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memilm 04-09-2002 03:25 AM

Some discusfish blue and red, and some goldfish orange and black would be soooo .... nice!

IXNAY 04-18-2002 02:23 AM

so go to the wishlist and post some pics :)

Jim Sachs 04-18-2002 10:43 AM

There will be Discus. There will not be goldfish.

drfish 04-18-2002 11:12 AM


Tiny Turtle 04-18-2002 11:57 AM


IXNAY 04-18-2002 12:33 PM

Yes that's good, goldfishs are ugly :D

memilm 04-19-2002 03:13 AM

Discus blue-red-brown-green?
1 Attachment(s)
Will be included some of this discus-fish???

Yellow Tang 04-19-2002 05:52 AM

Wow! They look all great. Nice pic. Let Jim choose the right one, i like No. 4.

IXNAY 04-19-2002 06:31 AM

Yes I agree with Yeallo Tang, they are great. So colourfull, maybe we can have one model with different skins for this one too.
Didn't knew that there are so many different types.

Tiny Turtle 04-19-2002 08:28 AM

How about letting Morgan throw one of his Poll/Excel parties on which is better?

patscarr 04-19-2002 07:55 PM

Ixnay, you've mentioned different skins a few times now. I don't think that will ever be an option.

Jav400 04-19-2002 09:18 PM

The skin changing will probably never happen. I've never been a big fan of fresh water aquarium's, I never thought that the look of the fish measured up to the saltwater species. But, those look pretty good to me, I may have to recant my opinion.

As far as the poll goes, I think currently we are only allowed 15 choices on the forum polls, I'll have to go into the Admin. settings and see if we can do anything about that since there are 20 choices here. You may be right that this one might have to be a separate poll to find out which one people like the best.

EVERRET 04-19-2002 11:35 PM

Cool photo's, I liked 1 - 15 - 19 the best but i hope we could put it to a vote.:TU:

hpman77 04-20-2002 01:37 PM

My favourite, without doubt, number 15. it's aaawesome.

Tiny Turtle 04-20-2002 02:15 PM

Then again a poll might be pointless. Remember that Jim has to get textures for his fish and might have to use what's available. The Picasso Trigger, for instance, is made up of three (I think) different fish. Let's not paint him into a corner (OK, that's what the whole wishlist thread is about, but how about a not so small corner then?)

/Tiny Corner

Jav400 04-21-2002 02:50 AM

Jim couldn't find 1 good photo of the Picasso Trigger so he had to use several and do some work and make 1 from it. We could probably at least do a poll and let him know which one is everyone's favorite. It would point him in the right direction, but it doesn't mean that he could find what he needs to do it for us.

feldon34 04-24-2002 10:41 AM


IXNAY said:

So colourfull, maybe we can have one model with different skins for this one too.
No, I agree with this one.

I'd like to see a half dozen Discus using the same skin. I'd hate to be limited to one.

Re: the saltwater Aquarium, a Facula butterfly is the same shape as a Threadfin Butterfly, and an Emperor Angel juvenile is the same shape as a Koran Angel juvenile. I think the effort put into the models could be maximized by adding more skins to the same model.

drfish 04-24-2002 10:56 AM

I really hope he does that too. I wasn't around when the salt water aquarium was first released but from what I gather it certainly didn't start out with the 21 fish it has now. Depending on how easy it is, it would be nice to have a few different Discus skins to fill out the freshwater tank a little when it makes its debut.

How many did the saltwater come with at first anyway? I'm curious about what to expect... I read about a new fish every month for a while or something... Is there a History of SSA thread around anywhere? I'm very curious. What can we expect from the first release of the freshwater tank (not features, but the process of rolling it out)? I'll be quiet now; this should go in another thread...

Lightfeather 04-24-2002 02:37 PM

I like all the blue ones but number 15 has to be my favorite. I love those cool sky blue and light purple colors with the warm yellow highlights and dark black contour lines.

Jav400 04-24-2002 02:58 PM


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