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cjmaddy 04-13-2008 06:07 AM

Should MA3 have default music?
Should MA3 have default music? -

Default music, or...

Default bubbles. (Sound)

(Your own music would still be an option in place of either)

Ralph 04-13-2008 10:22 AM

The way I would see it... default bubbles are a natural and expected part of an aquarium. In the setup part of the program.. which everyone will have to enter anyway.. the option for music and all it's parameters can be selected.

Jim Sachs 04-13-2008 10:59 AM

While developing the music feature, I have become so accustomed to hearing it start when the Aquarium does, that it seems jarringly absent when it's not there. Bear in mind that I have the volume very low, and excellent MIDI sounds on this computer. When I listen to it on my laptop, the sound is obnoxious. Therefore, if I decide to continue with music capability for MA3, I'll need to include custom samples in the program so that I can maintain control over what people are actually hearing.

Yodelking 04-13-2008 01:33 PM

Default bubbles, but I really like the ability to change it to the music I want to hear while relaxing and enjoying MA.

Jim Sachs 04-13-2008 02:34 PM

Is no one paying attention? You will have the ability to make your own playlists.

cjmaddy 04-13-2008 04:45 PM

Isn't YK just saying that he likes that ability? ;) - As indeed I do!

NaaMar 04-14-2008 06:09 AM

Fish don't make music... they make bubbles (well, mine does).

jleslie 04-14-2008 02:16 PM

Do I want to make playlists, rather than have Winamp open and just click on which track I want next? I think probably not. That's not an anti-default music vote, perhaps if the music were particularly aquatic and different I could have it on when I wanted - but having an independant-of-the-rest-of-the-system volume control would be good, so can have it low if I want it and not have everything else low too...

Tiny Turtle 04-14-2008 04:18 PM

I believe a whole lot of people vote on this poll and think they voted on whether or not they will have music or bubbles themselves which isn't the question. It's about what will be on the first time MA3 starts up after installation.

Jim Sachs 04-14-2008 04:53 PM

TT - I believe you are right, though Cliff attempted to make it clear.

John - The interface for building a playlist is pretty simple: just find a sound file somewhere on your machine, click on it, and it plays. Probably not that much different from WinAmp (though I've never actually seen it). The default music is Pachelbel's Canon. I had originally planned to use Saint-Saens' Aquarium, but there were a few problems (too short, for one thing). There is an independant volume control. I like it barely-audible.

RA 04-14-2008 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by Tiny Turtle
I believe a whole lot of people vote on this poll and think they voted on whether or not they will have music or bubbles themselves which isn't the question. It's about what will be on the first time MA3 starts up after installation.

Hey everybody! Hope you all are doing fine; haven't posted for a while, but have to respond to this thread (and to Tiny's post, just to show how I voted).

I have been following the making of MA3 and am waiting in anticipation for Jim's beta. It can't appear any too soon for me.

I voted for bubbles as default. I know that Jim is working on having music for the aquarium and I can only speak for myself, but I am personally against ANY music in the aquarium. This is an aquarium; I enjoy the aquarium for itself, not by it being able to play any music. I also would hate to see it ruined by having ANY default music (forgive me, Jim, whether it be classical or otherwise). The sound of bubbles is acceptable to me, but having music playing at the start is unacceptable. Please, Jim, have the MA3 default to no sound or at the most to bubbles.

I understand of course, that there will be an option to disable the sound.

I'm a purist when I enjoy aquariums. Bubbles are ok; music is not.

For the record, I turn off the bubbles on all aquariums. Bubbles are more or less natural in a home aquarium, music is not.

patscarr 04-14-2008 06:08 PM

It was clear to me when I voted for bubbles.

cjmaddy 04-15-2008 04:30 AM

Whatever the possible misinterpretation, it wouldn't affect the meaning of the result so far. ie, The voters prefer bubbles!

Jav400 04-15-2008 04:41 AM

Yeah, but don't forget it is Jim's work and he gets the final say. After all his sweat I think he has earned it.

Tiny Turtle 04-15-2008 05:45 AM


Originally Posted by cjmaddy
Whatever the possible misinterpretation, it wouldn't affect the meaning of the result so far. ie, The voters prefer bubbles!

Um, yes it does.

Whether or not you and I can be bothered to turn off the music if and when we want to is a non-issue. The reason Jim wants it on as default is for the people who haven't even figured out you can switch between fish in MA2.

The fact that they have missed it does in my opinion prove the fact that a new approach to new users has to be taken (ie a really pretty and colorful splash screen the first time telling the user about the features), but it still changes the meaning of the voting result. Users voting here that the wouldn't use the midi track themselves are missing the point as I figure anyone who has taken the trouble to come here in the first place is interested/competent enough to manage to find the settings screen.

What if this splash screen will come up every single time the program starts until they finally press the space bar (which of course would be the primary message of the splash screen) and thus discover the settings at least once?

cjmaddy 04-15-2008 06:43 AM

Michael, - I'm only pointing out that Jim's and Tiny's beliefs would not change the result. I'm well aware that this is only a debating opportunity, not a democracy. :)

Tiny, - No it doesn't. - This poll is simply, Should MA3 have default music? - nothing more, nothing less.

If you wish it to mean something different, then I'm sure you are free to start your own poll.

SunKing 04-15-2008 07:26 AM

Can we have both bubbles and music?

feldon34 04-15-2008 07:35 AM

Amazing how soothing music brings Cliff and Calle to blows...

cjmaddy 04-15-2008 08:24 AM

It is amazing how it always happens. - I make a suggestion, or upload a post or a picture, that appears to meet with a degree of universal success. But I know and said only yesterday, - This won't last, it will only be a matter of time before someone feels compelled to shoot it all down. - It's happened before, and I'm sure it will happen again. - Ah well, such is life! :)

But even I didn't expect 26:1 ...... It must have touched a nerve somewhere.

Morgan, I promise I will be soothing on this thread for the remainder of its run. - Post some BPMS pics, and change the subject. ;) This subject has run its course!

Jim Sachs 04-15-2008 09:38 AM

26 to 1 - so it's about even then. Math never was my thing :)

As a statistical sample, the poll had be be extremely skewed. By thier very presence in the Forum, everyone has proven to be computer-savvy enough to find their way here. It's kind of like asking a group of geniuses if idiots should be allowed to vote. Also, I'm convinced that not one of you has heard the music in its intended fidelity.

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