all of the screens that are part of the Registered product except for the mulit-monitor and "Unregistered" screen that I requested in this thread, which I now have thanks to your efforts.

I do appreciate the above ""Register Today" Fish menu, too. I had forgotten what that looked like.

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