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Ralph 01-01-2009 11:59 AM

Fan issues
2 Attachment(s)
There are two places that the fan moves in front of the corral. in the first capture this section moves behind the corral depending on the movement of fan. The second area is actually in front of the corral all the time.. however a fish can in fact swim between the fan and behind this corral and cover the corral... as one would expect

Jim Sachs 01-01-2009 12:22 PM

I can see (and duplicate) the problem in the first picture, but not the second.

Ralph 01-01-2009 12:29 PM

1 Attachment(s)
The second is a bit strange in that it changes with the scrolling of the SS, it disappears and appears normal at some points Here is another capture... that tries to show a layer that shows the coral behind the fan... this translucent causing layer moves with the fan motion

cjmaddy 01-01-2009 12:41 PM

This will be another multi-screen effect, ..... we see much more and from a different angle, than with a single screen.

Jim Sachs 01-01-2009 12:44 PM

Ah, I see - more weird multi-screen angle stuff. OK, that one shouldn't be too hard to fix - I just have to change the positions of the fans a little.

cjmaddy 01-02-2009 09:50 AM

Another oddity with the fan that I have just noticed is...

In the MA3 Display Settings: If I select 'Display nothing on this monitor', for Monitor 1, (ie, MA3 is on the secondary monitor only), then the fan does not move at all. - Everything else works as normal, but the fan is stationary.

Doing the reverse, and showing MA3 on the primary monitor only, and the fan movement is normal.

Incidentally, if I check, 'Render same image on all monitors'. The fan then moves on both, but with a slightly less vigorous movement.

rctneil 01-02-2009 09:56 AM

I can confirm that this is also happening to me.

Also, I first set screen 1 to be blank and the fan did not move on screen 2, I then swapped them so screen 1 showed the aquarium but not screen 2 and the fan swayed normally (didn;t seem any slower) and then I went to put both screens back on and the aquarium crashed. I opened it back up and it's fine now.


Originally Posted by cjmaddy (Post 108968)
Another oddity with the fan that I have just noticed is...

In the MA3 Display Settings: If I select 'Display nothing on this monitor', for Monitor 1, (ie, MA3 is on the secondary monitor only), then the fan does not move at all. - Everything else works as normal, but the fan is stationary.

Doing the reverse, and showing MA3 on the primary monitor only, and the fan movement is normal.

Incidentally, if I check, 'Render same image on all monitors'. The fan then moves on both, but with a slightly less vigorous movement.

cjmaddy 01-02-2009 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by rctneil (Post 108969)
.... screen 1 showed the aquarium but not screen 2 and the fan swayed normally (didn;t seem any slower) ....

The situation where the movement appears to be slightly slower, is when both monitors are on but the, 'Render same image on all monitors', is checked.

rctneil 01-02-2009 10:18 AM

ah right, let me give that a go now!

Update: Doesn't seem any slower to me

Socrates 01-03-2009 01:04 AM

Are both the fans supposed to be identical objects at different abgles? Or am I seeing things?

cjmaddy 01-03-2009 04:28 AM

No, you're not seeing things! - That IS strange! - With 'Render same image on all monitors' checked, everything seems to be in sync except the Fan coral. :confused:

.... I suppose that could mean that the movement is truly random? - If so, well done, Jim!

Ralph 01-03-2009 09:11 AM

I agree that the movement "seems" to be NOT totally synchronized when render same image is checked. To me this is becomes more apparent if you hold down the F6 key... you get a kind of a fast motion SS... The second monitor fan has a very rhythmic repeated motion (the rear fan especially) On the main monitor this fan is not as rhythmic.

I think:D

After a few hours.. thinking:asleep:.. I am speculating that with "render same image on both screens" checked we are actually seeing a second copy.. with a few clock cycles apart.. maybe

Surferminn 01-05-2009 02:57 AM

My 2 cents. With the fan coral being the only moving coral, (in or out of rhythmic synchronization), it kinda indirectly emphasizes the fixed non-movment of the other corals like they're just things sitting there, not moving, not breathing not living. Not being anything particular if you catch my drift. Maybe not move the coral fan so much, perhaps more subtle movement?

Dale 01-05-2009 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by Surferminn (Post 109019)
My 2 cents. With the fan coral being the only moving coral, (in or out of rhythmic synchronization), it kinda indirectly emphasizes the fixed non-movment of the other corals like they're just things sitting there, not moving, not breathing not living. Not being anything particular if you catch my drift. Maybe not move the coral fan so much, perhaps more subtle movement?

...or maybe wait and see how it all looks, with the other things moving the way Jim has planned, before fine-tuning individual features.

cjmaddy 01-05-2009 10:36 AM

I'm with Minn, - I think it's movement needs sedating just a little! - It looks like it's in a storm at the moment.
.... It is after all in a tank. Not an ocean view in a rough sea! ;)

rctneil 01-05-2009 11:18 AM

This is a good point for the word "Options" to come into play.

Have a new settings dialog with sliders for each animated background object. The sliders can then adjust the animation for each individual object from not moving at all through to rapid movement. A checkbox could also be incorporated next to a new slider for "Linked Movement" so when that box is checked it greys out all the other sliders and gives a gloabl slider to control the animation speed of all objects to be the same.

This box would give users who desire full control to have it and less experienced or causal users to just run with the default settings. So the options are there for those who want it. I know it would add a bit of extra work but it would please all users.



Jav400 01-05-2009 11:22 AM

I already suggested that, and Jim said he would consider it. But, I seriously doubt there will be an individual slider for each object. More like maybe one global slider for all if it happens.

Socrates 01-05-2009 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by cjmaddy (Post 108987)
No, you're not seeing things! - That IS strange! - With 'Render same image on all monitors' checked, everything seems to be in sync except the Fan coral. :confused:

.... I suppose that could mean that the movement is truly random? - If so, well done, Jim!

I think we are talking about two different things. I wasn't mentioning the movement. I was noticing that there are two "leaves" of fan but they are actually identical textures just the models are turned at different angles.

cjmaddy 01-05-2009 02:26 PM

Ah yes! - I see what you mean. - The one at the rear could be slightly elongated?

Ralph 01-20-2009 10:05 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Jim Sachs (Post 108933)
Ah, I see - more weird multi-screen angle stuff. OK, that one shouldn't be too hard to fix - I just have to change the positions of the fans a little.

The fan movement is still in front of the coral just for a moment at the extreme edge of travel with 2 monitors... But any smearing seems to be fixed.. even with odd placement of second monitor

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