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feldon34 03-20-2003 03:06 PM

** SS Marine Aquarium 2.0 NEW FISH COMMENTS **

I'd like to hear your comments on the 5 new fish created by Ken @ Prolific. He is one of what will likely be a growing number of artists at Prolific contributing in different ways to SereneScreen products.

These contributions will always have approval from Jim Sachs before official release.

So, keeping in mind that this is an informal poll, what do you think of the new fish?

grape_jellyfish 03-20-2003 03:24 PM

I was pleased with most of the fish, the ones I did not care for was due to personal preference, not lack of quality, as for other artist creating fish/creatures, I have no problem with it as long as they keep the quality that Jim is well known for.

Sergiales 03-20-2003 03:29 PM

Very nice new fishes, i love the Squarespot Anthias.
Keep up the good work guys!.

ROBinLA 03-20-2003 04:03 PM

I love the Redfin Butterfly
Very pretty and unique looking.

Jav400 03-20-2003 04:08 PM

Wothout naming names, there are a couple there that are probably going to end up on my list of ones that I never choose. But the quality of the fish are good, and with Jim's final say so to alleviate any problems, they look fine to me.

Jim Sachs 03-20-2003 04:49 PM

Michael - The poll allows you to name names anonymously :)

Manymosi 03-20-2003 05:01 PM

Has anybody else had the problem with the Blue Ring Angelfish having see through eyes? Meaning you can see through them to whatever is behind the fish - coral, other fish etc. None of the other fish do this for me.

Jav400 03-20-2003 05:07 PM


I did. I voted for the one I like the best.:)


I saw a post about that somewhere else and have been watching mine but so far it is fine.

feldon34 03-20-2003 05:13 PM


Originally posted by Manymosi
Has anybody else had the problem with the Blue Ring Angelfish having see through eyes? Meaning you can see through them to whatever is behind the fish - coral, other fish etc. None of the other fish do this for me.

EddieWan 03-20-2003 06:30 PM

Personally I like em all! As long as Jim has final approve I have no problem with others doing fish.

nicb 03-20-2003 06:31 PM

I Love the new fish, the Square Spot is excellent.
They appear to be excellent quality. Compare them to the Regal Tang for example. Very smooth.
Who's gonna do a shark?

Lostboy 03-20-2003 07:21 PM

Ken did a great job on the new fish. I look forward to more in the future from him and any others that contribute. I’m also glad that Jim has the final say whether they can go in or not, so they’ll match his standards. There’s a couple fish that are bigger then the average fish in the tank. That’s great! Diversity is very good. If I were to pick the fish, I’d do it a little differently though, simply because of the color. Before these fish were added, the most color used was yellow and blue, and almost all the new fish and yellow and blue. But that’s no big deal. I’m sure when the tank is finished there will be lots of variety.

- Queen Angelfish: We’ve seen a few skins of this little guy so far, however I think this is the best looking version so far.

- Emperor Angelfish: Nice ‘n big!

- Blue Ring Angelfish: This guy has small little eyes that I don’t see move like the rest of the fish. But I’ll just assume it’s because they’re so small and black that I just don’t notice. However, I’m not getting the see-through problem like some are.

- Redfin Butterflyfish: The little spots of orange on this guy make him really nice to look at.

- Rock Beauty Angelfish: Most other fish have stripes or some other fancy patterns on them, but this guy is fairly plain. And I love that. If an aquarium had all plain fish, or all fancy looking fish it would get boring. But when you bring these styles of fish together, they compliment each other very nicely.

- Squarespot Anthias: This fish would be my favourite out of the new bunch. He’s a nice small colourful fish.

feldon34 03-20-2003 09:38 PM


Originally posted by Lostboy
- Rock Beauty Angelfish: Most other fish have stripes or some other fancy patterns on them, but this guy is fairly plain. And I love that.
The juveniles have quite a bit of texture in the black part and more yellow/orange.

Vish 03-20-2003 11:30 PM

As long as Jim approves the new fishes/features done by other artists, I am all for it...

Mollusc 03-21-2003 01:14 AM

I don't know if it is just me but the Rock Beauty Angel seems to lose his "nose" or lips as the colour blends with the background. It makes him look a little strange at some angles.:confused:

Apart from that they are all great. Keep up the good work.

IXNAY 03-21-2003 05:40 AM

I like the new fish, the quality is as good as of the other fishs made by Jim. I hope to see more fishs by other artists!

PaulsPics 03-21-2003 09:22 AM

new version 2
Terrific new vibrant colours, broght my screen alive , even if that was more possible . I love the fish and its now possible to have radical changes by selecting ' large fish ' for a period of time and then reverting back to the original ' smaller ones ' from the earlier version. In both its great to see that lovely Coral on the right side , BUT as I asked Feldon earlier by e-mail " I love MAT as well ".
Dear SS team,
Many, many thanks for sending me the new update, the new fish are great looking and really bring the old collection some vivid new colours. Easily installed , Yes I agree , Work so well and the fish picker is so easy to use , like the one in MAT . Now I have difficulty in determining which one to use as my screen saver ! MAT looked so good as well even if a bit jumpy. SO MY BIG QUESTION - Is it possible to 'export' some of these lovely new fish to the Marine screen Time that I have still left running ??? hope so , if so , by what process or action ?

Feldon reply was dissapointing " Unfortunately, it is not possible to transfer Fish from one program to the other. Sorry for the dissapointment. " So now I have to decide which great screen saver do I run today .
I suppose in the long run we will have the best of both worlds .
Great work , love seeing it, but I'm not getting much work done !!
Paul s
PS I will cc this to the MAT thred as well for others info .

GMarowski 03-21-2003 09:41 AM


I think you should have added one more line to the poll...

"Would like to see more fish done by other artists, screened and approved by Jim Sachs himeslf"

I think we have come to expect his level of competence and perfection. I think it's become the standard that everyone expects. Anything else, well would be unacceptable.

But Jim has other projects to work on and cannot do all the fish himself as well. This we understand. So in my opinion, if Jim looks at it, agrees that it passes his standards, well that's good enough for me.

I love all the new fish, and feel they all hold to the standard very well. My complements to the artist/s involved.

Thanks again to all involved in producing such an awesome screensaver. Your efforts are much appreciated.

(By the way Feldon, take a quick pat on the back for yourself for giving us all a place to sound off. Your work here is also greatly appreciated, though not widely acknowledged).


PaulsPics 03-21-2003 10:07 AM

Hear, Hear from Pauls Pics

Sorry for my earlier post . I should remember you as Morgan my post was incorretly named after your e-mail

Paul S

Jav400 03-21-2003 10:29 AM


As far as your concerns, even though Jim may not be making all of the fish available, he does retain the right to veto or adjust and make comments about any fish that will be added to the screensaver. So if you see it there, he has already approved it. :)

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